ECE 477Digital Systems Senior Design ProjectSpring 2004

Homework 3: Final Design Project Proposal

Due: Thursday, February 5, at Classtime

Team Code Name: Team MixMASTER Group No. 7

Team Members (#1 is Team Leader):

#1:Clewin McPherson Signature: ______Date: ______

#2:Jim Bauerle Signature: ______Date: ______

#3:Ruth DevlaemnickSignature: ______Date: ______

#4:Nick Schnettler Signature: ______Date: ______

Abstract:An MP3 turntable. The unit will load MP3’s via a compact flash card and then allow the user to manipulate the loaded file as though it was a record on a turntable using an RPG and PLD array. An LCD display, various pushbuttons, a linear potentiometer, and a turntable platter will comprise the user interface.

Design Objectives:

1.)run the entire system using an inexpensive 12 VDC power supply

2.)interface an RPG to a microcontroller

3.)interface an LCD display to a microcontroller

4.)interface an MP3 decoder to a microcontroller

5.)interface a jog dial and pushbuttons to a microcontroller

6.)devise a schemefor interpreting RPG data as a velocity vector

7.)devise a scheme for applying derived velocity vector to MP3 playback

Design/Functionality Overview: The B.E.A.T.S. system will manipulate the playback of an MP3 using an array of phototransistors. MP3’s are made available to the player through the use of an interchangeable compact flash card on which the files may be stored. As the user rotates a turntable platter, an RPGat the base of the platter will provide interrupt data to an array of PLDs which will interpret the movement. The PLDs will, in turn, transmit that movement to the microcontroller for application to MP3 playback. Device status and user interface will be provided by an LCD display, a linear potentiometer, and various pushbuttons. As songs are played and manipulated, the LCD display will track the features being used as well as song progress. An MP3 decoder as well as a D to Aconverter will perform the actual playback. The pushbuttons will allow the user to select a song to load as well as initiate play, pause, stop, skip, cue, and loop. The linear potentiometer will allow the user to apply constant tempo changes. The entire system will be powered by an inexpensive 12 VDC power supply.

Project-Specific Success Criteria (list 5):

1.)ability to interpret data gathered from RPG as a velocity vector

2.)ability to apply velocity vector to dynamic MP3 playback manipulation

3.)ability to interface a compact flash reader to a microcontroller

4.)ability to display information concerning MP3 playback using an LCD display

5.)ability to interface a pushbuttons and a linear potentiometer as part of a user interface

Block Diagram:

<see attached figure>

Division of Labor:

Design Component Homework / Professional Component Homework
Packaging Design and Specs / Ruth / Design Constraint Analysis/Parts List / Nick
Circuit Schematic and Narrative / Clewin / Patent Liability Analysis / Ruth
Board Layout / Jim / Reliability and Safety Analysis / Jim
Software and Narrative / Nick / Social/Political/Environmental Analysis / Clewin