Department: / Business Administration / Semester: / Spring 2013
Course: / Project management and leadership in professional organizations – for PhD students, 7,5 hp
Number of students / Maximum 30
Course leader: / Björn Trägårdh, 7861536
Week / Day / Date / Room / Time / Teacher / Content
9 / Mon / Feb 25 / B 21? / 9-12 / BT / Introduction
9 / Mon / Feb 25 / B 21? / 13-16 / BEL / The project directiveand projectorganization
Tonnquist chapt. 1, 2, 4
e-mail project directive to BELno later than noon28tht of February
10 / Mon / Mar 4 / B 21? / 13-16 / BEL / Starting aproject and project phases
Tonnquist chapt. 1, 3
11 / Mon / Mar 11 / B 21? / 9-12 / BEL / Stake holder-, risk- and success analysis
Tonnquist chapt. 3, 6
e-mailstake holder-, risk- and success analysis to BEL no later than 14th of March
12 / Mon / Mar 18 / D 34? / 13-16 / BEL / Goal directed project management
Tonnquist chapt. 5, 8, 9
e-mail mile stone planto BEL no later than 21 of March
13 / Mon / Mar 25 / B 41? / 9-12 / BEL / Project environment
Tonnquist chapt. 14
14 / Mon / Apr 8 / B 21? / 9-12 / BT / Management, leadership and employeeship.
Tonnquist chapt. 10.
16 / Mon / Apr 15 / B 34? / 9-12 / BEL / Project communication
Tonnquist chapt. 7
e-mailcommunication plan to BEL no later than 18th of March
17 / Mon / Apr 22 / D 34? / 9-12 / BEL, ML / Leadership in professional organizations. Articles: Kozes (1979), Mintzberg (1981).
17 / Mon / Apr 29 / C 31?
C 35?
C35? / 9-12 a
9-12 b
13-16 c
13-16 d / BT
BEL / Literature seminars on the articles of the course
18 / Mon / May6 / B 34? / 9-12 / BEL / Project termination, evaluation and implementation.
Tonnquist chapt. 11, 12, 13
e-mail a) individual reflections on leadership and b) group reports based on interviews with managers
to BT no later than 8th of May
19 / Mon / May 13 / B 34? / 9-12 / BT / Group presentations of interviews with managers + discussion of individual reflections on leadership
e-mailyour individual project plan to BT no later than 16th of May
20 / Mon / May 20 / B 34 / 9-12 / BT / Discussion of project plans
+ course evaluation


BT – Björn Trägårdh, , 786 1536 (kursansvarig)

BEL – Bengt-Erik Larsson, , 0706 391059

(ML – Marianne Leffler, 786 1116, GU:s repr.)



Tonnquist, Bo (2008), Project Management.Sanoma Utbildning.

Tonnquist, Bo (2010), Project Management. Student Learning Guide. Sanoma Utbildning.

Articles on projects:

Engwall, M. (2003) No project is an island: linking project to history and context. Research Policy 32 (2003), pp 789-808

Lundin R. A. & Söderholm A. (1995) A Theory of the Temporary Organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management 11(4): 437-455.

Söderlund, J., (2004) On the broadening scope of research on projects: a review and a model for analysis. International Journal of Project Management. Vol 22 Issue pp 655-667.

De Meyer, A., Loch, C. and Pitch, M. (2002), Managing project Uncertinty: From Variation to Chaos. MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2002, Vol 43, Issue 2, pp. 60-67.

Liu, J., Chen, H., Jiang, J. & Klein, G., Task completion competency and project management performance: The influence of control and user contribution. International Journal of Project Management 28 (2010) 220–227.

Lund Jepsen, A. & Eskerod, P., Stakeholder analysis in projects: Challenges in using current

guidelines in the real world. International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 335–343.

Articles on professional organizations:

Kouzes, J. & Mico, P., (1979),. “Domain Theory: An introduction to organizational

behavior in Human Service Organizations”, Journal of Applied Behavioral

Science, Vol. 15, nr. 4, s. 449-469.

Mintzberg, H. (1981), Organization design; fashion or fit? Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb 1981, Vol. 59, Issue 1 pp 103-116.