LHRC Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday October 17, 2014
863 Glenrock Road, Norfolk, VA 23502
Board Members Present Board Members Absent
Phillip Ellick Trink Dahl-Prince
Joseph Yule
Felicia Sawyer
Marquis Norton
Stewart Prost-OHR
Kenneth Moody – LAWCCS, LLC
Emma Perkins/Vincent Hamilton- Diverse Community Services
Melissa Constantine- Chesapeake –CSB-IBM
Kelly Monson-Chesapeake-CSB-IBM
Danielle Allison-VB DHS-CVB
Nina Moskowitz – VB DHS
Jane Sinnott – VB DHS
Melinda Baker-CAI
Susan Curran-Mobile Mental Health
Thersa Murch-CIBH
Sharon Owens-Eagles Nest
Shawn Beasley – Blueprints for Youth & Families
Robin Haverty – Hope House Foundation
Melissa Constantine – Chesapeake CSB
Joseph Boone-New Directions
Dr. D Kirtland-Virginia Beach CSB
Pamela Mapp-VA Beach
Person Centered Place, LLC
Blueprints for Youth & Families
Lumen Christi Home of VA Inc.
Burke Family
Eastern Shore Community Services Board
Community Share
Person Centered Place, LLC
Refuge Manor
Call to Order
The Friday, October 17th, 2014 LHRC meeting was called to order at 9:08 am Joseph Yule presiding.
The VA Beach LHRC annual meeting dates are January 30, 2015, April 17, 2015 July 17. 2015 and October 16, 2015. Special LHRC call meeting scheduled Thursday October 23, 2014 @ 10am Pembroke six Virginia Beach, VA. (VA Beach CSB and Diverse Community Services)
Approval of Agenda
The VA Beach LHRC approved the agenda for October 17, 2014...
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes recorded on July 18, 2014.
New Business
The Virginia Department of Human Services, announced that they were adding a new service location for after school Therapeutic Day Treatment, Mental Health/Substance Case Management services, and request to add a new service-Intensive Care Coordination (ICC).
Joseph Boone- New Directions request for affiliation. ( Originally approved at the July 18, 2014 meeting). The committee also approved the program’s Behavior Management Policies and Program Rules with revisions.
Diverse Community Services, LLC request affiliation. This request has been tabled until a special meeting set for October 23, 2014.
Old Business
Lumen Christi Home of VA Inc.-Rules of Conduct to review and discuss.
Providers Reports
· Lifting As We Climb Community Services Served 16 individuals 0 allegations of abuse, 0 complaint cases
· Chesapeake, CSB - Served 3,014, 7 allegations of abuse, 5
· Virginia Beach CSB - Served 5,100 individuals, 15 abuse 19 complaints, 11 allegations 3 11unfounded,
· individuals, 0 complaints, 0 resolutions
· Person Centered Place, LLC Served - 19 individuals, 0 compliant
· Hope House Foundation - Served 123 (1) failure to follow support plan 4 neglect unfounded
· Eagles Nest LLC - Served 5 individuals, 0 allegations of abuse, 0 complaints
· Community Alternatives Inc. (CAI)- 4 allegations of abuse
· Mobile Mental Health 0 allegation 0 neglect 0 abuse
Membership Discussion
Mr Prost, announced that the Virginia Beach Local Human Rights Committee continue to maintain a full committee. Mr Prost requested that the affiliates continue to recruit members, as you never know when there is a future vacancy, and to assist with filling position need on other LHRCs.
Advocate’s Report-Friday October 17, 2014.
Mr Prost, requested that the VA Beach LHRC draft minutes be e-mailed directly to him opposed to the web-site. Mr Prost informed the LHRC and members that the LHRC agendas items are public records and are kept for a period of three years, with the minutes of meetings kept for five years. Mr Prost informed the LHRC and members that U-First and Paradigm House surrender their provider license. Mr Prost reminded the VA Beach LHRC affiliates to be sure to use the new revised Quarterly report form and the annual report form revised by the SHRC. Mr Prost requested that the LHRC secretary confirm a quorum prior to the LHRC meeting date. Mr Prost took a moment to express appreciation and thanks to the Volunteers; for working as the VA Beach LHRC. Mr Prost requested the LHRC affiliates to submit their reports by mail and two weeks prior to the LHRC meeting. Mr Prost informed the LHRC affiliates of the agreement and approval of their LHRC; that providers must attend at least three LHRC meeting per year.
Mr Prost assisted the VA Beach LHRC with processing their election of Officers; Mr Norton-Chair, Ms Prince Vice Chair and Ms Sawyer as the secretary. Mr Prost reminded the LHRC providers of the importance of their registration with Delta/Chris designed to report serious injuries, deaths and allegations to the Office of Human Rights and Licensing. Mr Prost informed the providers that reports of serious injury, death, and allegations must be reported immediately to the individuals’ AR, The Office of Human Rights and Licensing (DBHDS) and within 24 hours. Mr Prost informed the LHRC members and providers of the SHRC meeting on October 24, 2014, at the Olney Road Norfolk CSB at 9am. Mr Prost informed the LHRC and providers that Ms Deb Lochart was appointed the Director of the Office of Human Rights. Mr Prost informed the providers that in addition to submitting their Quarterly reports, they are also required to submit CHRIS forms AB-01 and form COMP-01. Mr Prost requested providers to call the Delta/Chris help lines as needed for assistance. Mr Prost reviewed and discussed with providers the process for adding a new location or service for LHRC affiliation.
Closed Session 10:03 am – 12:00 PM
The Virginia Beach Regional LHRC went into Closed Session pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-371(A), for the protection of privacy of individuals and their records in personal matters not related to public business, namely to review restrictive behaviour programs and allegations of abuse and neglect from the Virginia Beach DHS, as well as allegations of abuse and neglect for CAI, Chesapeake CSB and Hope House Foundation. Upon reconvening in open session the LHRC members certified that to the best of their knowledge that matters only lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements, specifically to review restrictive behaviour programs and allegations of abuse and neglect from the Virginia Beach DHS, as well as allegations of abuse and neglect for CAI, Chesapeake CSB and Hope House Foundation, and only such matters for the protection of the privacy of individuals and their records in personal matters not related to public business were heard, discussed, or considered.
Mr Prost provided training for the Committee members of the VA Beach LHRC in reference to the Freedom of information Act.
With no further business, the October 17, 2014 LHRC meeting adjourned at 12:31 p.m.