The Singareni Collieries Company Limited
(A Government Company)
This manual describes guidelines to the users using the Application.
Twenty (20) SUPERBAZAARS are currently functioning in the SINGARENI collieries company Ltd.
This application can be logged in by all the super bazaar users to perform there relevant operations through their respective logins. The users who belong to a particular super bazaar can enter the details only of that respective super bazaar, by logging in through the login page by providing the appropriate username and password.
The Login page where the Users can login is shown below (fig-1):
The Users of respective Super bazaars are provided with respective usernames and descriptions as shown below (fig-2):
The Users must provide username and password in the login page
as follows and then click the Button provided at the bottom right corner of the LogIn dialog box (fig-3):
If the login and password entered are correct then user is successfully navigated to the main form where the respective super bazaar name and area on the top of the menu bar and the user can see a grid view consisting details of per area, per subarea, Cur_amount, prev_amount, total_amount, emp.count of all areas which comes under the respective superbazaars as shown in (fig-4):
The user is required to verify the details and if any query occurred contact us.
The main form consists of a menu where the user can select the required item to perform the following tasks as shown (fig-5):
The first item of menu is MEMBERS, It consists of 2 sub-menu items ADD and REPORT
If the user clicks on the ADD sub-menu item, the user is navigated to the General Admission Book, shown below (fig-6):
The user can register the customers (SINGARENI collieries employees only) who want to enroll to avail the Credit sales scheme offered by the Singareni Collieries super bazaars. shown below (fig-7):
In the registration form the user is required to enter the employee code of the customer and then click the submit button, shown below (fig-8):
If the employee is already enrolled there is a message that “Employee AlreadyExists”, and the data entry fields are disabled. shown below (fig-9):
If not enrolled, the user can see message “Not a registered Employee!”, then register the employee by filling the respective columns as, the Admission no. is given as provided number and Admission date is to be filled only using the calendar which is displayed by clicking the Button present beside the column and click the button then customer is enrolled into the database with a number, which is used to store the respective employee’s credit sale transactions as shown below (fig-10):
The registration process is completed and the user can come to main form by clicking on the back hyperlink button which is present on the top-right of the Application page, as shown below (fig-11):
About the next sub-menu item that is REPORT, when the user clicks on this link he is navigated to the page where the respective super bazaars users can find list of all the members who are registered in their respective super bazaars and a print button at the top-right of the list, with which the user can get a printout of the list by clicking on it, shown below (fig-12):
The user can comeback to main form by clicking on the back hyperlink button which is present on the top-right of the Application page.
The second item of Menu is TRANSACTIONS, it consists of 2 sub-menu items CURRENT MONTH and LMA.
If the user clicks on CURRENT MONTH sub-menu item, it navigates to the page where only the current month credit sale transactions are entered. Initially the user is required to provide the personal number of the employee and click submit button shown below (fig-13):
If the given employee number is not registered then an error message is displayed on the screen and the Add, Update and Delete buttons are not activated shown below (fig-14):
If the user enters a registered employee code, then the billing detail columns are activated and the user can Add or Update or Delete the customer billing details shown below (fig-15):
(Note: The Users must check Admission number of customer displayed for every transaction.)
The User when enters a customer id, then that particular customer’s Admission no is displayed and the other fields are activated. The User must fill all the fields appropriately and click button and the Billing details are stored successfully.
If user wants to modify the existing details they can perform by filling the details with Respective Bill number and clicks the button then data is updated and stored.
They can also delete any customer details by providing particular customer details and click the button so the details of the customer are erased from the database.
And finally the button, after performing any task user can use it to clear all the fields.
(Note: The Credit Transactions are to be entered only from 10th to 25th of every month.)
The second sub-menu item in TRANSACTION is ‘LMA’, if the user doesn’t recovered the last months bill then the user clicks on this sub-menu item and they are navigated to the page where the user can perform the ‘LAST MONTH AMENDMENTS’.
That is the user can submit LMA with current months transaction.
The detailed transaction report is sent to the respective department to recover the bill. To know details about Amendments the user is requested to click on ‘EXCEPTIONS’ menu item.
The third item of the menu is REPORTS, It consists of 3 sub-menu
If the User clicks on the SUPERBAZAAR-WISE item, the user is directed to the page where the User can find the credit transactions of all the members registered in the respective super bazaars.
If the User selects the MINE-WISE item, the user is navigated to the page where the user finds two options 1)Personal sub-area wise and 2)All sub-areas reports given in a panel as shown in (fig-16):
The User must select any one of the option present in a panel, and can get the report of the credit transactions details of the members of their respective super bazaars as per the option selected by the users.
If the ‘Personal sub-area wise’ option is selected then the user can find a dropdown list that appears with the sub areas of the respective super bazaar and they must select one. as shown below (fig-17):
After selecting the subarea click on button then list of credit transactions of registered customers who belongs to that area is displayed.
If the option ‘All Personal Sub-Areas’ is selected then dropdown list is disabled and after clicking the button, the list of transactions pertaining to all the members present in the area in which the current superbazar is located is generated. as shown below (fig-18):
If the User selects the SUMMARY-REPORT item, then the user can find the list of the transactions details of all the areas which comes under respective super bazaars. shown below (fig-19):
The fourth item of the menu is LETTERS, if the User clicks on this, the user is directed to the page where the user can find grid view consists of all areas summary, of the respective super bazaar and the number of employees registered in the respective super bazaars.
The user when clicks on the ‘Emp.Count’ link button, then the user is transferred to the page where the letters are generated.
These are the letters which the user is required to sent to the respective registered employees.
There is also a letter to the respective in-charge of the area where the registered employees belongs to and also to the accounts department where these transaction details are audited. shown below (fig-20):
If the user selects the ‘Generate All Letters’ button then a letter is opened,
which the user is required to forward to respective officers of the departments. shown below (fig-21):
The fifth item in the menu is ‘EXCEPTION’, when the user clicks on this item they are directed to the page where the user can find the details of the last month amendments, that is the details about the unrecovered bills of all the members registered in that respective super bazaars.
So that user can again go back to LMA sub-menu item present in TRANSACTION menu and the user can enter the details of the LMA to recover the bills with the current month transactions.
Now let’s know about 3 hyperlinks present on the top-right corner of the page. shown below (fig-22):
The first hyperlink is Contact us. If the user finds any problem in the application they are navigated to the page where our technical expert group details are present, feel free to contact our technical expert team.
The second hyperlink is Logout, the user after completing the respective tasks they can come out by clicking on it.
(Note: It is important to come out by Logout hyperlink only)
The last hyperlink is Change password, if the user clicks on it, they are navigated to change password page where user can change password by providing the old password following with new password ,Confirm new password and they both must be identical, after then submitting the button the password is changed successfully, shown below (fig-23):
Below these hyperlinks user can find two labels displaying, shown below (fig-24):
The Application Status: Active label describes about the application, whether it can be used or not, it will be active only from 10th to 25th of every month and in remaining days the application is de-active (i.e. it can’t be used to enter the Credential transaction details).
The Recording porting to SAP: Pending label describes whether the Credential transactions are entered in to sap or not. If the status is pending the details are not updated or else the details are updated.