Langdon Planning Board
Meeting Minutes (Unapproved)
September 19, 2017
Call to Order. By Chairman at 7:05p.m.
Members present: Chairman Robert ”Chops” Polcari, Vice-Chairman Pat Breslend, Ex-officio Selectman Lu Beam, Michael Holmes, and Helen Koss acting as Secretary Pro Tem.
Also in attendance: Michael Beaudry, Norman Beaudry, Dot Fraser, Richard Fraser, Attorney Thomas Hanna, Dennis McClary, Mary Pinkham-Langer, Marilyn Stuller.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the August 15, 2017 were approved as read.
Old Business – Norm & Mike Excavating
Chairman Polcari recognized Richard Fraser representing Norm & Mike Excavating. Mr. Fraser
introduced Mary Pinkham-Langer, CHNA, Gravel Tax Appraiser for the New Hampshire DRA to the Board, noting her expertise in gravel excavation issues. Mr. Fraser stated that Ms. Pinkham-Langer had visited the Beaudry property on Cheshire Turnpike on July 20, 2017.
Mr. Fraser then stated that the Norm and Mike Beaudry would like to withdraw their pursuit of a gravel permit for the Cheshire Turnpike property and sell the property. Chops Polcari asked if the intent was to sell the property without it being reclaimed. Norman Beaudry replied that he and his brother wished to sell, but not until it was clear of any encumbrances that would limit a sale.
Following this preamble, Mr. Fraser asked Ms. Pinkham-Langer to report on her site visit. Ms. Pinkham-Langer produced two aerial views (Google) of the Beaudry property, highlighting that portion of the Beaudry property not reclaimed, approximately 4.6 acres. She noted that, in this area, nature has already started reclamation with grass and trees beginning to take hold. She suggested that it would be detrimental to interfere with the natural reclamation process which she estimated was taking place on three-quarters of the 4.6 acres.
Mr. Hanna questioned whether the grass was warm season grass and Pat Breslend pointed out that part of the berm that protects water run-off had been removed. Ms. Pinkham-Langer replied that top soil could be added over the grass, but letting nature do the job was preferable. She also asserted that the break in the berm was not a factor in water run-off because of its ledge location. Norman Beaudry suggested that the berm could be replaced. Overall, Ms. Pinkham-Langer estimated that about one to one-and-one half acres will need reclamation.
Lou commented that the Board might wish Ms. Pinkham-Langer to review the area after work has been completed. Attorney Hanna cautioned that the Board should determine whether members are qualified to go on site with Ms. Pinkham-Langer and decide whether it is adequately seeded or not.
Ms. Pinkham-Langer noted that she is not an environmentalist and noted that the Board could contact the USDA in Walpole regarding its best remedy for problems that may be caused by rain or erosion. She stated that there is no water leaving the site and there is a lot of natural growth.
Considerable discussion followed the Ms. Pinkham-Langer’s presentation. Among the questions and comments are the following:
Pinkham-Langer: A state permit for excavation runs for the life of the permit and is transferable. When the pit is closed, there is no permit to transfer.
Thomas Hanna: there is an understanding that there will be no further excavation; that there will be a 1 to 1 ½ acre reclamation; that the request for excavation if no longer applicable.
Richard Fraser: Will send a letter to the Board with a closeout plan.
Pinkham-Langer: Storm water not leaving site in run-off
Thomas Hanna: Need for some documentation to show new plan, what was previously proposed and what the plan is now. Needs to be memorialized so that Planning Board can close the books on this issue.
Norman Beaudry: Show what’s agreed upon according to Thomas Hanna. Memorandum of Understanding?
Board: Site visit with Ms. Pinkham-Langer and Board members on Thursday, October 3 at 4p.m. to reach agreement on reclamation requirements.
Thomas Hanna: Land owner no longer seeking right to excavate.
Must be certainty that a new owner has no right to excavate based on any prior Beaudry plans or permits.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Helen Koss, Secretary, Pro Tem