Membership Department
The Institute of Materials,Minerals and Mining
Shelton House
12 Stoke Road
Tel: +44 (0)1782 221717
The candidate named above is making an application to the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining for the professional grade(s) stated and has named you as a referee. Referees must be able to validate the candidate’s current level of competence and responsible experience, and have known them for at least two (2) years; requirements which I hope you are able to satisfy.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete the attached pro-forma referee form. Please answer all questions with as much detail as necessary, preferably avoiding one-word answers. Once the form is completed it can either be handed back to the candidate who will submit it to the Institute, or you can submit it directly yourself. Please note that we prefer submission by email. If clarification is required on any of your responses, I hope you do not mind being contacted by us in due course.
Our Membership Committee will consider your comments when reaching a decision on the candidate’s application.
I would like to draw your attention to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 which allow people access to the personal information held on them. Under this Act the candidate could request to see the comments you make about them.
Thank you very much for your time and for helping us in this vital professional assessment process.
Yours sincerely
Ian Bowbrick
Ian Bowbrick
Director, Professional Development & Membership
1)How long have you known the candidate?: ______years
2)What is your association with the candidate and what opportunities have you had to judge their competence:
3)Please give your assessment of the professional responsibility the candidate has had and now holds:
4)Please give your assessment of the technical expertise of the candidate:
5)Do you consider that the candidate has the capability to contribute to:
The science and engineering of materials, minerals and/or mining□YES □NO
Industrial practice in materials, minerals or mining□YES □NO
Education or training in materials, minerals and/or mining□YES □NO
An organisation’s strength through sound technical management□YES □NO
6)Do you consider the candidate’s professional conduct as suitable
formembershipat a professional grade of this Institute ?□YES□NO
7)Do you recommend election or rejection? □ELECT □REJECT
8)Please provide any other comments you feel may be appropriate. If you have recommended REJECT, please state the reasons why (please use a separate sheet if necessary):
Top of Form
Referee’s name (please include initials):
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Are you a member of the Institute? □YES□NO
Bottom of Form
If YES, please state your Grade:
Membership number:
If NO, are you a member of any other professional institution? □YES□NO
If YES, please state Institution:
Your grade:
Are you registered as a:
□CEng □IEng □EngTech
□CSci □RSci □RSci Tech
□CEnv □APkgPrf
Signed: ______Date: ______
Please hand the completed form back to the candidate who will submit it to the Institute, or you can submit it directly yourself. Please note that we prefer submission by email.
IOM3 Referee Letter January 2017