Early Relations between Mi’kmaq and the Europeans

I. Answer the following questions:

1) When did the First Europeans come in contact with the Mi’kmaq people?

2) Who was the explorer that took three Mi’kmaq people to Europe? Did they return? What happened to him later?

3) Why did the French people feel that they had the right to claim the Mi’kmaq territories?

4) Who first set the whaling stations? When?

5) List all the European settlers in the Atlantic area.

6) Describe briefly their relations in general

7) Why did the Cartier’s effort to settle permanently fail in 1541? Where did he try to establish the settlement?

8) When did the fur trade begin?

9) How many European boats were sailing around by 1578?

10) When were the Mi’kmaq people stricken by European diseases?

11) What did the destruction of the Spanish Armada signify?

12) How did the Mi’kmaq protect their fur trade?

13) Who set up a settlement between Maine and New Brunswick? What happened to the settlement?

14) When was Port Royal established?

15) What caused an eight-year war between the Mi’kmaq and the Penebscot of Maine? When did it break out? When did it end?

16) When did the French start to convert the Mi’kmaq? What chief was initiating the conversion? What happened to him?

17) How many Mi’kmaq survived the disease devastation?

18) When did the Mi’kmaq get caught up in the wars between English and French? Over what did the Europeans fight?

19) What and when did the French government form here in the New World?

20) What Treaty confirmed the French claims to Maritimes and Quebec? How did the treaty affect the numbers in French population?

21) What first nation did the French want the Mi’kmaq to join in NFLD? Why?

22) When did the British fleet conquer Port Royal? How did this affect the Acadia status?

23) Why do you think the French support the Abenaki confederacy?

24) When the Abenaki confederacy did wage the war against the British? What Treaty ended the war? When? How was the land divided according to the Treaty?

25) Did the Treaty stop the war for good?

26) Did the British people venture into the Mi’kmaq settlements? Why?

II. Draw a time line of the first relations between the Europeans and the Mi’kmaq people.