2009/10Operational Plan
Program/Service Area: Computer CareersCampus: North Mankato Date Submitted:: May 27, 2010
Long Term Vision
Describe your long term vision for the program/service area:
To develop and maintain educational opportunities in the Information Technology field that will benefit both our students and business & industry.
Updates – typically completed each fall
What modifications/updates have been made to the program/service area’s Operational Plan at this time?
Note: Particularly identify strategies that have been added or removed (for reasons other than accomplishing them) from the program/service area’s plan and why.
SCC Strategic Plan Goal [1] or Master Academic Plan Priority:Increase &Enhance Access
(What do you want to accomplish under this goal/priority over the next 5 years?) / Action Steps
(Identify the specific steps that it will take to get this strategy accomplished.) / Responsible Party
(Who is taking charge of each step?) / Timeline
(When do you expect to work on or complete each step?) / Resources
(What current or additional resources
are needed?) / To be updated annually:
(Provide a status report on each of the strategies and/or action steps. Where are you at?)
- Make Course Offerings more accessible to all students
- Utilize Department Marketing Plan
- Offer Flexible Course Offerings
- Continue development of online courses; in Web, software, legacy(Mainframe, iSeries) systems.
- Offer more courses in late afternoon and evenings
- Submit CC Marketing to receive marketing $$
- Maintain CC department Web site
- Increase flexible start offerings
- Develop drop-in labs for networking courses
- CC Faculty
- College Deans & Admin
- CC Faculty
- SCC Marketing staff
- CC Faculty
- Admin.
Each Semester /
- Time for development
- $$ for additional training
- Marketing $$
- Faculty Time
- Business/Industry Support
- Admin & Registrar
- Classroom availability
- $$ for Lab Asst.
courses for online delivery.
For 09-10, offered 5 sections of
online courses and 12 sections of
late afternoon and evening.
Received $1,500 from Marketing
Peter continued to maintain the CC
web-site during 09-10 to reflect curriculum changes.
Flexible starts not yet accomplished
due to registration issues.
$$/facilities for drop-in labs not available.Will continue to pursue in 2010-11.
SCC Strategic Plan Goal [2] or Master Academic Plan Priority:Promote Student Success
(What do you want to accomplish under this goal/priority over the next 5 years?) / Action Steps
(Identify the specific steps that it will take to get this strategy accomplished.) / Responsible Party
(Who is taking charge of each step?) / Timeline
(When do you expect to work on or complete each step?) / Resources
(What current or additional resources
are needed?) / To be updated annually:
(Provide a status report on each of the strategies and/or action steps. Where are you at?)
- Improve Student Retention Rate
- Continue use of up-to-datehardware/software
- Increase internship opportunities for students
- Administer entry-level skills assessment:
- Keyboarding Assessment
- Conduct periodic advising sessions with each student
- Research new technologies
- Obtain funding for new/additional equipment and software
2. Continue to develop internship
relationships with business
community / CC Faculty
CC Faculty
CC Faculty
CC Faculty / During Orientation Sessions
Prior to each registration period
Ongoing /
- Time
- Computer lab
- Faculty time
- Advisory Committee members
- SCC IT Dept
- $$ in Budget
- SCC Placement area
Met with students to discuss next semester’s courses and review their progress.
Updated networking software.
Used WordPress, Drupal, and Flex in
Web courses.
Upgraded department Linux and Web servers.
Students continued to be placed in internships with business partners
>Maintaining a contact database for
Potential internship sites.
SCC Strategic Plan Goal [6] or Master Academic Plan Priority:Nurture Relationships
(What do you want to accomplish under this goal/priority over the next 5 years?) / Action Steps
(Identify the specific steps that it will take to get this strategy accomplished.) / Responsible Party
(Who is taking charge of each step?) / Timeline
(When do you expect to work on or complete each step?) / Resources
(What current or additional resources
are needed?) / To be updated annually:
(Provide a status report on each of the strategies and/or action steps. Where are you at?)
- Give students Service Learning opportunities
- Concurrent
- Increase awareness of IT field in under-served populations.
- Offer Certification Testing for CC students and other areas (medical, real estate)
- PC Maintenance students work with the People For PC organization to refurbish PCs
- Web students work with non-profit organizations to develop web sites for them.
- Work with area high schools to set up a concurrent class in
1. Work with Mankato ISD#77 and ABE coordinator
- Maintain up-to-date equipment to be used for testing purposes.
- Maintain secure, monitored area for test administration
- Renew contracts with testing agencies (COMPTIA, Microsoft, CISCO).
- Contact other institutions
CC Faculty
CC Faculty
CC Faculty
CC Faculty
Administration / Each Semester
Spring 10
Fall 09 & Spring 10
Spring 2010 /
- Time for faculty coordination
- Equipment to be refurbished
- Instructor Time
- Funding $$
- Instructor Time
- Testing area
- Dept Budget $$
- Time/$$ for faculty admin.of exams
- Faculty Time
- Contacts with institutions
- SCC Admin
Peter mentored and worked with Faribault HS instructor in delivering course.
Peter conducted 3 courses (5-week sessions) of “Discover Computers” for non-traditional and/or ESL students this past school year.
Certification testing offered fall, but suspended for spring due to faculty sabbatical.
Will resume fall 2010
>Drafted articulation agreements for Information Systems AAS and Network. Services AAS for 2010-2015 with MSU.
Agreements being reviewed at this time.