Creative Life Counseling Services ph. 773.576.7032

Laura Foster, MA, ATR-BC, LCPC fax. 773-304-3566

1925 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Chicago, IL 60647

Adult (18+) Intake Form

Client Information Today’s date:______


Home street address: ______Apt.:______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

DOB: ______Age: ______

Cell phone: ______Home phone: ______

Email: ______

Calls , texts, and emails will be discreet, but please indicate any restrictions:

B. Insurance/Payment information

Will you be using insurance to pay for sessions? Y N

Member’s name:______

Member’s date of birth:______

Insurance company:______

Member ID:______Group #:______

Dependents: ______

B. Referral:

How did you hear about us? ______

May I have your permission to thank this person for the referral? Yes No

C. Emergency contact:______


An emergency is considered to be any incident in which you are unable to consent to medical treatment.

Do I have your permission to contact this person in case of emergency? Y N

D. Have you seen a therapist before? Y N

If yes, when? ______

If yes, for what reason(s)? ______

E. Please list any medication, vitamins, or supplements and dosages you are currently taking:

F. Please list any hospitalizations (psychological or medical):

G. Please describe any family history of mental illness or substance abuse:

H. What is your relationship status?

I. Please summarize the reason you came to see me today:

Please check any current or past issues that apply to you.

Creative Life Counseling Services ph. 773.576.7032

Laura Foster, MA, ATR-BC, LCPC fax. 773-304-3566

1925 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Chicago, IL 60647

___Eating Disorders

___ Body Image

___ Academic Issues

___ Childhood Abuse (Physical, Sexual, Emotional)

___ Stress

___ Anxiety

___ Phobias (type: ______)

___ Alcohol/Other Drug Use

___ Sexual Assault/Rape

___ Grief and Loss

___ Divorce/Separation

___ Fertility Issues

___ Postpartum Depression

___ Spiritual Concerns

___ Depression

___ Impulsivity

___ Sexual Identity

___ Relationship Concerns

___ Family Distress

___ Financial Stress

___ Work Related Issues

Creative Life Counseling Services ph. 773.576.7032

Laura Foster, MA, ATR-BC, LCPC fax. 773-304-3566

1925 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Chicago, IL 60647


Please feel free to elaborate on any issues:

If you are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms, please rate them using the number key below.

Never 0Seldom 1Often 2Always 3

Creative Life Counseling Services ph. 773.576.7032

Laura Foster, MA, ATR-BC, LCPC fax. 773-304-3566

1925 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Chicago, IL 60647

___ Difficulty concentrating

___ Memory loss or blackout

___ Crying

___ Difficulty sleeping

___ Missing work/class

___ Stealing

___ Feeling helpless

___ Anger

___ Feeling uptight/tense

___ Eating binges

___ Restrictive eating

___ Skin or hair picking

___ Worrying

___ Drinking heavily

___ Other drug use

___ Feeling hopeless

___ Feeling afraid

___ Feelings of guilt

___ Lying to others

___ Withdrawing socially

___ Feeling out of control

___ Sexual preoccupation/obsessions

___ Feelings of self-doubt

___ Physical symptoms (i.e. headaches, digestive)

List: ______

___ Self- Injury

___ Loneliness

___ Nervousness around others

____ Suicidal thoughts

____ Homicidal thoughts

Creative Life Counseling Services ph. 773.576.7032

Laura Foster, MA, ATR-BC, LCPC fax. 773-304-3566

1925 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Chicago, IL 60647
