The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University

Alumni Association Scholarship 2012-2013

The Center on Philanthropy’s Alumni Association Scholarship was established to help students complete their Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies or Master of Public Affairs in Nonprofit Management degree. Applicants must be a current student at IUPUI or Indiana University-Bloomington, pursuing an MA in Philanthropic Studies or an MPA with a concentration in nonprofit management.

The scholarship recipient will be chosen using the following criteria:

  • Essay
  • Academic Achievement
  • Financial Need

This year’s scholarship amount is $1,000. The award is payable for the spring semester. The scholarship funds will be deposited directly to the recipient’s bursar account.

All applications are due by Friday, January 11, 2013.Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Please send electronic copies of the application, essay, resume and transcript to Andy Baker at .

The award recipient will be selected by the Scholarship Committee of the Alumni Association no later than January 28, 2013 and notified around that time period.

After the award recipient is chosen, all submitted materials containing confidential financial information will be destroyed.

IndianaUniversityCenter on Philanthropy’s Alumni Association’s mission:

As graduates of the Center on Philanthropy at IndianaUniversity Academic and Professional programs, we recognize the need for reflective practitioners and pragmatic scholars who understand the complex dimensions of philanthropy and its role in our society. The Center on Philanthropy at IndianaUniversity Alumni Association is committed to confirming, supporting, and promoting the Center’s critical role in the education and professional formation ofpractitioners and scholars within the third sector.
IndianaUniversityCenter on Philanthropy

Alumni Association Scholarship Application


Permanent Address


Phone Number


Current Cumulative GPA (if applicable)Anticipated Graduation Date

CurrentCollege or University

Degree Sought

Do you plan to attend school full or part time?

Are you currently employed?

If so, please list employer and number of hours you anticipate working in the upcoming semester.

Financial Data

Please include, on a separate sheet of paper, a short 1-2 paragraph statement explaining why you feel you are in the greatest need of this scholarship. Please describe any extenuating circumstances in your financial situation.

List any other financial assistance being received in the form of grants, scholarships, and/or loans.

Type of AssistanceSourceAmount

Attach a copy of your most recent transcript (if applicable).


Attach a copy of your resume

Essay (please limit to three double-spaced pages with 12-point font)

Describe how your career experience,volunteer efforts and graduate courses have affected your view of philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. How will this new perspective influence your work in the future?

In submitting this application I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that falsification of any information may result in revocation of any scholarship awarded to me.

I further agree that my name, the name of my community, the name and address of my school, the amount of the award, and my nomination in whole or in part may be used in press releases, public announcements, and other fundraising or promotional materials in all media (including the Internet), to advance the non-profit objectives of the IU Center on Philanthropy and its affiliated programs.

Applicant's Signature Date ______
