University Staff Council
January 2013 Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Steve Sheridan, Gayle Doyle, Katie Morris, Albert Baladez, Sue Scollon, Emily Walsh, Pat Haley, Megan Jacobs, Susan Markert, JJ Brown, Rita DiAntonio, Joyce Zavarich, Kimberly Reilly, Mariana Martinez (VSB sub), Carlos Rodriquez, Julie Helverson, Alice Faraone, Matt Gwin, Linda Hauck, Allison Venella, Kevin Noller
Hot Points
· Human Resources Reminder: If you have not already done so, please remember to complete the Preventing Workplace Harassment online-course by this Friday, February 1st. Participation is mandatory. If you have any questions, please contact HR.
Meeting Minutes
Kevin Noller—Welcome & Introductions
· The University Staff Council welcomes all new members who will be serving on the committee for the next two years!
Allison Venella—Offered a Reflection, titled “A Prayer for New Beginnings.”
Kevin Noller—Offered an overview of the history of the USC, setting the stage for our meeting and our new members. The USC was formed four years ago under the direction of University President, Father Peter Donohue. The old VQI system became outdated, and the University Staff Council was formed with the purpose of being a representative body of the University staff population. Villanova University serves three specific bodies of people: the students, who are represented by the Student Government Association, the faculty, who are represented by the Faculty Congress & the Senate, and the staff, who are represented by the USC. The USC has one representative for each department (either individual departments or grouped departments). The USC has been the place for staff to provide feedback, make suggestions, and have a voice within University-wide issues. Additionally, over the past four years, the USC has offered staff development training, that will be continued into the future, as an opportunity for our staff to grow personally and professionally. About a year and a half ago, the USC was called upon to represent the staff body when the issue of Tuition Remission benefits was being evaluated by the University. The USC provided feedback, town hall meeting sessions, and was overall the place for staff to communicate their concerns & suggestions—which was clearly communicated to HR. The USC also serves as a party planning committee for the staff body, hosting four events throughout the year: the Staff Holiday Social, the Midnight Shift Recognition, the Soup/Bread Luncheon, and the Community Picnic in May.
Kevin Noller—Reviewed the USC Committee Structure—and gave all members a look into the roles and responsibilities that will be passed along to this new group. All USC reps will be asked to be involved with at least one committee. The USC committees include:
· USC Executive Committee
· Elections Committee
· Communication Committee
· Staff Development Committee
· Staff Recognition Committee
o Distinguished Service Award
o Above and Beyond Awards
o Workplace Improvement Award
· Suggestions Committee
· Community Committee
o Christmas/Staff Holiday Social
o Soup & Bread Lunch
o Midnight Staff Recognition
o Community Picnic (May)
Kevin Noller--- Reviewed the flow of the USC Meetings
· Welcome and Reflection
· Presentations- frequently, individuals/departments from around campus are asked to come and present on current issues and topics at USC Meetings. Presentations usually last about 30 minutes and are meant to be informative.
· Area Announcements— the time to share information and what’s happening within your own individual departments
· Committee Announcements—the time for each committee to share what’s happening within the USC committee (i.e. social events, new suggestions, staff development announcements etc.)
· Awarding of the Villagnome—the USC’s “Caught you doing good” award each month
Area Announcements
Human Resources Updates /Albert Baladez—
· All staff members need to complete their Proactive Harassment Prevention Training (online) by Friday, February 1st. This is a mandatory obligation for all staff members. If you have any questions, please contact HR directly. The completed report will go to University President, Father Peter Donohue for his personal review.
· With regards to the Personal Health Incentives, the Health Screening forms are due by 2/28/13 to HR. To be eligible to receive the incentive, each staff member must complete the online health assessment form and complete a health screening, either on-campus or with your family doctor. For more questions, please contact HR directly.
· Jennifer Derry has been hired as the new Human Resources Director for Training Programs on campus; some of her first projects include supervisor training for the Performance Evaluations done each March. More information forthcoming.
Student Life Updates/ JJ Brown—
· Safe Zone Training—The next training session to become a Safe Zone Volunteer is Thursday, February 14, 3:30-5:00pm, Bartley 1011. To sign up, contact Teri O’Brien () by Friday February 8th. For more information, contact Kathy Byrnes ()
· One Book Villanova Program—Author Conor Grenan will be on campus, Tuesday, January 29th.
o Meet the Author/Book Signing: 1:30-2:30pm, Falvey Library
o Community Dinner with the Author: 6:00-7:00pm, Dougherty Dining Hall
o Author’s Talk: 7:30-9:30pm, Villanova Room, Connelly Center
· Emerging Leaders Institute: Emerging Leaders Institute, scheduled on Friday, March 22, 2:30-9:30pm. It is a communication-centered program for emerging freshmen and sophomore student leaders at the IHM Spirituality Center at Immaculata University. The purpose of the program is the following: “to enhance the leadership skills of our aspiring student leaders while providing direction, support, and opportunities for self-reflection.” Registration will be available on the Leadership Programs website in the next few weeks.
· Health Promotion:
o Love the Skin You’re In Fashion Show: February 26th, 7pm, Villanova Room, Connelly Center
o Influencer Series: upcoming session on mental health for faculty and staff will be held on February 27th, noon, location TBD, for more information, check out campus currents.
Kevin Noller & the current USC Executive Team: reviewed the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Team and some of our shared experiences over the past two years.
· Executive Committee—description of roles
o Chair
o Vice Chair
o Secretary
o Treasurer
Kevin Noller: Review of the University & Campus Ministry Soup Kitchen Treat Program:
· Each University Department signs up to support the Soup Kitchen Treats that are taken down to St. Agatha’s Soup Kitchen every Wednesday Night, all year long. The treats are usually packaged sweets (cookies or rice krispe treats, or something else individually packaged OR fruit). Each departments signs-up for two weeks during the year, and provides 120 treats for their week. Each department handles it differently, but most departments ask for donations for the Soup Kitchen Treats and the USC Rep is responsible for dropping them off at Campus Ministry on your designated week. For more information, either contact your former USC Rep for the dates your department is assigned for this year OR contact Mary Lou Glenn () who coordinates this endeavor.
Villagnome-- The USC has a “Caught you doing good” award, a Villagnome statue that is presented each month to a department or individual who is nominated at our USC meeting for their significant contribution to the University over the past month. This month, MJ Magee was nominated from the Campus Ministry department by Joyce Zavarich. MJ will be retiring from the University later this spring, and we present her with the Villagnome with much appreciation for her long-time service to the University!
USC February Meeting: February 25, 2013, Devon Room, Connelly Center, 2:00PM