Standard 8
(picture goes here)
1. Summarize the professional and public service activities undertaken by the unit. Include operation of campus media if under control of the unit, short courses, continuing education, institutes, high school and college press meetings; judging of contests; sponsorship of speakers addressing communication issues of public consequence and concern; and similar activities.
The School of Journalism and Mass Communications encourages faculty, staff and students to initiate and participate in professional and public service activities. Here are examples of our involvement on the international, national, and local levels:
International: The School of Journalism and Mass Communications hosted International Women’s Day at the Martin Luther King Jr. Library, March 6, 2013. A panel of journalism professors from Afghanistan was featured, speaking about the progress of Afghan women’s rights with the military drawdown in 2014. The public was encouraged to attend, along with SJSU faculty, staff and students.
January 10- 22, 2012, 32 SJSU students, faculty, and media professionals visited Cuba to discover and study the Caribbean nation, its people, their concerns and life experiences in the 21st century. They were also in Havana for the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
SJSU journalism students partnered with their counterparts at the University of Arizona to make a documentary and file news reports from Dubai and Oman, December 27, 2013 to January 13, 2014. This was the School’s second journalism trip to the Middle East, having traveled to the United Arab Emirates in 2011 to make a documentary, From the USA to the UAE, which won top honors in the “Educator” category in the CreaTV awards.
For the third year in a row, Public Relations students traveled to Europe in the summer of 2013. This four-week program is designed to help students begin a journey of becoming “globally competent.” It explores concepts such as globalization, global leadership, global citizenship, and corporate social responsibility/shared value. Through classroom instruction, interaction with local business leaders, and cultural excursions, this course will help develop students’ “global mindset” through (1) providing experiential and factual knowledge of three world-class cities (Florence, Paris, and Brussels), (2) building their abilities to analyze and interpret world events through multiple frames of reference, and (3) establishing the beginnings of a global network of friends, colleagues, and contacts.
San Jose State School of Journalism and Mass Communications has two $1 million partnerships, through the US State Department, to modernize journalism education in Afghanistan. As a valuable international resource, SJSU Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising professors have created more than 30 modules of instruction. This all-original material is being shared with all Afghan universities, as well as NAI- Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan. (MOU and sample of a Photoshop module are provided in this section.)
Jose Antonio Vargas….
Hillary Clinton….
For ten days in January, 2009, the School of Journalism & Mass Communications
at San Jose State University sent ten journalism and multimedia students
from diverse San Francisco Bay Area cultural communities on a fact-finding, new media reporting road trip through the historic landmarks of the Civil Rights movement in the South.
Al Tompkins, former TV News executive, book author and top official at the prestigious Poynter Institute in Florida, joined us for Visual Journalism Day in 2012. our big DBH event last week and said he was blown away! "Here at SJSU," Tompkins told our faculty,"this journalism program is FAR AHEAD of some of the big name schools in America." He, and our special guest media professionals raved about all JMC School efforts including the Cuba Trip showcase. Students produced incredible photos, stories and videos, then designed and posted them on a new website, and helped develop a new commemorative magazine that's now being sold globally on HP Mag Cloud.
Tompkins said he will be spreading the word about SJSU nationwide!
In Spring 2012, San Jose State University hosted a highly successful SocialInnovation Leadership Forum with its partners: Altis Solutions, The City of SanJose, Global Green Village, Hewlett-Packard, Social Enterprise Alliance – SanFrancisco Chapter, and Step-Up Silicon Valley. The Forum brought together over120 nonprofit, corporate, community, education, entrepreneur and studentleaders to explore how innovation and an innovation-centered leadership approachcan help these leaders tackle society's most pressing challenges. As a result ofthis forum, partnerships between participants were created, and collaborativeprojects geared towards alleviating poverty in under-served neighborhoods werebegun. The 2013 conference,attended by 250 innovators and leaders from various sectors,continued the conversation from last year and helped the innovators of Silicon Valley come closer to achieving one common goal:providing social change in San Jose and giving relief to the social problemsin our community.
(other local events insert here)
Campus Media:
The School of Journalism publishes the Spartan Daily, which serves the entire campus community. The newspaper has been in continuous publication for eight decades. It is funded by advertising and allocations from Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) funds. Five thousand five hundred copies are disturbed on campus. An online edition is published continually, whereas the newsprint version has been published Monday through Thursday until spring semester, 2013, when it began a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday schedule.
The School also publishes Access magazine six times a year in most years, but occasionally three times a yearwhen the budget so dictates. This 24- to- 28 page magazine is also funding through advertising and a grant from IRA funds. Circulation is 5,500. In addition, Shift, a magazine for social entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley, is printed twice yearly, containing information on the biggest social issues of our time. Produced through SJSU, it is available on the Mag Cloud. It is partially funded by Hewlett Packard.
“Update News” is a weekly broadcast, 12 weeks during usual semesters. The 30-minute newscast focuses on campus and local events, although items of international and national importance are also included when they are of overwhelming importance or can be localized. Update News ran on KTEH-TV (PBS) until 2009, when it switched to KICU-TV (Independent). Due to studio renovation in Dwight Bentel Hall, Update temporarily recorded at CreaTV during the academic year 2013-14, and it was shown on CreaTV. Update has also been airing on Comcast channels in San Jose.
“Equal Time” is a newsmagazine show produced by students at SJSU and airing on KQED+ (PBS). Every spring and summer the station airs 13 episodes, which are produced throughout the year. Equal Time consists of two taped segments, showing problems and their solutions, or one side/the other side. The show ends with a roundtable discussion. Equal Time is now in its fourth season on KQED+.
Dow Jones Newspaper Fund
San Jose Urban Journalism Workshop
Public Relations Day
Every year, hundreds of Public Relations graduates return to campus for Public Relations Day. This event brings together faculty, students, and professionals in diverse communications and PR fields, sharing their expertise and advice with current PR students.
2. Attach brochures and other publications that describe the unit’s professional and public service activities.
A sampling of brochures and publications are on the following pages.
3. Describe the unit’s contact with alumni, professionals and professional organizations to keep curriculum and instruction current and to promote the exchange of ideas.
Faculty and students participate in professional organizations to stay on the leading edge of industry developments. Memberships include: AAJA (Asian American Journalists Association), BAVC (Bay Area Video Coalition), BEA (Broadcast Education Association), NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists), PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America), RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association), SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television Radio Artists), SPJ (Society of Professional Journalists)
4. List professional and public service activities undertaken by each member of the faculty the past six years. Please provide a full list; do not refer team members to faculty vitae for this information.
Faculty members are involved in many significant professional and public service activities. For example (paragraph here)
The following is a list of key professional and public service activities undertaken by each faculty member, starting with the School director and then faculty in alphabetical order
Bob Rucker
Michael Britto X
Tim Burke X
Matt Cabot
Michael Cheers
George Coakley X
Richard Craig X
Chris DiSalvo X
Stephen Eckstone
Cynthia Fernald
Lisa Fernandez X
Scott Fosdick X
Diane Guerrazzi
Tim Hendrick
Kim Komenich X
Lloyd LaCuesta X
Mack Lundstrom X
Halima Kazem X
Kathleen Martinelli
Dona Nichols X
Ralph Nichols X
Tim Mitchell
Robert Nelson
Larry Sokoloff
Diana Stover X
Bill Tillinghast X
Tom Ulrich X
5. Describe the role of professional and public service in promotion and tenure decisions. Describe travel funding or other support by the unit for faculty involvement in academic and professional associations and related activities.
Candidates for promotion and tenure and San Jose State must produce a proven record of effectiveness in professional and public service. The three categories of faculty expectation are:
- Service to the University
- Teaching effectiveness
- Research, professional or creative activity
In the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, service to the University often involves organizing innovative activities involving professionals of journalism, public relations or advertising. For example (Cheers- the SJ multi media event that brought Al Tompkins from Poynter here)
Although the state of California has been faced with a drastic budget crisis the past few years, the School of Journalism has made it a priority to facilitate faculty travel to conferences as much as possible. During the “leanest” year, 2013-’14, the School approved a maxium travel budget of $1,000 per instructor.
6. Describe the unit’s support of scholastic journalism, including workshops, visiting lectures, critiques of student work, etc.
7. Describe the unit’s methods for communicating with alumni, such as newsletters or other publications. Attach copies of publications issued during the previous academic year.
Alumni outreach and involvement are very important … ( I WILL ADD MORE)
Final Cut Studio Manager Doug DeVore was the commencement speaker for our School in December, 2013. DeVore is a 1997 graduate Radio/TV/Film student at SJSU, and he minored in journalism. He continues to participate in our School, teaching Final Cut as a volunteer, donating materials such as Final Cut X and as an occasional sponsor of Update News.
8. Describe the involvement of alumni in the unit’s educational and public-service programs (placement, internships, fund-raising, curriculum development, etc.) and in advisory or visitors’ boards.