S metric approved 1/31/11 by EC; ES & O approved 2/10/11 by officers


Management by Objectives Program

January 1, 2011- December 31, 2011

Key Results Area / Objectives / Measurement / End of Year Goal
S=3, ES=4, O=5 / Q1 Results
Marketing and Communications
1) Understand moms in order to help her increase fruit/vegetable consumption among her family members. / 1. Mom’s intention to serve more fruit/veg to her family
2010 Results: 66%
2011 Goal: 67%+
2. Self-reported “likely to purchase” when seeing FVMM logo on product
2010 Results: 45%
2011 Goal: 47%+ / S= 67%+
ES= 68%
O= 69%
S= 47%+
ES= 48%
O= 49% / 76%
2) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) specifically through outreach efforts via the internet / 1. Monthly average FVMM web visits
2010 Results: 69,614 visits
2011 Goal: 74,500 (+7%)
2. Increase number of opt-in participants
2010 Results: 25,291
2011 Goal: 29,000 (+15%)
3. Measure site referrals to determine breadth of industry support
2010 Results: 533
2011 Goal: 550 (+3%) / S= 7% increase
ES = 10% increase
O= 13% increase
S= 15% increase
ES= 17% increase
O= 20% increase
S= 3% increase
ES= 5% increase
O= 10% increase / 79,156 (14% increase)
26,936 (6.5% increase)
543 (2% increase)
3) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through retail support of the new Fruits & Veggies—More Matters brand / 1. Measure percent of FVMM licensed retail members’ against all supermarkets
2010 Results: 91%
2011 Goal: >92%
2. Measure number of consumer impressions (print, online and in-store POS) as measured by Leemis.
2010 Results: 29.7 million
2011 Goal: Establish baseline
3. Increase number of retail role models and those nearing role model status as measured by retail role model criteria
2010 Results: 7 role models and 7 champions
2011 Goal: 10 role models; 7 champions / S= >92%
ES= 93%
O= 94%
S= Establish baseline
S= 10 role models; 7 champions
ES = 11 role models; 8 champions
O = 12 role models; 9 champions / 91%
8 ‘champions’
4) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through grower/shipper/processor support of the new Fruits & Veggies—More Matters brand / 1. Increase number of licensees (excluding retailers & states)
2010 Results: 317 licensees (net 16 new)
2011 Goal: 327 (3% increase) (net 10 new)
2. Increase number of different products (SKU’s) with brand on packaging or PLU stickers
2010 Results: 177 SKU’s (1980 total labels)
2011 Goal: +4% (70 new or 2050 total labels)
3. Increase number of role models (measuring “depth” of brand support)
2010 Results: 14 role models; 3 champions
2011 Goal: 15 role models; 6 champions / S = 3% increase (net 10 new)
ES = net 14 new
O= net 18 new
S = +4% (70-119 new)
ES = 120-169 new
O= 170+ new
S = 15 role models; 6 champions
ES = 17 role models; 8 champions
O = 19 role models; 10 champions / 321 total (4 new, 1% increase)
9 new (0.5% increase)
15 ‘champions’
5) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through increased state and national public health partner support of the new Fruits & Veggies—More Matters brand / 1. Increase number of National Role Models (“depth”)
2010 Results: 2 champion - CDC & Council of State Coordinators
2011 Goal: 2 champions
2. Increase number of Public Health role models and/or champions
2010 Results: 17 role models and 7 champions
2011 Goal: 15 role models and 10 champions
3. Increase number of site referrals to FVMM website from states & public health partners (.gov and .org)
2010 Results: 1,367
2011 Goal: 1,500 (+10%) / S= 2 champions
ES = 3 champions
O = 4 champions
S = 15 role models and 10 champions
ES = 17 role models and 12 champions
O = 19 role models and 14 champions
S = 10% increase
ES = 15% increase
O = 20% increase / 2 ‘champions’ (CDC & Council of State Coordinators)
End of Year
1,479 (8.2% increase)
6) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) with educational materials through educators, health professionals, and schools / 1. Increase the number of impressions from catalog efforts
2010 Results: 16.56 M
2011 Goal: 15.4 M (+5% vs ’09)
2. Increase the number of FVMM educational products sold to educators and health professionals.
2010 Results: $2,015,000
Goal 2011: $2,015,000 (+5% vs ’09) / S= 15.4 M (+5% vs ’09)
ES= +8%
O= +11%
S= $2,015,000 (+5% vs ’09)
ES = +7%
O = +9% / 3.7 million (24% of goal)
$280,813 (14% of goal)
7) Reach Gen X moms (and her family) through the media / 1. Establish the number of impressions captured during the annual media and social media analysis (no multiplier)
2010 Results: 111.6 M
2011 Goal: Establish baseline / S =Establish baseline / 182.7 M
National Action Plan Monitoring
1) Monitor Policy / 1. Track relevant federal nutrition policies.
2011 Goal: provide input in 3 areas / S = Provide input in 3 areas
ES = Provide input in 4 areas
O = Provide input in 5 areas / Input in 1 area
2) Test Advocacy / 1. Provide information to consumers on FVMM website about key programs (salad bars, vendors, F&V snack and HealthierUS Challenge)
2011 Goal: Keep “my community” up-to-date about each program; encourage development of salad bars
2. Provide information to consumers on relevant topics.
2011 Goal: Keep “about the buzz” topics timely and relevant / S = Keep “my community” up-to-date about each program; encourage development of salad bars
S = Keep “about the buzz” topics timely and relevant / Up to date
Weekly & relevant
3) Monitor Research / 1. Monitor Research:
2010 Results: Research is used in press releases and on FVMM website
2011 Goal: Secure funding for research abstract database and continue to use research in press releases and on FVMM website
2. Conduct literature reviews:
2011 Goal: Conduct two literature reviews and submit for peer review publication / S = Secure funding for research abstract database by 11/1/11 and continue to use research in press releases and on FVMM website
ES = funding by 12/1/11
O= funding by 1/1/12
S = Conduct two literature reviews and submit for peer review publication by 7/11
ES = by 9/11
O= by 11/11 / To be discussed by Exec Comm
2 conducted; both submitted for peer review by 4/11
Average Score of Key Result Areas 1&2, weighted at 50%
Key Results Area / Objectives / Measurement / End of Year Goal / Q1 Results
Secure sustainable funding sources for PBH
1) Secure $2.0 million from the industry / 1. Secure private sector industry funds through annual contributions, special events, sponsorships and in kind donations
2010 Results: $1.722 million
2011 Goal: $1.674 million (excluding campaign contributions)
2. Secure goal of $3M for Campaign for Children’s Health
2010 Results: Secured 96% of 2010 pledges
2011 Goal: Secure 90% of final campaign pledges / S = $1.674 million (excluding campaign contributions)
ES = $1.750 million
O= $1.800 million
S = Secure 90% of final campaign pledges
ES = 92%
O= 94% / $575,000 (34% of goal)
2) Expand revenue sources through catalog sales / 1. Secure gross catalog sales of:
2010 Results: $2.335 M
2011 Goal: Secure $2.2 M (+4% vs ’09)
2. Measure profitability of catalog sales:
2010 Results: 20.9%
2011 Goal: 21.5%
3. Measure inventory management
2010 Results: $503,218
2011 Goal: Maintain Average Monthly Inventory at $480,000 or less (-5%) / S = $2.2 M (+4% vs ’09)
ES = $2.25 M
O= $2.30 M
S= 21.5%
ES= 22%
O= 22.5%
S= Maintain average monthly inventory at $480,000 or less (-5%)
ES= $465,000
O= $450,000 / $285,000 (13% of goal)
Determined end of year.
$533,865 (+6% increase)
Average Score of Key Result Area, weighted at 50%

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