College of Agricultural Sciences strategic intent summary

Marketing (Herring 11-15-13)

What is strategically most important to do?

1 Begin with a broad understanding of CAS.

We need to develop an overarching value statement and to be clear about our competitive advantage in STEM learning and engaged research.

After the broad understanding is established, then focus marketing messages on interests of key audiences.

Identify our most critical audiences and develop a targeted message campaign for each, based on an understanding of what is important to them (and how CAS can help them accomplish their goals).


For prospective students: Make a difference in the world. Apply cutting-edge science to solve real-world problems related to food, water, health, and natural resources. Experience hands-on learning in research laboratories and experiment stations across the state and with partners around the world.

For OSU Provost: CAS offers comprehensive STEM learning opportunities for OSU students, in more than a dozen disciplines and more than a dozen statewide research stations. Investment in new CAS faculty will establish OSU as a leader in engaged research and learning, where STEM subjects are applied toward solving complex, multidisciplinary societal problems involving food, water, health, and natural resources.

What is most doable, easy to implement, and provides good "bang for the buck"?

Provide media training and impact communications training for faculty

EESC is prepared to provide this training for units on and off campus.

Identify key audiences and develop an awareness campaign targeted at the needs and interests of each, with goals, strategies, metrics, and a budget.

This is NOT a short-term idea, but will evolve from the message development. Therefore it should evolve with an intentional purpose and direction.

Where should we be allocating our resources: human and financial?

Communications infrastructure is inadequate for full-scale awareness campaign: Besides two full-time programmers mentioned above, CAS needs a social media strategist. Increasingly, this is the Wild West of communications and CAS needs a “deputy on duty” to monitor rumors. Other emerging communication technologies should be considered in a marketing strategy, each tailored to the interests, needs, and reception of specific target audiences.

Marketing budget should be strategically deployed for greatest impact.

A strategic marketing plan should guide investments (such as media buys, giveaways, message placements, etc) with strategic outcomes identified. This should be developed and implemented with Betsy Hartley and Todd Bastian.

What are the major barriers?

Uncoordinated communications makes marketing much more difficult.

We need to strengthen the overarching story of CAS and its contributions to the state and the world. Currently, the story is told piecemeal, with each grant-funded project or high-profile discovery. With each disconnected story, we lose the opportunity to demonstrate the cumulative impact of CAS research, teaching, and engagement.

Do we need a new name?

No one realizes the depth of CAS. It would seem that even the OSU administration doesn’t fully understand the scope of research, learning, and engagement that happens across CAS. Many suspect that a new name would expand awareness and support. But are there unintended consequences?

SWPS programs should coordinate in messaging year round

The SWPS programs need to work together seamlessly, year round, not just during the legislative season. That will require coordination of communications, which has historically come from EESC. Will that continue to be a priority of EESC as it aligns more closely with Ecampus and PNE? If not EESC, then who?

We should never let our reputation slide into deferred maintenance

CAS marketing is based on the credibility of our science. As scientists, we have something of value to offer to students, voters, decision-makers, industry, and communities across the state and around the world. When we disagree, we need to exercise scientific debate, not professional mudslinging.