Passionatley Mild Version

Ask the questions below to party guests. Every time you answer “Yes” to

a question move 1 seat to your right even if you have to sit on your neighbors lap!

The first person that gets back to their original seat wins!

By the way...there will be several sitting on laps...even 4 at a time. Have Fun!!

1. If you are wearing a watch

2. If you went to church Sunday

3. If you kissed your significant other today

4. If you are wearing heels

5. If you are wearing a ring

6. If you are having fun

7. If you are wearing yellow

8. If you made the bed you slept in today

9. If you are wearing pants

10. If you have a son

11. If you have green eyes

12. Is this your 1st Passion Party?

13. Do you wear lingerie?

14. Do you use lubricant?

15. Will you be booking your own Passion Party tonight?

16. Have you ever used whipped cream for other than dessert purposes.

17. Has anyone walked in on you having sex?

18. Have you faked an orgasm?

19. Was it with the person your with now?

20. Have you've ever gone skinny dipping

21. Do you already own a vibrator or dildo?

22. Have you masturbated in the last 10 days?

23. Have you had sex in the water?

24. Have you ever been spanked during sex?

25. Are you going to have sex tonight?