ACPRC Treasurers Report
For the period 1st January to 31st December 2013
Financial Results for the year
The accounts for the year of 2013 show a deficit in income of £4593.40. This compares with the surplus income that was obtained of £10,708.95 and £14,661.09 in 2012 and 2011 respectively.
No capitation fees were paid in 2013, these fees are expected to be paid in 2014 and will contribute to the cost of publishing and printing the annual ACPRC journal for members.
Subscription income has increased to £34,700.00 in 2013, compared with £34435.00 in 2012. This is despite subscription fees being frozen at £40 for a number of years. The ACPRC plans to freeze membership subscriptions at £40 for the forthcoming year.
This year held the 2013 ACPRC Bi-Annual Conference. Overall, the conference produced a deficit of £4015.98.
The significant surplus of income generated from previous years has meant development work on the ACPRC website was able to start in September 2013. This project will enable members to navigate the website more easily in addition to enabling members to apply for ACPRC courses and conferences online.
The annual membership to the ACPRC nowalso includes membership to the International Confederation of Cardio-Respiratory Physical Therapists (ICCrPT).
Further detail can be seen in the Final Accounts breakdown.
The Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2013
The balance sheets reflect the assets, liabilities and sources of funding, on the last day of the financial year. The accounts show there was £41,172.40 in the bank account at the close of 2013. This compares with £45,765.80 in 2012 and£35,056.85 in 2011.
Melanie Curtis
ACPRC Treasurer 2013
ACPRCACCOUNTS FOR PERIOD: / 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013
Income & Expenditure Account
2012 / 2013
£ / £
SUBS / 34,435.00 / 34,700.00
CAP FEES / 4,662.00 / -
BANK INTEREST / 21.93 / 40.32
Oncall and Website / -
COURSE FEES / 3,368.78 / 373.72
CONFERENCE FEES / - / 14,126.00
other / 474.00 / 3,522.00
TOTAL INCOME / 42,961.71 / 52,762.04
EXPENDITURE / 2012 / 2013
AWAY DAY / 1,940.50 / 1,311.90
catering and sustenance / 1,840.33 / 109.35
TRAVEL + ACCOM / 1,557.20 / 2,747.87
Printing and graphic design / 6,020.64 / 5,834.98
Stationary and website& Post / 3,009.73 / 12,973.91
courses / 2,498.64 / 790.00
conference / - / 18,141.98
bank charges Inc Smart debit system / 627.96 / 1,006.26
Honourarium / 1,850.00 / 2,300.00
OTHER incl secretariat / 12,907.76 / 12,139.19
TOTAL EXPENDITURE / 32,252.76 / 57,355.44
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR PERIOD / 10,708.95 / (4,593.40)
Balance Sheet
2012 / 2013
Assets / £ / £
BANK: CURRENT ACC / 2,946.79 / 6,906.36
BANK: DEPOSIT ACC / 42,819.01 / 34,266.04
45,765.80 / 41,172.40
Funded by
OPENING RESERVES / 35,056.85 / 6,906.36
SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR PERIOD / 10,708.95 / 34,266.04
45,765.80 / 41,172.40
We certify that the contained accounts show a true and fair view of the Associations affairs.
Chairman...... Catherine Thompson
Treasurer.....Melanie Curtis
I have certified that these account balances reflect the bank account statements and other information supplied.
Martine Moody Accounts Auditor