Quilters by the Bay
July 22, 2015
Nancy Gervais, our vice president, presided over the meeting.
The meeting was brought to order with 22 present, 3 guests, and 3 new members.
Motion was made by Mary Bradshaw to approve the June minutes and was seconded by Dorothy Loveless. Motion was passed.
Treasures report without retreat money totals $12,564.15.
Raffle Quilt
Raffle Quilt will be at our next meeting for members to get tickets and turn in any money collected. If you have a place to take the quilt to sell tickets please let Rose Flannigan or Joyce Walker know. We sold $250.00 worth of tickets at the Shop Hop, not included the tickets sold by individuals.
Fall Retreat
Fall retreat is ready to go, October 9-11, 2015 at Dumas Bay. There are 28 people going with a waiting list.
Small Groups
The Trains appliqué group meets on the 3rd Tuesday.
The Lakewood Library group meets on the 2nd Friday.
The Long Arm Quilters meet on the second Tuesday and this month the group will be taking a trip to the Covington Quilt show.
August 17th Martindale Publishing Field Trip. We will leave at 10:00 drive up, have lunch, then have tour and visit the book shop. If you wish to go contact Irma Bast 253 327 1459
Halloween Challenge
6 ½”, 9 ½”, 12 ½ “ blocks
Make a Halloween block and bring into September meeting and we will have a drawing for someone to win the blocks.
UFO Challenge: The perfect way to complete one of your UFO’s.
A paper will be given to you to list 6 of your UFO’s at our August meeting. Turn your list in at the September meeting and Irma will roll the dice and your job will be to complete the one on your list that matches the rolled number. Your finished UFO will be shared in March 2016.
August: meeting Barb Tourtillotte a fabric designer will talk about the process of designing fabrics. She will also have fat quarters to sell at great prices. Also fill out UFO challenge list.
September: Patricia Belyea will be talking about Japanese quilts and Yukata fabrics. Turn in Halloween block and UFO Challenge number drawn.
October: Adonna Richardson talking on the Gee’s Bend Quilts.
Evening Program
Mary Bradshaw did a fantastic presentation demonstrating the Debbie Caffrey method of quilting. We also discussed ways to quilt many of the guild members finished quilt tops.
Show and Tell
Mardell Buffington is in the hospital with a back problem.
Carol Boughton told about the Mukilteo annual Garden and Quilt show. Now on both a Saturday and Sunday every July. She said it was wonderful.
Donna from Calico Threads told about Julie Loma from Off the Wall Quilts is starting a group Days for Girls.
This is a feminine hygiene bag for women all over the word. This organization makes reusable pads, holders, and bags that are used to wash the pads in. You can sew, cut, and donate to the groups. July 29th is the first sew in at Calico Threads. From more information contact Julie Loma at .
HELP! HELP! Nancy Keay, our fall retreat organizer, does not have the notebook for fall retreat. She would really like to get this. If you know who has the notebook contact her… ASAP…..