Newmarket Veterans Memorial

Trust Committee

DRAFT Minutes – October 20, 2015

Roll Call: Chair; Phil Nazzaro, Vice Chair; Dave Wade, Secretary/Treasurer; Rochelle Sharples, Members: John Carmichael, Nancy Eaton, Patrick Marsh and Wayne Rosa.

Chair Nazzaro brought the meeting to order at 7pm.

Old Business: Patrick made a motion to accept the minutes from September 15th. Motion seconded and passed.

Chair Nazzaro submitted our request of $2,000 into the CIP fund and $500 in Operating Expenses. Town Council meets on budget for review then will be submitted to the Budget Committee.

Wayne reported the GAR work was completed on September 21st. Wayne believed the work at the Urn was also completed. Chair asked when the Urn should be covered to protect it from the weather.

New Business: John let the committee know that resident Phil Lepage will be putting out the American Flags on the Newmarket Veterans Memorial Bridge for Veterans Day and will be donating the clips to the committee.

Armed Forces Day Golf Tourney Chair, Dave, announced 2016 date to be May 21st. Due to some conflicts Dave will check into changing that date to May 14th.

Dave made a motion to have NO December meeting. Motion seconded and passed.

Rochelle let the committee know the American Legion Post 67 will be having their Annual Pasta Dinner FREE for Newmarket Veterans and their families will be held Sat. November 14 from 1 – 4pm at the Legion Hall.

Patrick made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and passed.

Next meeting: Tentatively set for Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016

Meeting adjourn: 7:30pm

Respectively Submitted: Rochelle Sharples, Secretary