WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001


[Name, Title]


Dear [Name]:

We have reviewed the final revisions to the [State Name] regulations [identify the regulations using the title or description given by the State], received by our office on [Date]. These regulations were reviewed by comparison to the equivalent Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules in 10 CFR Parts [List the appropriate 10 CFR Parts] and the requirements of the [number submitted] amendments identified in the enclosed State Regulation Status (SRS) Data Sheet. We discussed our review of the regulations with [name of State person contacted] on [Date].

As a result of our review, we have no comments. Please note that we have limited our review to regulations required for compatibility and/or health and safety. We have determined that the regulations, as adopted, meet the compatibility and health and safety categories established in the Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME) Procedure SA-200, “Compatibility Categories and Health andSafety Identification for NRC Regulations and OtherProgram Elements.”

The SRS Data Sheet summarizes our knowledge of the status of other [State] regulations and legally binding requirements, as indicated. Please let us know if you note any inaccuracies, or have any comments on the information contained in the SRS Data Sheet. This letter, including the SRS Data Sheet, is posted on the FSME website:

[RATS ID: 2013-1for States with licensees with NRC Security Orders only – Check with State Regulation Review Coordinator for additional guidance]

[Additionally, please note that NRC has previouslyissued certain security Orders to [number] [State] licensees. We have not listed the names of the licensees in this letter because that information is Official Use Only and cannot be made publicly available. Because the NRC-issued Orders are still legally binding, they must be rescinded by NRC concurrent with State’s promulgation of final regulations. Accordingly, close coordination is needed between NRC and your office to ensure there are no conflicts, duplications, or gaps regarding the security-related requirements for these licensees. Please contact the [Branch Chief], Source Management and Protection Branch, FSME for information regarding the affected State licensees and for coordination with rescission of the NRC-issued Orders for these licensees after State’s promulgation.]

X. Name-2-

If you have any questions regarding the review results, the compatibility and health and safety categories, or any of the NRC regulations used in the review, please contact [name] State Regulation Review Coordinator, at [phone number] () or [Name of reviewer or other contact] at [phone number] ().


[Name], Deputy Director

Division of Materials Safety and State Agreements

Office of Federal and State Materials

and Environmental Management Programs


[State] SRS Data Sheet

X. Name-2-

If you have any questions regarding the review results, the compatibility and health and safety categories, or any of the NRC regulations used in the review, please contact [name] State Regulation Review Coordinator, at [phone number] () or [Name of reviewer or other contact] at [phone number] ().


[Name], Deputy Director

Division of Materials Safety and State Agreements

Office of Federal and State Materials

and Environmental Management Programs


[State] SRS Data Sheet

DISTRIBUTION:SP[05, 07 or 08]

DIR RF (Tracking number)

[Name], RSAO

[State] File

NAME / [Reviewer] / [SSR Coordinator] / [Legal Counsel] / [Branch Chief] / [Deputy Director]

ML [number] OFFICIAL RECORD COPYPackage ML [number]