Hazen High School PTSA General Meeting MinutesOctober 18th, 2017
ASB Overview (Emma Ledbetter-ASB President)
- Successful spirit week, Homecoming Football game, and Homecoming dance
- Turkey baskets (annual food drive for local families)
- Looking for student volunteers to collect food outside of grocery stores. Please let your students know
- Deadline: November 15th
- Baskets put together on November 18th
- Friday 10/20: Hazen vs. Kennedy Game (Home Game)
- Pink out event: Wear your pink!
- Booster club will be collecting donations @ tailgate
- For every $5, you will receive a string of pink beads
- Possibly covered by King 5 news as game of the week. Voting continues until Thursday 10/19
- Currently promoting Theme of the Year: “We Are Hazen”
- Goal: Make every student feel welcome as a part of the big Hazen community
- Increased promotion on social media and conversation amongst students
General Business
- Welcome & Introductions
- 2017-18 Hazen PTSA Officers:
- Co-Presidents: Evelyn Hou & Doug Kusumi
- VP Membership: Nikka Rose
- Treasurer: Nigam Shah
- Secretary: Elaine Chow
- Review of September meetings minutes and file for audit—Approved
- Treasurer's Report (Monthly statement) Membership Drive (Nigam Shah)
- Please see September Monthly Statement
- Membership Drive
- Currently: 46 members, Goal: 265
- Committee Reports
- Financial Review
- Ongoing; Need print outs before completing the work
- Legislative
- Nothing currently planned or budgeted for representation this year.
- Typically 2 students per year
- Reflections: Volunteers needed to chair different categories (Roger Ingalls)
- Deadline: Dec 18th
- Artistic entries: language, graphic arts, dance, musical compositions
- Theme: “Within Reach”
- Reached out to previous chairs for more information. Goal: Increase participation
- Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) (Ray Kusumi)
- Slated to discuss in November
- Principals & Presidents Potluck at Knowles Education Center (Monday, 10/23)
New Business
- Volunteers needed to organize dinner before parent/teacher conference
- Keep an eye out for sign-up geniuses. Will be sent via Facebook & email
- Fundraisers:
- Spirit Gear for Holiday gifting
- Stay posted for details
- Comment: Communicate with VP of fundraising before to ensure not to duplicate what others are already doing
- No Hassel donation
- Husky Stadium concessions volunteer
- Raise funds for grants and scholarships
- Wednesday, 11/15: Next PTSA/Booster Club Meeting
- Monday, 11/20: Staff Dinner for Parent/Teacher Conference
- Please send ideas for theme for staff dinner
- Parent/Teacher Conference: 1:30-7pm
- Dinner Break: 4-5pm
Principal's Report by Assistant Principal Mr. Stephen Rencher
- Hazen is up for game of the week! Encourage friends and family to vote
- Tennis coach, Gail Ellis, has received coach of the year!
- New course offered at Hazen: Robotics taught by Dave Goldie
- Enrollment Review Committee
- Please see handout
- Review how our schools are being utilized to help community
- Looking for parents from each school to participate
- 5 meeting commitment
- Current Enrollment: 1,692 Students (largest Hazen has ever been!)
- Reached capacity in teaching spaces, every room is utilized as fulltime spaces
- New Running Start Policy:
- Running start students must stay in designated areas when not in class at Hazen (including library). Will help differentiate between running start students and those who claim they are running start students but are not
- Currently 200 Running Start students
- School Zone flashing lights are not turning on. Will contact the city
- Is there a forum for students to appreciate teachers or give feedback on teachers?
- No. Students may speak to grade level administrator/counselor whether the feedback is good or bad
Winner of Door Prize: Elaine Chow (Starbucks mug & coffee)
Winners of Hazen PTSA Membership Drive Drawing: Renee Crow & Avanti Berquist (“Dry-fit”Hoodies)