$10,000 Feel the Heat Craps Tournament
Diamond Jo Worth Casino, LLC is requesting the approval of the following tournament under IRGC administrative rule 491-11.6.
The Feel the Heat Craps Tournament will take place on Sunday, December 28, 2014 with registration beginning at 9am.
Ø The Buy-In for this tournament will be $75 and can be paid for in cash or gaming chips. If a player does not advance in a qualifying round, they may than do an additional $50. $5 from each buy-in will be allocated towards dealer tips.
Ø BConnected Club Members can earn 1 free entry by accumulating at least 15 hours of rated craps play in December, have a $250 ADT (based on 3 or more trips) from December 1 – 27 or by being an assigned player to a Casino Host. Free entries are non-transferable.
Qualifying Rounds: 11am, 12pm, 1pm and 2pm
All first round sessions will consist of one craps table with up to sixteen players at the table. Each player will start with $500 in tournament chips and play craps for 25 rolls of the dice. Official roll count will be held by the Tournament Director, who will announce when the players are to start, will announce when there are 5 rolls left, and will announce when to stop play.
Player position at craps table will be drawn directly after registering. The player who will first shoot the dice will be determined by random drawing prior to beginning tournament. Each player will bet in sequential order starting with the player next to stick person on each side and moving in a counter-clockwise to the left of the stick person or clockwise direction to the right of the stick person. The base person will point to the player who must make all of his or her bets and then signal by waving their hand or other acceptable signal that they are finished. The base person will then point to the next player and so on until all of the player’s bets are set. After the next roll the betting process is repeated this time starting with the player next to the previous player, who will now bet first. Each player may elect to leave all of their bets set from the prior roll or move all of them with the exception of the Pass line bet. The pass line bets must remain until the point is made or a seven out occurs.
The betting minimums and limits will remain the same throughout the session. The minimum bet will be $5.00 and the maximum bet will be $500. One-dollar ($1) wagers are allowed to be bet on all prop bets. The Prop bet minimum and maximum will be $1 to $100. Players must have their tournament chips in the rail, separated by color so they are easily identified by other players. Players must leave their chips in open view of other players and the box-person at all time. All craps rules for this tournament will be the same as Diamond Jo Casino’s normal approved craps rules. All decisions of the Tournament Director are final.
At the end of the each first round session the top 2 players from each side with the highest total value in tournament chips will advance to the second round. The semi-final round will have 20 players consisting of 16 winners from the semi-final round plus 4 players drawn at random as wild cards See Wildcard Drawing rules below). All of the tournament chips are brought back into the box person and verified.
Semi-Final Rounds: 3pm and 4pm
The semi-final round will have two sessions. Each session will consist of one table with up to ten players at the table. In the semi-final round, each player will still receive $500 in tournament chips and play will be identical as described in the Qualifying Rounds.
At the end of each semi-final round session the top 4 players from each table with the highest total value in tournament chips will advance to the final round. All of the tournament chips are brought back into the box person and verified.
Final Round: 5pm
The final round will consist of one table with ten players. The ten will include the 8 players who advanced from the Semi -Final round plus 2 wildcard draws (See Wildcard Drawing rules below). Each player will receive $500 in tournament chips and play for 20 rolls. After 20 rolls, a number of rolls based on the number of players who still remain with tournament chips will be announced and played.
(Examples: after 20 rolls if all 10 players still have tournament chips left then there will be 10 more rolls or a seven out, whichever comes first. If only 6 players remain with chips then 6 rolls or a seven out, whichever comes first and so on.) After the appropriate number of rolls or a seven out, whichever, occurs first, the top player with the highest total value in tournament chips will be declared the 1st Place winner.
The prize breakdown for first through tenth place will be as follows and all winnings will be paid with Gaming and Promo Chips:
1st Place $5,000 in Cash
2nd Place $2,000 in Cash
3rd Place $1,000 in Cash
4th Place $ 650 in Cash
5th Place $ 350 in Cash
6th Place $ 300 in Promo Chips
7th Place $ 250 in Promo Chips
8th Place $ 200 in Promo Chips
9th Place $ 150 in Promo Chips
10th Place $ 100 in Promo Chips
In the event of a tie after any session regardless of the round, including the final, there will be a playoff. The playoff is handled as follows: the players involved in the tie are each given $500 in tournament chips and there will be three rolls. The players will bet in sequential order alternating from player to player. The Box person will assign an odd or even to the tied players and roll dice to determine who bets first. After the three rolls the player with the highest total value in tournament chips wins the tie.
Players will be required to fill out all applicable tax forms and supply a valid picture ID before final cash prizes are distributed. Each winner will be required to supply valid US Government issued photo ID, or Government issued Passport.
Hard Ways Second Chance Drawing
The semi-final and final rounds will have players consisting of winners from the previous round plus players drawn at random as wild cards. The semi-final round will have 20 players consisting of 16 winners from the semi-final round plus 4 players drawn at random as wild cards. Qualifying round players who failed to advance to the semi-final round will have a chance to get into the semi-finals by having their ticket drawn from a barrel consisting of all qualifying round participants that failed to advance. This drawing will be conducted following the last qualifying round. Once the names are drawn, it will be announced over the casino’s PA system three times including which semi-final round they are being drawn for. Two individuals will be drawn for semi-final round 1 and two individuals will be drawn for semi-final round 2. Those individuals will have three minutes to show up at the tournament area to claim his/her spot. If the player doesn’t show up in three minutes we will draw another name and repeat the procedure. This will be done three times. Based on a max of 4 first round sessions with 4 players advancing and 4 wild card entries, a total of 20 players will be eligible to advance to the semi-final round.
The final round will have 10 players consisting of 8 winners from the semi-final round plus 2 players drawn at random as wild cards. Semi-final players who failed to advance to the final round will have a chance to get into the finals by having their ticket drawn from a barrel consisting of all semi-final participants that failed to advance. This drawing will be conducted following the last semi-final round. Once the names are drawn, it will be announced over the casino’s PA system three times. Those individuals will have five minutes to show up at the tournament area to claim his/her spot. If the player doesn’t show up in five minutes we will draw another name and repeat the procedure. This will be done three times. If only one or no player from the Wildcard Drawing reports in time to claim a seat in the finals, the finals will go with just the semi-final winners placed and any player who reported timely.
The Diamond Jo Worth Casino requests approval of the “Hard Ways Second Chance Drawing” as a gambling game under administrative rule 491-11.5(4) and certifies that non-monetary consideration is at least equal to the value of prizes awarded, therefore this gambling game has no reportable impact on adjusted gross revenue for the wagering tax purpose.
· A set of rules will be posted at the drawing area.
· Employees of the Diamond Jo Casino are not eligible.
· All entry deposited in the drawing barrel will be retained for 30 days.
· Must be 21 or older to participate.
· Management reserves the right to change any promotion with the approval of IRGC.
· The Diamond Jo Casino is not responsible for lost, damaged, or misplaced entry forms.
· It is the responsibility of the guest to write information on the entry form legibly. If management cannot read the name, the entry form will be considered void.
· Winners may be required to show valid state-issued picture identification.