Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 26th April 2016 at 8pm in Eagle Village Hall.
There were 3 members of the public present.
- Welcome & Apologies
The Vice Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting.
Councillors Present – Councillor Nigel Bottom (Vice-Chair), Councillors Mark Nolan, Alan Parker, Dawn Warnock, Chris Patty & District Councillor Barbara Wells.
Apologies were received & accepted from Councillors Michael Chennells, Martyn Jackson, Jane Wallis & District Councillor Sally Appleby.
- To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations.
None Received
- Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 29th March 2016 to be approved as minutes.
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Councillor Alan Parker, seconded by Councillor Mark Nolan, signed by Councillor Nigel Bottom – Vice Chair.
- Clerks Update
The clerk made comment regarding the opening of the footpaths at the gravel pits, she had received an email saying that the footpaths wouldn’t be open until later in the year due to the fact it is bird nesting season and they are unable to do any further clearance works. We will shortly be receiving an invitation to the next liaison meeting where the footpaths are going to be discussed.
- To Authorise the signing of orders for payment & to note bank balances
The councillors considered the list, previously circulated, and Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment;
Date / Name / Net amount / VAT / Total amountVillage Hall Management cttee / £15.00 / £15.00
R Popplewell Clerk’s Salary & Expenses / £209.01 / £209.01
E-on / £309.10 / £15.46 / £324.56
Note monies received
£13,195 – Precept
£200 - Wayleave Payment
£275 – N Grundon (Rent)
Bank Balances
31.03.2015 - £95,020.24
31.03.2016 - £30,509.95
- To Read & Sign to Annual Governance Statement for the Audit
The Annual Governance Statements were answered, for the year ended 31st March 2016, signed by the Clerk & Chairman.
- To consider the following planning applications
- Erection of two storey side & rear extension, 17 Falcon Close, Eagle Planning Ref – 16/0341/HOUS
The parish council wished to support the application on a majority vote of 3/2
- To Consider the Option of a Parish Council Facebook Page
After discussion, Councillor Warnock was asked to bring to the next meeting proposals for the page and how it would be managed. Action DW
Councillor Wells left the meeting at 8.45pm
- Update on the New Pension Regulations & the Parish Councils Responsibilities.
The clerk updated the Council saying that at this time the Parish Council are under no obligation to set up a Pension Scheme for its employees, due to the fact that, the employees are below the income threshold to qualify.
- To consider the quote from CA Traffic for the repairs to the Simple Spid (Speed Camera) – quotation circulated.
After discussion it was Resolved to accept the quote from CA Traffic for the repairs.
- To discuss and consider the correct course of action to manage the access to the Playing field and the plot of land next to the play equipment.
After discussion regarding the gates being left open, the land owners had been contacted regarding this, saying that it was a one off incident. For security reasons the gates are to be kept locked, should the matter arise again then a further lock will be put on the gates with the parish councils contact details.
- To consider the effectiveness of the litter picker at the playing field, with regards to the bins being emptied
After discussion it was Resolved that the litter picker was doing a good job, clarity regarding the wheelie bins being emptied was needed. Cllr Wallis was asked to meet with the Litter Picker. Action JW
- Any other business/items for the next agenda
Queen Elizabeth 90th Birthday Coin for Circulation – noted
Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council are concerned that Cllr Wells appears to have difficulty providing the support that the parish council are looking for. Councillor Nigel Bottom is very disappointed with Councillor Wells’s ability to represent the parish council at both a local and district level, she appears unable to follow the meeting or make any contribution when asked to do so.
- Date & Time of the next meeting
Annual General Meeting Tuesday 31st May 2016 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 9.40pm
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Printed ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Date ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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