VITA March 2008
Martin W. Sampson III Department of Political Science
1414 Social Sciences
(612) 624-2389
B.A., Cornell University, June 1966 (1963-64 at America University of Beirut, Lebanon)
M.A., Indiana University, Political Science, 1975
Ph.D., Indiana University, Political Science, October 1979.
Non-academic: Peace Corps 1966-1971
Teacher, Brak Junior High School, Brak, Fezzan, Libya 1966-68
Associate Director Peace Corps/Libya, Tripoli, Libya 1968-69
Desk Officer Peace Corps/Washington
North Africa/Near East/South Asia department 1970-1
Academic: University of Minnesota 1977-present
Department of Political Science
1977 to 1983, Assistant Professor
1983 present, Associate Professor
Humphrey Institute
Adjunct Associate Professor, Spring 1987 - ??
Institute of International Studies
Director, International Relations: 9/1988-12/1992; 9/1997-7/1998
Awarded rank of Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor
Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey:
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations. Spring 1990, Spring 1993, Autumn 1995, Summer 2001.
Carleton College.
Benedict Distinguished Visiting Professor, Fall 2004
Morse-Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, University of Minnesota, 1987
Title VI grant for environmental studies, summer 1991; developed an environmental track in the international relations major and one new course on international environmental politics.
USIA Faculty Exchange Grant: $99,000 for University of Minnesota and Bo—aziçi University/Istanbul, Turkey; 1993-1998. (About 1/4 of each department’s faculty participated.)
Chair, International Studies Association Foreign Policy Section, 1988-1989. (Vice- Chair 1987-1988.)
Undergraduate political science:
Introduction to U.S. Foreign Policy,
Foreign Policy Decision Making
Comparative Foreign Policy
International Politics of Petroleum
Comparative Politics: The Middle East
International Politics of the Environment
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Middle East
The Israeli-Palestinian Situation.
Undergraduate co-listed by Jewish Studies and by Islamic Studies: Commonalities Among Arabs and Jews
Graduate political science:
Theories of International Relations
U.S. Foreign Policy
Theories of Foreign Policy
Political Psychology and Foreign Policy
International Relations of the Environment
Graduate Humphrey Institute:
US foreign policy
Scott Erb (dissertation published as a book)
Radoslav Dimitrov (dissertation published as a book)
Martin Kifer (winter 2008)
VI SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS pertaining to foreign policy, Mid East and environmental policy research interests
"Black Sea Environmental Cooperation: Toward a Track Four" Pp 54-80 in Stacy D. VanDeveer and Geoffrey Dalbelko, eds., Protecting Regional Seas: Developing Capacity and Fostering Environmental Cooperation in Europe. Conference Proceedings: “Saving the Seas” published by Woodrow Wilson International Center for Environmental Change and Security Project, 2000.
Co-editor with Valerie M. Hudson, Special Section on Culture and Foreign Policy. Political Psychology 20:4 (1999)
"Culture is More than a Static Residual: Introduction to the Special Section on Culture and Foreign Policy." coauthored with Valerie M. Hudson. Political Psychology 20:4, pp 667-675. (1999)
"Black Sea Environmental Cooperation: States and the Most Seriously Degraded Regional Sea.” Bogaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies 9:1 (1995).
Foreign Policy Restructuring, edited by J. Rosati, J. Hagen, and M. Sampson. University of South Carolina Press (1994).
"Exploiting the Seams: External Structures and Libyan Foreign Policy Change," in J. Rosati, J. Hagen, and M. Sampson.
"Rapid Deployment in Lieu of Energy Policy?" Pp. 288-318 in J. Goldmann, ed., American Security. Lanham: University Press of American (1987)
"Culture and Foreign Policy Decision Making." Pp. 384-408 in J. Rosenau, C. Hermann, and C. Kegley, eds., New Approaches to the Study of Foreign Policy. London: Allyn and Unwin. (1987)
"Culture and International Roles." coauthored with Stephen G. Walker. Pp. 105-122 in S. Walker, ed., Role and Theory and International Relations. Durham: Duke University Press. (1987)
International Policy Coordination: Issues in OPEC and ECAM. Denver University Monograph Series in International Relations. (1982)
“A Game Theoretic Study of Necessary Conditions for International Policy Coordination.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 26:2 !982
“A Game Theoretic Model of OPEC, Oil Consumers, and Oil Companies Emphasizing Coalitional Formations” with Charles Bird in John V Gillespie and Dina Zinnes, eds., Mathematical Models in International Relations. New York: Praeger, 1976
“Policy Zone” in John V Gillespie and Dina Zinnes, Mathematical Models in International Relations. New York: Praeger, 1976.
VII Current project: chapter on Turkish politics for a comparative politics textbook
"International Policy Coalitions", presented at Midwest Political Science Association/Midwest Peace Science Society Meeting, Chicago, April 1976.
"Analysis of an International Policy Coalition: A Game Theoretic Study of O.P.E.C.", presented at American Political Science Association meeting, Washington, D.C., September 1977.
"A Non-Sidepayment Model of O.P.E.C." Charles Bird co-author, presented at Joint National Meeting of the Institute of Management Sciences and Operations Research Society of America, New York, May 1978.
"Oil and Islamic Themes of Revolutions" presented at the Northern Great Plains History Conference, Duluth, October 1980.
"Issues, Benefit Configurations, and Policies", presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, March 1981.
"Witnesses for Issue Change", presented at the International Studies Association / Midwest meeting, St. Louis, November 1982.
"How Foreign is Foreign (Foreign Policy) Decision Making?", presented at American Political Science Association meeting, New Orleans, September 1985.
"Exploiting the Seams: Libyan Foreign Policy," presented at the International Studies Association/Midwest meeting, Chicago, November 1985.
"Cultural Effects on Foreign Policy Decision Process and Outputs: Britain", presented at International Studies Association meeting, Anaheim, March 1986
"Cultural and Role Theory: France and Japan." Coauthor Stephan G. Walker. Presented at International Studies Association Annual Meeting. Anaheim, March 1986.
"Culture and Foreign Policy Change," presented at the International Society of Political Psychology meeting, Secaucus, July 1988.
"Shifts in National Identity and Foreign Policy Implications: the Case of Turkey", presented at the International Studies Association meeting, Atlanta, April 1992.
"National Interest and Black Sea Environmental Cooperation," presented at International Studies Association meeting, Washington D.C., March 1994.
"Black Sea Environmental Cooperation: 3 Tracks and the First Year of Action." Presented at International Studies Association meeting, Chicago, February 1995.
"Black Sea Security: the Environmental Dimension." Presented at Conference on Black Sea Security, Varna, Bulgaria, May 1995.
"The Black Sea GEF Program in Year II." Presented at the International Studies Association Conference, San Diego, April 1996.
"Migration and Environmental Stress: the Black Sea Region," presented at Conference on Black Sea Migration, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, September, 1996.
"Environmental Stress and conflict," presented at International Studies Association meeting, Toronto, March, 1997.
"Black Sea Environmental Cooperation: Where is the Public.....and the States?" presented at the International Studies Association meeting, Minneapolis, March 1998.
"Black Sea Environmental Cooperation: Problems", presented at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, May, 1999.
“Anti Muslim Sentiment and US-Turkish trade policy”, not the exact title, co-author Amy Skonieczny, presented at International Studies Association Meeting, Montreal, February 2004
Earlier version of same paper, presented at ISA/Midwest, St Louis, Nov., 2003
(2008, forthcoming, presentation on writing programs to an educational conference in Austin, May)
Professional Societies
International Studies Association/Midwest. Board of Directors, 1979-1983
International Studies Association, Nominations Committee, 1983-1984
Vice Chair, Foreign Policy Analysis Section, International Studies Association ,1987-88
Chair, Foreign Policy Analysis Section, International Studies Association, 1988-89
Senate Committee on Educational Policy, Chair, 2002-2003. Member 2001-2004.
Liaison to Minnesota Legislature for the Faculty Consultative Committee, 2003-present
Elected to University Senate 2003-2006
Morris Campus, New Students’ Convocation, keynote speaker (with an Israeli student and a Palestinian student from a course I taught in fall ‘01), September 2002.
University of Minnesota Faculty Consultative Committee, member, 2002-2003 ex officio; replacement regular member 2003-2004; ex officio 2004-present
Chair, University of Minnesota Graduate School Social Sciences Policy and Review Council, 2000-2002;
Graduate School Executive Committee, member 2000-2002
Director, International Relations Program, Institute of International Studies, 1988-92; 1997-98.
Stadium Advisory Committee 2004-2006
Ad hoc Senate Task Force on course evaluations 2004-2005
Search Committee, Vice President for Community Relations, 2004
Preliminary committee to develop the U of M Capital Budget Request, 2003
Member, ad hoc committee on instituting a new tuition policy to encourage faster student accumulation of credit hours and more rapid graduation rates. 2004-2005?
Academy of Distinguished Teachers: All-Campus Executive Board, member 2000-2002
Academy of Distinguished Teachers, Twin Cities Steering Committee, 1999-2002
Member, committee on Bush-funded new writing program, 2007-2008
Member, Campus-wide Writing Board (or committee?) 2008- (hasn’t met yet)
Ad hoc committee that organized year long lecture series on Jews and Arabs: Common Heritage, Common Destiny? (1984-85?)
Also, dates forgotten, one term stints as member of College Single Quarter Leave Committee, Bush Sabbatical Leave Committee, Committee on Scholastic Standing, ROTC committee, International Travel and Study Association Board, Foreign Studies Committee, Minnesota Studies in Development Committee, MSID Morocco Committee, committee to consider merger of South Asian and Middle East departments.
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science: 1998-2003
Director of Graduate Admissions, Department of Political Science, 1995-2002
Coordinator, Minnesota/Bogazici University (Istanbul) faculty exchange program 1991-2000.
Director of Undergraduate Studies, 1982-1984
Merit Advisory Committee (6 times I think)
Chair, ad-hoc Undergraduate Curriculum Reform Committee, summer 2006
Liaison to WEC undergraduate writing program, 2007-2008
Reviews of undergraduate political science programs:
St Catherines, St Paul, Minnesota 199?
Winona State, Winona, Minnesota, spring 2007
Talks and interviews to community groups, churches, schools; TV interviews, radio interviews, mostly on topics of Middle East politics, energy security, and/or U.S. foreign policy. Quantity exceeds 500, and I lost count a decade ago.
Crescendoes of this activity include the Gulf War, the run up to the 2003 Iraq War, and beginnings and ends of Palestinian-Israeli peace processes.
Publications: Op-ed pieces Pioneer Press Fall 2000, Star-Tribune fall 2002, “Summary” of
the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. Kiosk, 11/0 (adopted by a University of Maryland course
fall ’02 and some U of Minnesota courses as a free, succinct 3500 word introduction to the Israeli-Palestinian situation) I think there is another op ed piece in a local paper circa 2006 on the Iranian threat to Israel.