PGA – 102. 01
PGA Golf Management Level 1, Seminar II
Lecture Will Mann
Director, PGA Golf Management Program
Office: Wall 122
Office Phone:843 349-6632
Class : PGA 102 – 01 / Tuesday, 3:00 – 4:15 PM / Room 317
Office Hours : Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM; Friday: 8:30 – 12:00
Course Description
PGA 102 – PGA/Golf Management Level 1, Seminar II (3 credits). (Prereq: Acceptance into the PGA Golf Management Program) The second in a series of seminars and classes supporting the required learning objectives of the PGA of America’s PGA Golf Management Program. This is Facility Management 1 that will discuss: Business Planning, Customer Relations, Golf Car Fleet Mgt, Tournament Operations, and Rules of Golf. These discussions of principles will prepare students for the work experience activities required during Co-Op internships. S.
Work Experience Activities. Students will be required to complete work experience activities in related areas. They will be completed during the summer internship and must be submitted to our office by July 1. If the WEAs are returned incomplete, or with mistakes, they will be returned for corrections.
Course Restrictions
This course is restricted to students enrolled in the PGA Professional Golf Management Program.
Course Objectives
This course is the second in a series of seven seminars in the Professional Golf Management Program. The primary objectives of the course are:
- To highlight the importance of customer relations to the PGA and its affiliated organizations.
- To provide an overview of Tournament Operations
Learning Outcomes: Customer Relations
- Discuss the business value of effective customer relations
- Describe the essential components of the PGA Customer Relations Model
- Identify and define Moments of Truth
- Recognize the four interaction Strategies and how to apply them in a variety of routine and challenging customer situations
- Initiate the PGA Experience using a systematic greeting and engagement process
Learning Outcomes: Tournament Operations
- Analyze the role of tournament business at a golf facility
- Identify tournament business objectives and the strategies to achieve them
- Define a tournament’s purpose and develop an event that meets that purpose for the customer
- Plan, organize, and promote events
- Organize staff to meet tournament implementation schedules and budget requirements
- Prepare the course and facility for an event
- Communicate effectively with players, staff, and officials during an event
- Manage rules situations and make rulings during events
- Describe all critical tasks required for tournament execution
- Review a tournament and suggest improvements for future events
Attendance: If you have more than two unexcused absences you may not get credit for this seminar.
Requirements: CCU PGM students must successfully pass each course in Level 1 and successfully complete all required Work Experience Activities for Level 1 prior to starting Level 2.
Grading: The students semester grade will be determined by a combination of class attendance, class participation, topic test and the PGA Test on Customer Relations / Tournament Relations.
Attendance: 10 %
Class Participation 20 %
Topic Test 20 %
PGA Course Test 50 %
Seminar Classroom Guidelines:
- Attend class
- Be on time
- Do not wear hats, caps, etc. in the classroom
- The use of any tobacco products in class is prohibited
- Turn cell phones off
- When leaving the classroom, clean up
Instructor’s Expectations:
- Read and study assigned material
- Have material printed and in class
- Participate in class
- Act professional
Class Schedule & Reading Assignments by Lesson
1/14 & 16 Introduction & Lesson 1
1/21 & 24 PGA Merchandising Show
1/28 & 30 Lesson 2
2/4 & 6 Lesson 3
2/11 & 13 Lesson 4
2/18 Combined Class & Review
Class Schedule & Reading Assignments by Lesson
2/25 & 27 Introduction & Lesson 1
3/4 & 6 Lesson 1 & 2
3/10 & 14 Spring Break
3/18 & 20 Lesson 2 & 3
3/25 & 27 Lesson 3 & 4
4/1 & 3 Lesson 4
4/8 & 10 Appendix 1 – 5
4/15 & 17 Appendix 16 – 30
4/22 Combined Class & Review
Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Statement:
Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Any such violations will be dealt with in strict accordance to Coastal Carolina University guidelines. The student will be held accountable for familiarizing himself/herself with this policy which is located in the CCU Student Handbook under the Code of Student Conduct section.
Statement of Community Expectations:
Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and reporting the inappropriate action of others and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
Email Policy:
All Email messages pertaining to this course will be sent to your official CCU email address. Students should make a habit of checking the CCU email for items pertaining to this course and other University, and GMP related matters.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with a documented disability (physical, learning, emotional) are encouraged to contact Counseling Services at 843-349-2305 so that equal opportunity and accommodations can be arranged for the student. The PGA provides special accommodations for their testing. PGA Non-Standard testing forms must be completed 90 days in advance of testing, along with medical documentation.
Regular class attendance will be expected throughout the semester. Any student that misses more than 2 class sessions will receive an F as a final grade. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class session. Please consult the instructor if an unusual circumstance arises that may affect your attendance.
To avoid distraction or disruption of class proceedings, the use of all electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, computers, etc.) are prohibited during the class period. Devices must be in the “off” position during class. Placing devices in the vibrate, mute or any other mode does not constitute the “off” position. Violations of this class policy may subject the student to the removal from class and/or confiscation of the device during class time.
Notice of the Right to Change or Modify this Course:
The instructor retains the right to make changes or modifications to this course/syllabi during the semester as is deemed necessary. Schedule changes, assignment changes or modifications, and class cancelations, are examples of such changes.
CCU-GMP Knowledge Test Re-Take Policy:
It is the policy of this program that when a student fails a PGA Knowledge Test, said student is required to register for a retake of the test within 5 days of failing it. The student will be placed on “program probation” if the test is not passed within 30 days from the date it was first failed.
Class Assignments
Before each session, students will read the upcoming lesson and write a summary outline of the material to be turn in at the end of class.