Insert your company name and logo
Change the red text to black and insert your details.
Dear ,
Further to our recent email correspondence, I write to confirm the dates and times agreed and the terms and conditions under which your company namewill supply the Audio Description Service for the insert venueTheatre, hereinafter referred to as “the Venue”.
- Dates, times, details of performances:
2.Obligations of the Venue
The Venue agrees to supply the following:-
i)a publicity leaflet with dates and times of performances;
ii)scripts, copied onto single sided A4 plus electronic version where available;
iii)show programmes;
iv)one complimentary ticket for up to four performances of the show (dates to be arranged) prior to the audio described performance;
v)access to the Lighting Box/Description point at a pre-arranged performance to carry out a dry run of the description, with show relay and a lamp;
vi)a video or DVD or link of the performances, purely for use in preparation and to be returned immediately after use;
vii)a member of staff to accompany the touch tour, responsible for Health and Safety;
viii)a credit in the programme where possible: “Audio Description by your company name”;
ix)The Venue agrees that the infra-red/radio system, the microphone and head-sets are tested on the day of the performance and that all relevant staff and company are aware that the show is being audio described;
x)The Venue hereby agrees and confirms that they have in place appropriate public liability and any other insurance as may be required under the law from time to time and that this insurance covers all visitors at the Venue including both the describer and the persons benefiting from the Audio Description services and the Venue shall fully indemnify the Describer against all or any liability which may result from any failure by them to have in place any such insurance.
3.Obligations of your company name
your company nameagrees to supply the following:-
i)an introduction to the performance delivered 15 minutes prior to curtain up, written and delivered in accordance with national standards. Your company namedescribers have successfully completed Audio Description Skills Certificate, accredited by the Open College Network;
ii)an audio description of the performance, written and delivered in accordance with national standards;
iii)a touch-tour of the set 45 minutes before the performance as requested by visually impaired customers.
i)No copies will be made of the script or video/DVD without express authority from the Venue.
ii)Copyright of the audio description script remains withyour company name. The script cannot be used again without negotiated agreement.
If your name or the nominated describer is unavailable at suitably qualified replacement is to be substituted. Your name will let the Venue know the name of the describer/s as soon as is reasonably possible.
i)The fee for each performance will be £… plustravel expenses
ii)Travel expenses will be charged at the TMA mileage rate, currently .. pence per milefor the first 50 miles of each journeyand .. pence per mile thereafter plus parking, or second class rail fare.
iii)If the audio described performance is cancelled before the show opens, a cancellation fee of£.. will be payable by the Venue.
iv)If the audio described performance is cancelled once the show has opened and visits have been made to see it,the Venuewill be liable for 70% of the fee.
v)If nobody attends the performance, the full fee and expenses are still payable.
If you are in agreement with these terms and conditions, please email me to confirm.
I look forward to providing this service.
Yours sincerely,
Your name
Your name
Company Name
Insert your company name here