Instructions: Notification Form for a New or Newly Acquired Exempt Activity Pursuant to 310 CMR 16.03:
Asphalt, Brick and Concrete Recycling; Tire Chipping, Shredding or Other Tire Processing;
Small Composting Operations not at a Residence; or Municipal Food Material Collection Center
Completion and submission of this notification form will satisfy the notification requirements for activities exempt from Solid Waste Site Assignment pursuant to 310 CMR 16.03. These activities include: Asphalt, Brick and Concrete Recycling (16.03(2)(b)5); Tire Chipping, Shredding or Other Tire Processing (16.03(2)(b)6); Small Composting Operations not at a Residence (16.03(2)(c)2); and Municipal Food Material Collection Centers (16.03(2)(c)3). The owner or operator will file this notification with the MassDEP Boston Office and with the local Board of Health at least thirty (30) days prior to commencing activities.
MassDEP (Main Telephone: 617-292-5500)
Bureau of Waste Prevention
Attn: Solid Waste Program -16.03Notification of Exempt Activity
One Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108
For the complete text of the regulation, see:
This notification form is only applicable for the following types of activities pursuant to 310 CMR 16.03.
- Asphalt, Brick and Concrete Recycling (310 CMR 16.03(2)(b)5.)
- Tire Chipping, Shredding or Other Tire Processing (310 CMR 16.03(2)(b)6.)
- Small Composting Operations not at a Residence (310 CMR 16.03(2)(c)2.)
- Municipal Food Material Collection Centers (310 CMR 16.03(2)(c)3.)
The owner or operator (as defined in 310 CMR 16.02) will complete this notification form for the activity.
Complete the appropriate sections of the form for your type of activity:
- Sections I-IV and V for Asphalt, Brick and Concrete Recycling.
- Sections I-IV and VI for Tire Chipping, Shredding or Other Tire Processing.
- Sections I-IV and VII for Small Composting Operations not at a Residence.
- Sections I-IV and VIII for Municipal Food Collection Centers.
- Section IX will be completed all applicants.
If the activity does not meet the requirements for notificationin 310 CMR 16.03, it is not eligible for Notification pursuant to 310 CMR 16.03 but may be eligible for a General Permit pursuant to 310 CMR 16.04 or for a Recycling, Composting, or Conversion (RCC) Permit pursuant to 310 CMR 16.05.
The owner or operator completing this notification form should make and keep a signed copy of the completed notification form for record keeping purposes.
Remember that it is your responsibility to keep your activity in compliance with all applicable environmental protection requirements at all times. You may be subject to enforcement action if you do not comply with the applicable requirements.
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