SNEA/CHQ/CMD/2015-18/60 Dated 06th February, 2017.
Sri Anupam Shrivastava,
Chairman and Managing Director,
BSNL, New Delhi.
Sub: Request to fill up all the DGM vacancies including the vacant DR DGM posts and Addl GMs taken charge as GMs reg:
Respected Sir,
BSNL initiated promotion to vacant DGM posts on Adhoc basis (as SDE/DE seniority list is not finalised by Hon Supreme Court in 206 seniority case) and the ACRs and VC called for.
The stagnation in Telecom Engineering side is unimaginable. This is mainly due to the fact that promotional avenues to the higher posts of DEs and DGMs in the main and revenue earning stream of Telecom Engineering wing is very less comparing to other streams. Now hundreds of DEs are waiting for DGM promotions. The DGM posts are very less in comparison to other equivalent streams also. Among the available 1303 DGM posts, more than 300 posts are occupied by ITS officers on deputation, further hampering the promotional avenues.
In view of the above all the DGM posts including the DR DGM posts are to be taken into account when DGM vacancies are calculated. Now 107 DR DGM posts are vacant and equal number of ITS officers working in regular sanctioned DGM posts can be shown against the vacant DR DGM posts. Similarly large number of Addl GMs occupying the DGM posts are given the charge of GMs. The resultant DGM vacancies also can be filled through promotion, atleast on Adhoc basis.
So, it is requested to calculate the DGM vacancies taking into account of the vacant DR DGM posts and Addl GMs taken charge as GMs. This will give little relief to hundreds of DEs waiting for DGM promotions. The DPC process has to be expedited so that the promotion order can be issued this month itself considering the acute shortage in the cadre.
Thanking you,
With regards,
(K. Sebastin)
Copy to:1. Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR), BSNL Board for information and n/a please.
- Shri Deb Kumar Chakrabarty, PGM(Pers) for information and n/a please.
- Shri Manish Kumar, Jt GM(Pers) for information and n/a please.