Minutes of the March 21, 2018 Special Meeting

Michael Ciarcia called the SPECIAL meeting of Wednesday, March 21, 2018 to order at 6:30 p.m.

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michael Ciarcia, Norman Boucher, Cornelius O’Leary,and Mark Whitten

MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Paul Harrington (Arrived 7:10 p.m.), David Weigert, Dennis Gragnolati and Eric Refsnider

Michael Ciarcia acted as Chairman on behalf of Chairman Paul Harrington during his absence.

Alternate Member Mark Whitten voted on behalf of David Weigert.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Amanda Moore, Finance Director; Selectman J. Christopher Kervick

PUBLIC INPUT-BOARD OF FINANCE MATTERS ONLY: Lucinda VanGieson asked for clarification regarding C.I.A.C processes. Michael Ciarcia explained protocol regarding C.I.A.C. in regards to the budget.

Lucinda VanGieson commended the member that suggested checking the roofs in town (Norman Boucher) and wanted to register a “grave concern spending $850,000.00 for a playground at NorthStreetSchool.” Mark Whitten explained this amount is to reconstruct the parking lot at North Street School due to safety issues and that this reconstruction will impact the playground area causing it to be moved to another location.

Lucinda VanGieson also stated the sign that was promised at NorthStreetSchool after Veteran’s Day still has not been put up.

Donna Dowd asked for clarification regarding the parking lot and playground situation at NorthStreetSchool. Mark Whitten responded to questions.

CORRESPONDENCE: Michael Ciarcia received correspondence from Chairman Harrington stating he will be late to this evening’s meeting.

FINALIZE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, SELECTMAN, BOARD OF EDUCATION AND ALL OTHER BUDGETS NOT APPROVED:Michael Ciarcia began discussion with Revenues. Ms. Moore discussed calculation of estimated Revenue and Alliance figures.

Selectman Kervick discussed and explained adjustments to the Grand List. Projected reduction in over all assessments is 52,000,000 which compared to historical averages was slightly higher than in the past. This figure also includes a company being assessed

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Minutes of the March 21, 2018 Special Meeting

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for the first time. Ms. Moore then discussed the Mil Rate Calculation Sheet. The TMA audit may also effect these calculations. Assuming the TMA figure does not increase, and making an adjustment for projected revenue from the company being assessed for the first time, adjusted Grand List is estimated at $1,255,950,321 (Pending approval of Board of Education budget and Capitals).

Ms. Moore suggested a 98% tax collection rate based on historical values from Tax Collector’s list. Board members agreed.

Selectman Kervick stated there are two large accounts being audited through TMA. Initial audit on one will be presented next week. He has been assured by TMA and the Assessor that the 2.6M projected figure will be met within the next two years.

Chairman Harrington arrived at 7:10 p.m..

After a lengthily discussion, this board agreed to use 1M as FY 19 Revenue figure.

Ms. Moore discussed Employee Benefits and stated there is an estimated 12% increase in insurance. Stop Loss threshold increased. Employee co-pays has changed significantly as plans have changed (high deductable). Net cost is 1.3M ($1,309,972.05). She stated this is a significant increase. Cornelius O’Leary questioned Employee Co-Insurance in regards to the Board of Education. After verifying numbers it was found that the starting insurance calculation number used may not be correct. Further discussion with the Board of Education was suggested to justify calculations.

Discussion continued regarding possible uses of fund balance.

During Board of Education Budget discussion, the OPEB budgeted amount was decreased by $60,122.00. This change adjusted the Board of Education requested budget to $30,704,700.00. Mark Whitten made a motion to temporarily approve the Board of Education FY 19 budget at $30,704,700.00. Cornelius O’Leary seconded this motion. During discussion, Norman Boucher stated he still has not received information regarding building costs for RiseAcademy. He stated large amounts of funds are being spent for special education (Rise Academy/Pine Meadow) and he wants to make sure all students are getting the same funded educational benefits as he is concerned many students are applying to out of town magnet schools.The vote was 3 in favor, 2 opposed, 0 abstained (Mark Whitten, Cornelius O’Leary and Paul Harrington voted in favor; Michael Ciarcia and Norman Boucher opposed.) This motion carried.

There was discussion regarding using allocated funds for the Route 75 project to fund items in Capital requests. Public Works vehicles need to be upgraded as the fleet is aging. (Suggested vehicle to be replaced is a vehicle that is in poor condition and is 14 years old. Average life expectancy for such vehicle is 12 years.). It was agreed that the Materials Screener ($50,000) and 6-Cubic Yard Dump Truck ($200,000) could be

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Minutes of the March 21, 2018 Special Meeting

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funded. Mark Whitten made a motion to transfer $125,000.00 from Route 75 Reconstruction Project (301-996) and $125,000.00 from Route 75 Reconstruction Project (301-1046) to an account to be created for funding ($250,000.00 total) to purchase a Materials Screener ($50,000.00) and 6 Cubic Yard Dump Truck ($200,000.00) for Public Works and to send to the Board of Selectmen to set a Town Meeting for approval. Norman Boucher seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

Selectman Kervick suggested removing $39,000.00 from Capitals for the Library boiler as there is a new program through Eversource. There is $4,405.00 in funding available for a down payment and financing available through Eversource at zero percent.

Norman Boucher stated he has a quote to build a six bay garage at the WindsorLocksHigh School. This quote for $100,000.00 includes a foundation and this garage would be a permanent structure such as a house. He suggested holding off until next year so a proper study can be done. Presently, Emergency Management stores equipment in the 9-Bay garage at the Police Department. When there is an emergency, Public Works moves this equipment to the High School. It would be more convenient to have an area at the High School to store these items.

There was discussion regarding Board of Education Health Insurance line items and keeping this figure the same as last year.

Upcoming schedule was discussed. Tuesday, March 27, 2018 meeting is canceled due to Blight Ordinance Public Hearing. Appeals will be rescheduled to Wednesday, April 4, 2018.

Mark Whitten stated it is unrealistic to think that the mil rate can stay the same as last year without loosing important items (ei. Social Services position).He stated individuals move into Windsor Locks because of the low tax rate and low income housing.

PUBLIC INPUT-BOARD OF FINANCE MATTERS ONLY: Tammi Caron stated she recently moved into town and is a Pre-K teacher at NorthStreetSchool. She came to this meeting “to learn about what is going on in town”.

Lucinda Van Gieson supported Mark Whitten’s statements about raising the mil rate. She stated it is time to fix things that have been on hold. She stated many town residents use the tennis courts and track and they should be upgraded. She also felt that the parks in town need attention.

Carol Ruggiero wanted to inform Norman Boucher that the Police Department is not using one of the storage bays at the High School. She also stated she agrees with Mark Whitten’s comments regarding the mil rate.

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FINANCE OFFICE UPDATE: Ms. Moore stated there are 13 audits to be entered from TMA. Nine should be completed this week. Total estimated amount for the audits is around $20,000.00.

If the Social Services part-time position begins immediately the amount needed for funding would be $3,458.00 (19 hours per week/13 weeks/$14.00 per hour). This request has since changed (now requested at full-time instead of part-time).

Ms. Moore explained MERS information per Norman Boucher request. Ms. Moore will seek further information.

BOARD MEMBER INPUT: Chairman Harrington stated a delegate to represent the Board of Finance is requested at the Union Negotiations meeting to be held on April 17, 2018. Cornelius O’Leary nominated Norman Boucher to represent the Board of Finance at the Union Negotiations meeting to be held April 17, 2018. Mark Whitten seconded this motion. The vote was 5-0 in favor and this motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn was made by Mark Whitten and seconded by Cornelius O’Leary. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terrie Becker

Recording Secretary