September 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We would like to welcome students to the Berkshire Hills Regional School District’s Food Service Program. All of our schools offer a nutritious breakfast and lunch every day. We continue our commitment to high quality food, in line with the District’s Wellness Policy (as well as all state and federal guidelines), and with the knowledge that good nutrition is important to the ability to learn. Please review our menus on-line at (Occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, the menu may be subject to change).

Meal Pricing:

Muddy Brook Elementary – Breakfast $1.25 and Lunch $2.25

Monument Valley Middle – Breakfast $1.35 and Lunch $2.50

Monument Mountain High School – Breakfast $1.35 and Lunch $2.50

REDUCED Price (ALL BUILDINGS) – Breakfast $0.30 and Lunch $0.40

Meal Benefits:

Your child(ren) may qualify for Free or Reduced priced meals. Please complete the enclosed

application to determine your eligibility for these benefits (UNLESS you have received a NOTICE OF DIRECT CERTIFICATION from the school). All student benefits from the

previous school year (as of June 2016) will be grandfathered ONLY until September 30th, 2016.

New applications must be completed each year to qualify for FREE or REDUCED priced meals.

Please allow one week for your application to be processed.

We encourage all families to apply for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program, because participation directly relates to eligibility for certain federal grants, bringing needed funds into the school. We know that some eligible children and families have chosen not to take advantage of this opportunity and we encourage you to please do so. With our cafeteria software program (NUTRIKIDS), all information of this type is completely confidential. Students who have paid for their meals, as well as students receiving Free/Reduced meal benefits go through the same process at


If you have received a NOTICE OF DIRECT CERTIFICATION, from the Food Service Department (Katherine Sullivan – Director), please do NOT complete an application. Your child(ren) are automatically eligible and will receive Free Breakfast and Lunch for the entire school year.

If you are submitting an application, please return the 3 YELLOW PAGES of this packet to your school’s cafeteria or to the attention of: Katherine Sullivan – Director of Food Services

313 Monument Valley Road (Monument Valley Regional Middle School)

Great Barrington, MA 01230

Payment and Charging Procedures:

1. Meals can be pre-paid at any time. We recommend pre-paying for meals as a convenience for

your family and to help avoid any potential complications.

a.Meals may be pre-paid by sending in cash or a check with your child to school. The

amount will be credited to his/her meals account and each purchase will be subtracted

from the balance. Checks should be made payable to – BHRSD FOOD SERVICE.

b. You may also pre-pay on-line at

Directions for on-line payments (see below).

2. At the Elementary School:

a. After your child’s meal account balance reaches “$0.00”, a maximum of 4 meals will be

served to each student who charges a meal. After charging 3 meals, the student’s next

lunch will be an Alternative Meal (cost $2.25). We do not want any child to go without

lunch, but we must have parents/guardians pay for meals.

b. Parents/Guardians are required to pay for any monies owed on their student’s food

service account. As a reminder, an email notification or a letter will be sent home

with regard to the current balance and the amount of money owed to the school district.

Please be advised that your child will receive an Alternative Meal until the balance (monies owed) has been paid.

c.Student Account Balances may be viewed (without posting payments) at

(see below).

3. At the Middle and High Schools:

a.If your child’s meal account balance reaches “$0.00”, an Alternative Meal (cost $2.50)

will be provided to each student who charges a meal.

b.Parents/Guardians are required to pay for any monies owed on their student’s food

service account. As a reminder, an email notification will be sent with regard to the

current balance and the amount of money owed to the school district.

Please be advised that your child will receive an Alternative Meal until the balance (monies owed) has been paid.

c.Students at the middle and high school will be reminded of their account balances when

they go through the register.

d.Student Account Balances may be viewed (without posting payments) at

(see below).

4. All Schools:

a. If your child has an outstanding balance, any monies received will be applied to said

balance. NO student will be allowed to purchase “EXTRAS” while their balances are

delinquent. Extras include ANY item other that the Alternative Meal.

5. Returned Checks:

a. A $15.00 returned check fee will be applied to checks returned to the school district by

the bank for insufficient funds.

b.This fee and the original amount of the check will be deducted from your child’s lunchaccount (creating a deficit) and will require immediate restitution.

All student purchases are tracked through the software program (NutriKids). If at any time you would like to check the status of your child’s account you may do so on line at (see below) or you may contact your school cafeteria directly.

Muddy Brook Elementary - 413)644-2350 x3361

Monument Valley Middle – (413)644-2300 x2139

Monument Mountain High School – (413)528-3346 x164

If the need should arise to restrict your child’s purchases, please contact Kathy Sullivan, Director of Food Service and a note will be placed in your child’s file.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kathy Sullivan.


Sharon L. HarrisonKatherine Sullivan

Business AdministratorDirector of Food Services

(413)298-4017 x 16(413)644-2325 or (855)255-8666


MySchoolBucks provides:

  • Convenience - Available 24/7 on the web or with the Mobile App for your iPhone, Android or Windows phone!
  • Efficiency - Make payments for all your students, even if they attend different schools within the district. Eliminate the need for your students to take money to school.
  • Control - Set low balance alerts, view account activity, recurring/automatic payments & more!
  • Flexibility - Make payments using credit/debit cards and electronic checks.
  • Security – MySchoolBucks adheres to the highest security standards, including PCI and CISP.

Enrollment is easy!

  1. Go to and register for a free account.
  2. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account.
  3. Add your students using their school name and student ID (contact Kathy Sullivan).
  4. Make a payment to your students’ accounts with your credit/debit card or electronic check.

A program fee may apply. You will have the opportunity to review any fees and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.

If you have any questions, contact MySchoolBucks directly:

  • 1-855-832-5226
  • Visit and click on Help/FAQ’s


Please use these instructions to help you fill out the application for free or reduced price school meals. You only need to submit one application per household, even if your children attend more than one school in Berkshire Hills Regional School District. The application must be filled out completely to certify your children for free or reduced price school meals. Please follow these instructions in order! Each step of the instructions is the same as the steps on your application. If at any time you are not sure what to do next, please contact Katherine Sullivan – Director of Food Service – (413)644-2325 or (855)255-8666 or at .

Tell us how many infants, children, and school students live in your household. They do NOT have to be related to you to be a part of your household.
Who should I list here? When filling out this section, please include ALL members in your household who are:
  • Children age 18 or under AND are supported with the household’s income;
  • In your care under a foster arrangement, or qualify as homeless, migrant, or runaway youth;
  • Students attending Muddy Brook Elementary, Monument Valley Middle or Monument Mtn. H S, regardless of age.

A)List each child’s name. Print each child’s name. Use one line of the application for each child. When printing names, write one letter in each box. Stop if you run out of space. If there are more children present than lines on the application, attach a second piece of paper with all required information for the additional children. / B) Is the child a student at Berkshire Hills Regional School District? Mark ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ under the column titled “Student” to tell us which children attend Muddy Brook Elementary, Monument Valley Middle or Monument Mtn. H S,. If you marked ‘Yes,’ write the grade level of the student in the ‘Grade’ column to the right. / C) Do you have any foster children? If any children listed are foster children, mark the “Foster Child” box next to the child’s name. If you are ONLY applying for foster children, after finishing STEP 1, go to STEP 4.
Foster children who live with you may count as members of your household and should be listed on your application. If you are applying for both foster and non-foster children, go to step 3. / D)Are any children homeless, migrant, or runaway? If you believe any child listed in this section meets this description, mark the “Homeless, Migrant, Runaway” box next to the child’s name and complete all steps of the application.


If anyone in your household (including you) currently participates in one or more of the assistance programs listed below, your children are eligible for free school meals:
  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).

A) If no one in your household participates in any of the above listed programs:
  • Leave STEP 2 blank and go to STEP 3.
/ B) If anyone in your household participates in any of the above listed programs:
  • Write a case number for SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR. You only need to provide one case number. If you participate in one of these programs and do not know your case number, contact:
  • DTA Office – 160 North Street, Suite 201, Pittsfield, MA 01201 (413)236-2000.
  • Go to STEP 4.

How do I report my income?
  • Use the charts titled “Sources of Income for Adults” and “Sources of Income for Children,” printed on the back side of the application form to determine if your household has income to report.
  • Report all amounts in GROSS INCOME ONLY. Report all income in whole dollars. Do not include cents.
  • Gross income is the total income received before taxes
  • Many people think of income as the amount they “take home” and not the total, “gross” amount. Make sure that the income you report on this application has NOT been reduced to pay for taxes, insurance premiums, or any other amounts taken from your pay.
  • Write a “0” in any fields where there is no income to report. Any income fields left empty or blank will also be counted as a zero. If you write ‘0’ or leave any fields blank, you are certifying (promising) that there is no income to report. If local officials suspect that your household income was reported incorrectly, your application will be investigated.
  • Mark how often each type of income is received using the check boxes to the right of each field.

A) Report all income earned or received by children. Report the combined gross income for ALL children listed in STEP 1 in your household in the box marked “Child Income.” Only count foster children’s income if you are applying for them together with the rest of your household.
What is Child Income?Child income is money received from outside your household that is paid DIRECTLY to your children. Many households do not have any child income.
Who should I list here?
  • When filling out this section, please include ALL adult members in your household who are living with you and share income and expenses, even if they are not related and even if they do not receive income of their own.
  • Do NOT include:
  • People who live with you but are not supported by your household’s income AND do not contribute income to your household.
  • Infants, Children and students already listed in STEP 1.

B)List adult household members’ names. Print the name of each household member in the boxes marked “Names of Adult Household Members (First and Last).” Do not list any household members you listed in STEP 1. If a child listed in STEP 1 has income, follow the instructions in STEP 3, part A. / C) Report earnings from work. Report all income from work in the “Earnings from Work” field on the application. This is usually the money received from working at jobs. If you are a self-employed business or farm owner, you will report your net income.
What if I am self-employed? Report income from that work as a net amount. This is calculated by subtracting the total operating expenses of your business from its gross receipts or revenue. / D) Report income from public assistance/child support/alimony. Report all income that applies in the “Public Assistance/Child Support/Alimony” field on the application. Do not report the cash value of any public assistance benefits NOT listed on the chart. If income is received from child support or alimony, only report court-ordered payments. Informal but regular payments should be reported as “other” income in the next part.
E)Report income from pensions/retirement/all other income. Report all income that applies in the “Pensions/Retirement/ All Other Income” field on the application. / F)Report total household size. Enter the total number of household members in the field “Total Household Members (Children and Adults).” This number MUST be equal to the number of household members listed in STEP 1 and STEP 3. If there are any members of your household that you have not listed on the application, go back and add them. It is very important to list all household members, as the size of your household affects your eligibility for free and reduced price meals. / G)Provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number. An adult household member must enter the last four digits of their Social Security Number in the space provided. You are eligible to apply for benefits even if you do not have a Social Security Number. If no adult household members have a Social Security Number, leave this space blank and mark the box to the right labeled “Check if no SSN.”
All applications must be signed by an adult member of the household. By signing the application, that household member is promising that all information has been truthfully and completely reported. Before completing this section, please also make sure you have read the privacy and civil rights statements on the back of the application.
A)Provide your contact information. Write your current address in the fields provided if this information is available. If you have no permanent address, this does not make your children ineligible for free or reduced price school meals. Sharing a phone number, email address, or both is optional, but helps us reach you quickly if we need to contact you. / B) Print and sign your name. Print the name of the adult signing the application and that person signs in the box “Signature of adult.” / C)Write today’s date. In the space provided, write today’s date in the box. / D) Share children’s racial and ethnic identities (optional). On the back of the application, we ask you to share information about your children’s race and ethnicity. This field is optional and does not affect your children’s eligibility for free or reduced price school meals.

Frequently asked questions about
free and reduced price school meals

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Children need healthy meals to learn. BERKSHIRE HILLS REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT offers healthy meals every school day. Breakfast costs $1.25 @ Muddy Brook Elementary and $1.35 @ Monument Valley Middle and Monument Mtn. H S; lunch costs $2.25 @ Muddy Brook Elementary and $2.50 @Monument Valley Middle and Monument Mtn. H S . Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Reduced price is$0.30 for breakfast and $0.40for lunch (all buildings). This packet includes an application for free or reduced price meal benefits, and a set of detailed instructions. Below are some common questions and answers to help you with the application process.