D.A.V. P U B L I C S C H O O L,

DUTTNAGAR & RAMPUR BUSHAHAR, DIST. SHIMLA(HP) (Managed by D.A.V. College Managing Committee, New Delhi)

(Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, Vide Code No. 630046 )

S.No. DAV/2018

Paste Photo


  1. Name of student ______

(in capital)

  1. Male/Female M F
  1. Class to which admission is sought : ______

dd mm yyyy

  1. Date of Birth (in figures)

(Attach Photocopy ofcertificate)

  1. Aadhar No.

(Attach Photocopy)

  1. Mother’s Name ______

(in capital)

Qualification: ______Desig. ______Deptt.______

  1. Father’s Name ______

(in capital)

Qualification: ______Desig. ______eptt.______

  1. Annual Income mother & father: Rs.______
  1. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC: ______

(Attach attested photocopy of certificate if belongs)

10.Nationality : ______

11. Address: ______



Mobile No. Mother______Father______Other______

12.Details of Real Brother/Sister studying in this school:

Name ______Class______Admn. No______

I hereby declare that the fact and information given above are correct to the best of my knowledge. I fully understand that school on accepting registration form of my ward is no way bound to grant admission. I also agree that the decision of school regarding admission will be final and binding on me.


Signature of Parent

Missing Certificate : Photo/BC/CC/Aadhar ______Checked by ______

D.A.V. P U B L I C S C H O O L,

DUTTNAGAR & RAMPUR BUSHAHAR, DIST. SHIMLA(HP) (Managed by D.A.V. College Managing Committee, New Delhi)

(Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, Vide Code No. 630046 )

S.No. DAV/2018

Paste Photo


  1. Name of student ______

(in capital)

  1. Male/Female M F
  1. Class to which admission is sought : ______


  1. Date of Birth (in figures)

(Attach Photocopy ofcertificate)

  1. Aadhar No.

(Attach Photocopy)

  1. Mother’s Name ______

(in capital)

Qualification: ______Desig. ______Deptt.______

  1. Father’s Name ______

(in capital)

Qualification: ______Desig. ______Deptt.______

  1. Annual Income mother & father: ______
  1. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC: ______

(Attach attested photocopy of certificate if belongs)

10.Nationality : ______

11. Address: ______,


Mobile No. Mother______Father______Other ______

12.Details of Real Brother/Sister studying in this school:

Name ______Class______Admn. No______

I hereby declare that the fact and information given above are correct to the best of my knowledge. I fully understand that school on accepting registration form of my ward is no way bound to grant admission. I also agree that the decision of school regarding admission will be final and binding on me.


Signature of Parent

Missing Certificate : Photo/BC/CC/Aadhar ______Checked by ______