Morrison Avenue, (PO Box 122) Mullumbimby, 2482
Telephone: (02) 6684 2373 Facsimile: (02) 6684 1294
Principal: Mr David Lees
9 November 2016
2017 Kindergarten information
Dear Parents / Carers
Thankyou for your involvement in our 2017 Kindergarten transition program. We hope your child has enjoyed their time at school as much as we have enjoyed them being a part of our school so far.
As you know, next Wednesday 16 November is the final transition day. So as we can provide the students with some additional time at school next week and incorporate activities involving our music teacher Ms Janet Swain and the Year 3 ‘buddies’, students will be at school until 1:15pm next week.As a result, in addition to students bringing their water bottle and fruit, they should also bring a packed lunch.
I have organised for the bus to collect students as normal from Dinosaurs and Cobbers Pre-schools at approximately 9:00am in the morning and the bus will then return students to the same location after departing school at 1:15pm.
Our 2017 Kindergarten students will work with their new “buddy” at stages throughout the day next Wednesday. (their buddy will be a current Year 3 student who will also work with the kindergarten students next year).Ms Janet Swain has been a wonderful new addition to our school this year as a specialist music teacher and will continue to work with all classes next year, including Kindergarten.
So as planning of school structure and classes for 2017 can continue, please ensure that you have returned your child’s enrolment form by next Wednesday 16 November. As per page 15 of this document and the email you should have received earlier this week, please also bring in (we will take a photocopy of):
- Proof of student’s residential address.
- Birth Certificate or identity documents.
- Copies of any family law or other relevant court orders (if applicable).
- Immunisation history statement.
In addition, if your child has health, disability or other support needs you will need to provide:
- A copy of medical / healthcare or emergency action plans.
- Evidence of any disability or other support needs, including any learning and support plans.
Please note that the first day of school for Kindergarten students is Wednesday 1 February 2017. We will meet in the hall at 9:15am before students go to class. Immediately after this our wonderful P&C will be hosting a special morning tea for all parents of our Kindergarten students. This will be a great opportunity to meet and network with other parents. Details will follow closer to the date.
Mrs Haywood will be carrying out Best Start assessments with students on Monday 30 January and Tuesday 31 January. Prior to the end of the current school year, you will receive further information about specific dates and times for this relating to your child. This is a terrific assessment carried out in all NSW Department of Education schools for Kindergarten students providing us with an initial benchmark of student areas of strength and further development in aspects of literacy.
All students need to commence school in full school uniform. Our uniform shop is open every Wednesday morning from 8:30am to 9:15am during school terms. In addition and for the convenience of parents, our Uniform Shop coordinator Letitia has kindly agreed to open the Uniform Shop (located in our school library) on the following dates and times: Wednesday 25 January 8:00am – 12:00pm;
Friday 27 January 8:30am – 12:00pm; Monday 30 January 8:30am – 9:00am.
I look forward to working with you all into the future and ensuring a happy, productive and inclusive start for your child at Mullumbimby Public School in 2017.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school on 66842373 if you would like to discuss any aspect relevant to your child’s education.
Yours truly
David Lees