Weaving Bonds Across Borders

Peacebuilding and Gender Skills Workshop

Application Form

Program Description

Our Future Community Leadersprojectbrings youth from across Asia to learn leadership skills on peacebuilding, gender and environment issues through training, capacity building and networking. Through this project, we build the leadership skills of youthto support their communities and support friendship, network building and cross border cooperation in the Mekong and Asia-Pacific region.

Workshop Description

The Peacebuilding and Gender Skills workshopis designed to support participants from Weaving Bonds’ alumni network, Asia Foundation, and other partner networks to advance their skills and capacity in peacebuilding and gender issues, as well as skills including project design and TOT (Training of Trainers).

12 participants will be selected to attend a 20 daypeacebuilding and gender skills training in Julyto take place in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Training topics are subject to change but may include:

Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation


Mindfulness and Trauma Healing

Project Planning and Design

Training of Trainers

Field Trip

Alumni Program

Participants will join the network and will be supported by staff to engage in networking and regional activities related with peacebuilding, cross-border and environmental issues.

Internship Program

Participants can apply for a Weaving Bonds internship opportunity for three months at the Weaving Bonds office in Chiang Mai, Thailand to take place following the workshop from August- October. This program will give additional support for its alumni and its members from partner organizations to develop their leadership skills and help them to gain work experiences and new knowledge on peace, gender and environment protection in the Mekong region countries. Interns will receive shared accommodation at the office and a small stipend.

Participants/Selection Criteria

  • Youth from Asia under 35 years old.
  • Youth from conflict-affected, grassroots and marginalized communities are encouraged to apply.
  • Interest and enthusiasm for working on peacebuilding and gender issues.

Dates and Location

  • July 1st-20th, 2017
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand


All selected participants will be granted either a full or partial scholarship. We have two kinds of scholarships, full and partial ones, will be granted to qualified applicants. Full scholarships will cover the costs of travel to/from Chiang Mai, Thai visa, accommodation, training sessions, and meals during the training. Please note travel costs can only be covered using the most economical form of transportation. Partial scholarships will cover all expenses except travel to/from Chiang Mai and visa. Due to limited number of scholarships, we encourage applicants to secure funding from other sources and ask for travel support from their organizations.

Application Process

  • The deadline to apply is June 1st, 2017.

Peacebuilding and Gender Workshop Application Form

If you can answer the questions in English please do so. You can also use Burmese, Thai, Japanese, Shan, or Karen. You can also have a friend translate into English for you. All English levels are welcome to this training. We will do our best to provide translation for those who need it.






Languages Spoken:

Native/First Language

English Level: None/Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Fluent (Please select one)

City, State, Province and Country (Current Address):



Email address:Telephone Number:

Skype ID(If have): Facebook Messenger (If have)::

What is the best way to contact you? (e.g. phone, email, Skype, Facebook etc):

Do you have a passport?


Do you need a full scholarship or partial scholarship?

Yes/NoFull or Partial?

Could you attend this workshop if there is only a partial scholarship for you? Yes/No

Do you need a translator in order to attend this workshop? Yes/No

1. Tell us about yourself and your interest in this program.

2. Please describe your community and if there are any issues related with peacebuilding or gender?

3. Do you have any experience working on issues related with peacebuilding or gender?

4. Have you joined any previous workshops on peacebuilding or gender? If so please describe and tell us what you learned.

5. If you had a chance to do a project/activity in your community related with any of these issues, what are some of your ideas for what you would do?

Extra Questions

1. Do you have any medical, health or special needs that we should be aware of?

Yes/ No (Please select one) If yes, what are they?

2. Are you able to participate in the full 20 day training? (Arriving on July 1st, leaving on July 21st). If not, which dates are you available?

Yes/ No (Please select one)

3. Do you want to apply for Weaving Bonds’ 3 month internship program after the workshop?

Yes/ No (Please select one)

If yes, please describe why you are interested in joining this internship program:

4. Are you interested in doing a small activity/follow-up project in your community after the workshop?

Yes/ No (Please select one)

If yes, please describe what type of activity:

5. Did you write this application by yourself or have someone else translate for you?

Application Process

  • Please submit this form (within email message for applicants with slow internet is fine) by June 1st, 2017to.If you cannot access email in your area, you can also send your answers through Facebook message to or give a hard copy of this application to one of our coordinators/network members
  • You can answer the questions in your own language, not only English, or ask a friend to translate into English (please inform us if you have a friend translate so that we know you need translation during the workshop).