MONDAY 3rd October

7.30pmFinance Meeting

WEDNESDAY 5thOctober

10.00amMidweek Prayers





7.30pmListening Place Annual Open Meeting

THURSDAY 6thOctober

4.15pmMessy Church


FRIDAY 7thOctober

10.00amPoetry Group



7.00pmRangers (fortnightly, check dates)

SATURDAY 8thOctober

9.30amJunior Belletones

SUNDAY 9thOctober

10:30amRevd David Hookins –Holy Communion

6:00pmNO SERVICE (see inside)


Sunday, 2nd October 2016

Welcome to worship

Prayer for 15 minutes in Room 1 before the services.

Feel free to come and go.

Large print hymn books and sheets are available.

Loop system for those with hearing aids.

Small children are welcome to join our supervised crèche in Room 1. Toys are available in the welcome area for parents who wish to play with their children whilst listening to the service.

The candle prior to worship is a sign that we should keep

a prayerful silence.

After morning service, please join us for refreshments in the Hall and visit the Fairtrade stall. The ‘Good News Book’is available for use.

Stanley Tolson is still in hospital and wants to say he is very grateful for all the cards, wishes and visits – they have lifted his spirits hugely.

Wednesday, 5th October, 7pm for 7.30pm –The Listening Place

Everyone is warmly invited to the Annual Open Meeting. The speaker is Revd Jo Naish whose wide experience includes pastoral care in schools, street ministry and outreach on new estates. Do come along for a thought-provoking and interesting evening! Further details in Newsletter.

Thursday, 6th October, 7.30pm –Worship Consultation

All are welcome to attend and contribute. If you have any items you particularly wish to discuss, please see Jeannette Lake.

Saturday, 8th October, 6.45pm – Just Living: An Evening with Ruth Valerio

At Romsey Methodist Church

Ruth is an environmentalist, theologian, social activist and author. She will talk about faith and community in an age of consumerism.

Sunday, 9th October, 12 noon – Postscript

The occasional, after-service discussion group will meet in Room1 and Revd David Hookins will answer questions and explain further any points he made during his service. Everyone is welcome to attend this session which will be finished by 12.45pm.

Sunday, 9th October, 4pm – Circuit Welcome Service

At Amesbury Methodist Church, to welcome Revd Paul Rees as a minister in the circuit and Revd David Hookins as superintendent of the circuit. The service will be conducted by Revd Canon Andrew Wood, Chair of the District. Please note that because of this service, THERE WILL BENO 6pm SERVICE AT SMc.

Thursday, 13th October, 12 Noon – Stand up, Speak up lunch

At St Thomas’s Church.

With Loretta Minghella of Christian Aid (see Newsletter pp14-15). Please consider joining this important event, letting Barbara Hickman or Morris Munns () know if you require lunch by Oct 7.

Thursday, 13th October, 7.30pm – Church Council

If anyone has an item for discussion at the next Church Council meeting, please could they let David Hookins or Katrina Dixon know by Sunday 9th October.

Saturday, 15th October, 10am – 4pm – Coffee, Cakes & Competitions (and Lunches too!)

During the event there will be the entries to the youth groups’ baking competition to view, various stalls and competitions, and the Junior Belletones 10am-11am. All money raised will be going to church funds. Any donations of cakes that could be left in the kitchen on the Friday would be gratefully received.

Wednesday, 19th October, 10am for 10.30am - 3.30pm – District MWiB Celebration Day

At Portchester Methodist Church, Fareham PO16 9PS

Speaker: Mrs Anne Browse, Connexional MWiB President

Theme: ‘Story and Song’

Transport available, further details from Liz Chick or Jeannette Lake.

Wednesday, 19th October, 7.30pm – Do you want to develop your faith?

Try Good News in Mark - See October Newsletter for full details.

Saturday 5th November, 9.30am - 4pm

Heritage Day hosted by SMc

A great opportunity to learn more about our Methodist history and heritage (see Newsletter article). Programme and further information available from Ruth Popplestone 01722 327383. Book a place via or 0207 467 5117. Closing date for applications is 12th October.

Church Family Weekend

The booking forms should be returned to Sue Gilbert or Llz Chick by next weekend.

The Church Life Forum has been postponed from 10th October until Wednesday, 9thNovember.




07956 100936

Church Office Mon to Fri, 9.30am-Noon


01722 322755