Español 2 Week 14April 24-28
Present the Communicative Goals forLección7. Go over the contents of each section
I will be able to:
- 4 ¡Excelente!: I know this well enough to teach it to someone.
- 3 Muybien: I can do this with almost no mistakes.
- 2 Más o menos: I can do much of this but I have questions.
- 1 Esdifícil: I can do this only with help.
- 0 ¡Ayúdame!: I can’t do this, even with help.
Objectives: Contextos / Fecha / Cómovoy?
(Scale 1-5)
I can describe my daily routine
I can talk about personal hygiene
I can understand interviews with a famous actor
I can talk special customs in Mexico, Argentina, and El Salvador,
I can talk about where I and others went using the past
I can reassure someone
Upcoming Assessments for the week
- Prepare for my daily routine speaking and writing assessment. DUE 27 April. Speaking project extended to May 2 .
- Writing assessment on May 1
lunes, el 24 de abril
Warm-up / Activate
- [Homework] Collection of Culture Day Reflection paper.
Present/Practice / Communicate
- [Computer Lab: Audio] Complete VHL and/or with your book. Listen/Read the Fotonovela on pp 230-231.
- [Reading & Writing] Complete the comprehension questions that follow the activity: Act. 1-3 on p 232.
- [Computer Lab/Reading; Grammar] VHL Activities or textbook pp 240-241. Indefinite and negative words
- Complete VHL activity or textbook Inténtalo p. 241.
- [Computer Lab] Work on your project using the rubric and the sequence chart of events provided to you on Thursday.
- Complete VHL activities you did not complete in the computer lab.
- Learn your lines for your and family daily routine. See handout for requirements and due date.
martes, el 25de abril
Warm-up / Activate
- [Check & discuss homework] VHL activities and Fotonovela pp. 230-231.
Present/Practice / Communicate
- [Grammar] Review and practice indefinite and negative words.
- Practice VHL activities in class.
- [Computer Lab] Work on your project using the rubric and the sequence chart of events provided to you on Thursday
- [Writing/Editing] Edit student’s essay ‘MiRutinaDiaria.’
- Prepare for Summative and Writing Presentations. Re-write your essay as many times as you can in order to write an in-class essay. These exercises will help you write a cohesive essay as well as to speak about it more fluently.
Every person can rise up regardless of the obstacles we face. Watch video How do we respond?
miércoles, el 26de abril
Warm-up / Activate
- [Re-cycle Grammar] Read pp.244-245. Complete activities: Intentalo p. 245 and activities 1 & 2 on p. 245.
Present/Practice / Communicate
- [Speak] Act. 3,p. 245
- [Computer Lab] Work on your project using the rubric and the sequence chart of events provided to you on Thursday.
- [Writing/Editing] Edit MiRutinaDiaria Essay.
- Complete VHL activities
- Prepare for Presentational speaking on Thursday.
jueves, el 27de abril
Warm-up / Activate
- [Review homework] VHL activities Indefinite and definite words
Present/Practice / Communicate
- [Presentational Speaking] Presentational Speaking on ‘Mirutinadiaria y de mi familia’.
- [Presentational Speaking] Presentational Speaking on ‘Mirutinadiaria y de mi familia’.
- Complete VHL Activities
viernes, el 28 de abril
Warm-up / Activate
- [Project] Students given class time on ‘Mirutinadiaria y de mi familia’.
Present/Practice / Communicate
- [Project] Students given class time on ‘Mirutinadiaria y de mi familia’.
- [Teacher Editing] I edited student work.
- Prepare for writing essay on Monday, May 1
- Complete VHL Activities and workbook activities on verbs like gustar.
- Complete the worksheets on Preterit/Negations given to you in class on Thursday.