“This Much We Know”

Friday, April 27 – Sunday, April 29, 2018

Trinity United Church, Napanee, ON(and other area churches)

I will be attending this Annual MeetingI will not be attending this Annual Meeting


A Conference Directory is provided free of charge to each Pastoral Charge and members of the Conference Executive for the upcoming year. A Directory can be purchased for $10.00 (includes postage). Please indicate your wish to purchase a Directory by checking below, andinclude payment with your registration.

 I wish to purchase the 2018 Directory. (Please complete Section 12.)

2. The Volume 1 Reports will be available on the Conference website at

We will only be sending the Volume 1 in the mail to those who require a hard copy. Please indicate your wish to receive a hard copy of Volume 1 in the mail. Volume 1 will available the first week of April or before.

 I wish to receive a hard copy of Volume 1 in the mail.


(The address/email/telephone you provide is forthe Conference Directory and Conference Mailings.)

I authorize this information to be published in the Conference Directory: Yes No


Name: ______

Address:______City:______Postal Code:______

Telephone: Home: ______Telephone: Home: ______Work: ______Fax: ______

E-mail Address: ______Church Web Site Address: ______

Official Name of your Pastoral Charge: ______Official Name of your Pastoral Charge: ______Presbytery: ______

STATUS: (please circle)

Ministry Personnel Lay Member

Ordained Minister Diaconal SupplyCandidateLay Delegate

Diaconal MinisterOrdinandIntern SupplyYouth Delegate

DLM RecognizedDesignandRetiredRegistered Guest

DLM Not RecognizedCommissionandInterim Minister

Student SupplyUnited SupplyOther: ______

Ordained SupplyCandidate Supply




PLEASE ENSURE THAT THIS FORMWITH YOUR CHEQUE (IF APPLICABLE), IS RECEIVED ATTHE CONFERENCE OFFICE BY MARCH 8, 2018. After that date, meals cannot be guaranteed. In order to ensure the receipt of Volume I and the Docket, you must register in advance.

REGISTERED GUEST/SPECTATOR: A Registered Guest is someone who does not fit into one of the categories in Section 3 but still wishes to attend the meeting and receive the materials. A fee of $15 entitles a registered guest to the registration package, including the docket, and registration on the Roll of Conference. See Section 12. Spectators are welcome at no cost but will not be registered and will not receive any materials.

5. BILLETTINGIf you require a billet, please callPeggy Akey at 613-331-1172or and she will arrange this for you. (Billet hosts do not provide meals.)

6.CHILDCARE PROGRAM (Childrenage 3 and under)The cost of the program is $15.00 per day per child. Please send this registration form noting your need for this program as early as possible, so that we can provide adequate caregivers. There is no meal charge for children in the childcare program. Children must be pre-registered to receive childcare – it would be helpful if parents called ahead of registering.

Yes, I want to enrol my child(ren) in the Childcare Program

Name and age of child(ren) ______

7.CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROGRAMS: The Children’s Program (ages 4–11)registration form is available from your Presbytery Secretary and on the Conference website. Children register separately. Please return the children’s registration form with

your form(s).

The Youth Programs will be two groups: one for Grades 6-8 and one for Grades 9-12. Youth Register separately. The costs for the youth programs include the meal plan including a supper on Fridayeveningwhich is not part of the regular meal plan. Due to thehigh cost of running the youth programs there is a Youth Forum Support Fund (YFSF) tohelp subsidizethe cost for families to ensure that any youth wishing to participate will not be excluded for financial reasons. Please consider donating to this fund (Section 12).

8.MEAL PLANand RETIREE’S BANQUET: The Meal Plan consists of lunch on Friday,lunch and dinner on Saturday. Meals may not be purchased separately The Retirees Banquet, isnotincluded in the meal plan. The Meal Plan is $55.00 and the Retiree’sBanquet is $30.00.(Section 12). There will be a free will offering for a luncheon to be offered after the Celebration of Ministry Service.

I shall require a special diet. Please give details: (Vegetarians,vegans please specify type)______


9. ACCOMMODATION: Delegates will need to arrange their own accommodation for this Annual Meeting. There are several hotels and campgrounds in Napanee and vicinity. A list is provided separately and on the Conference website.

10.RURAL BBQ: The Rural Life Committeewill once again be hosting a BBQ on the Thursday Evening before ConferenceAnnual Meeting. This event is open toboth lay and clergy. The cost for this event willbe $25.00. (Section 12). Thisevent willbe hosted byAdolphustown-Conway PC. Check the website for details on time and speakers:

11.SPECIAL NEEDS: Please indicate any special needs for the meeting space ie. Hearing assistance______


12.PAYMENT IN ADVANCE (REQUIRED) Please indicate the number required and the total cost.

Rural Life BBQ (Section 10) _____@ $25.00$ ______

Meal Plan(Section 8) _____ @ $55.00 $ ______

Meal plan doesnot include Friday RetireesBanquet.

Retirees Banquet: (Section 8) _____ @ $30.00$ ______

Childcare Program: (Section6) _____@ $15.00/day$ ______

Registered Guest: (Sections 3/4) _____ @ $15.00$ ______

Conference Directory: (Section 1) _____ @ $10.00$ ______

Donation to Youth Forum Support Fund (YFSF) (Section 7) $ ______

TOTAL:$ ______

Please attach a cheque/money order made payable to “BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE” or pay online with your registration.


If you are ministry personnel please fill out a registration form regardless of attendance. Presbyteries and Conference require the information gathered for our rolls and directory.

Any questions? Please contact the Conference Office at: 25 Holloway St., Belleville, ON K8P 1N8

Telephone: 1-888-759-2444 (toll free within Conference boundaries) or 613-967-0150

Facsimile: 613-967-1934 Email:

“The use, retention and disclosure of personal information collected from this form is done in compliance with privacy legislation including, but not limited to, The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (2000, c.5).