Half Moon Bay Master Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Date of MeetingMarch 23, 2011
Members Present: A. Eisenberg, B. Hartmann, B. Meli, : J. Sceppa,
Members Absent: C. Zarcone
Invited:G. Grant (GRS Manager)
Next Meeting:6 April 2011, 10:00 AM
1.Roll Call
A Roll Call was made and a quorum was present. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM.
Mr.. Meli moved and Mr. Sceppa seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2011 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
3.Old Business
Open Items from the Previous Board Meeting.
- Card Tables and Chairs
Mr. Grant stated that the replacement tabletop and the four new chairs have been shipped. Mr. Sceppa asked whether the seller would be providing touch up services. Mr. Grant stated that the company will not. Mr. Sceppa said that we should get rid of the old tables and the extra tabletop. A resident, Mr. Aho, asked whether we could donate the tables to the Finnish Hall. Mr. Sceppa said that he needed to be notified by Saturday if the Finnish would be taking the tables or he would dispose of the tables.
- Pavers.
The contract has been signed and work will begin after the spa work. Work will probably start around May 20.
- Pool Fencing.
The contract has signed. Work will begin after completion of the spa work.
- Spa safety equipment.
The drawings have been received. Formal bids will be solicited for the work. A considerable amount of discussion took place concerning the cost of the work to be done. Because the drawings have just been received, detailed cost information is not yet available.
- Walkway re-sealing.
Work is to begin on March 24.
- Bathroom sinks and bookcases.
Mr. Meli stated that his discussions with the resident who will be building the bookcases stated that we will need to use real wood rather than particle board. The Association would purchase the materials and volunteers would do the work. On the matter of sink replacement in the bathrooms, Mr. Sceppa has asked a contractor to give us an estimate which should arrive by March 25. Mr. Eisenberg has stated that the estimate should include an option for impervious countertop material.
- Mr. Peters.
Mr. Grant stated that a draft work plan has been drawn up, but has not yet been typed. Mr. Sceppa noted that he often sees the K-Hov cleaning person performing work that should be done by the Master Association cleaning person. He also stated that he was unhappy with the quality of the work performed by the cleaning service. Mr. Grant said he would look into the problem and have the cleaning person replaced if necessary.
- Raccoons.
The raccoon control company is no longer under contract. If we need them again, they will be happy to sign a new contract. Mr. Meli reasserted that we should use only licensed contractors.
- Siren Activated Gate.
The activation system has been installed. It was agreed that the directional sign showing which gate to use is no longer necessary and should be removed.
- Entrance Fence.
Deposit checks for the contractor are in the office and ready for signature. The repair work is covered by insurance. Work should be done by the middle of April.
- Trash Cans.
The trashcans have arrived and have been deployed. The old cans will be discarded.
- Front Gate Directory Sign.
The deposit check is in the office awaiting signature. The layout is not yet available for review.
- New Wireless Microphone.
Mr. Eisenberg stated that the manufacturer had erroneously not shipped the microphone. The problem was corrected and the microphone should be here soon.
- Front Gate Decorative Lighting.
The work has been done.
- Social Event Scheduling.
Mr. Sceppa said that his remarks at the March 9 meeting were misconstrued. He did not imply that the Social Committee needed more financial oversight. A discussion ensued on whether the billing of the Social Committee was warranted since it had been the custom in the past. Mr. Sceppa will prepare a new invoice.
- Kitchen Laminate
Mr. Meli looked at the counters in the kitchen. He concluded that we will need a major upgrade. He will be getting pricing so that we can add the kitchen upgrade to next year’s budget.
- Independent Audit Review.
Mr. Sceppa received no comments from the Board on the 2nd draft of the report. He will forward minor changes and authorize publication of the report.
- Unallocated Reserves
Mr. Sceppa clarified the nature of unallocated reserves. He noted that unallocated reserves can only be carried for one year. He said that Florida Statutes require a “book-in-record” to show the individual line items in the total reserve pot. Mr. Sceppa also noted that the reserve study shows that we are under funded by $300,000. He believes that this is in error, considering that we have new roofs.
- New Business
a)Line of Credit.
Mr. Sceppa described the actions of CNL bank, and their claimed need for a formal letter from our lawyers stating that we have the right tot borrow money. A formal opinion was rendered when we first got the line of credit and had a significant price. After some negotiations, Mr. Sceppa was able to convince them that s simple letter from our lawyers is sufficient. Such a letter was prepared, and counsel insisted that the letter be read to the Board, and that the action be recorded in the minutes. Mr. Sceppa read the letter to the Board. He then moved that the letter be accepted. Mr. Meli seconded the motion. The motion was voted upon and was carried unanimously. Mr. Sceppa suggested that later in the year, we determine whether we even need a line of credit.
b)Gate codes.
Mr. Hartmann suggested that we have a readily available 4-digit number for residents. After much discussion, it was agreed that we will not change our current methods.
c)Front Gate Painting.
Mr. Grant reported that we received a bid of $1,750 to repaint the Front Gate. Mr. Eisenberg moved and Mr. Meli seconded a motion to repaint the gate white or off-white. Mr. Sceppa made a Point of Order requesting clarification as to whether an item not on the agenda could be acted upon. He asked Mr. Hartmann to determine whether items not on the agenda could be acted upon. The Board provisionally voted upon the motion. The motion was carried by a vote of 3 to 1 with Mr. Hartmann voting no. Subsequent to the meeting, Mr. Hartmann determined that “Any item of business that is not included in the notice or the Board meeting may only be taken up on an emergency basis….” Front Gate Painting will be added to the next meeting agenda.
- Member Comments
Resident Complaint.
Mr. Roney, President of the Phases Association, related a problem brought to him by one of his residents. The resident had initially attempted to use an electric barbeque on a balcony residence. After having been informed that this was not acceptable, the resident attempted to use the gas grills near the pool. The resident claimed that the grills were not working. Further the resident stated that the rules were not being uniformly enforced, and that our actions might be discriminatory. Mr. Roney stated that because of a cultural and language gap, the resident did not understand that there are three separate associations with different rules. Also, he noted that rules are enforced, but sometimes residents do not get caught violating the rules. A general discussion ensued, and those present were reminded that all residents should help enforce rules. The Board is not an enforcement agent.
- Adjournment
Mr. Hartmann moved and MrEisenberg seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion was called to a vote and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM