How to find your lost cat:
Do you know that most lost cats are found within a 4 block radius of their normal territory? While most cats operate on a predator mode in normal life, when they become frightened or hurt they switch to prey mode. That means that they will seek a tiny dark space and hide in silence for up to 12 days!
Keep in mind that the stray hold period for an animal without ID (Microchip or ID collar) can be ONLY 72 hours! (Some shelters have a longer stray hold period). DON’T WAIT! File missing cat reports with every shelter in the county, and follow up regularly. If it has been a while, you might want to check to see if your cat has passed stray hold and been put up for adoption.
The best way to find your cat is to launch an aggressive physical search of the immediate area while understanding that the cat might be close by but hiding in silence.
What to do:
Ask your neighbors for permission to search their property. The best time of day to search is dusk and dawn. Bring a flashlight to look for eye shine.
Keep your energy level as calm as possible. If you feel the need to speak while searching, keep it to a low conversational tone. The key is to be as soothing as possible.
Be prepared to get dirty. Search under houses, sheds, bushes, woodpiles, inside of sheds and garages… Anywhere a cat could conceivably smash itself into. Use a flashlight to look for eye shine. Do not expect your cat to give away his/her location with sound.
We recommend you follow up withallshelters in the county. Some people are not aware where to bring a found cat. Cats can also sometimes be transported (on purpose, or accidentally) to an area far away!
Resources: 5+5+55 poster Insert flyer Missing Pet Partnership is a fantastic organization with some very valuable tips on how to find a missing pet. We highly advise posting the 5+5+55 posters at the surrounding intersections that the cat was last seen.Please pay special attention to “Recovery Tips” and the section titled “Lost Cat Shelter Tip Sheet” social media: Ask anyone you know to share his/her photo. You would be amazed how many animals have been re-united this way! Consider posting to Sonoma Pets Alive. Post a lost cat ad with the same details listed above. Post several photos from different angles to show any special markings. Don't forget to look through the found pet postings.