Title of Project
Abstract of research (200w)
Please provide a succinct summary of your research proposal.
The abstract should be laid as follows: 1) background,2) Aims, 3) techniques and methodology 4) impact on secondary breast cancer
Lay Summary (200w)
Proposed Start date Xx/xx/xxxx
Note: PhD studentships are awarded for a fixed period of 3 years
Will this research be supported by other bodies: Y/N
If yes, please give details
Details of applicant
NameHost Institution
CV details
Total number of Publications
Total – First author
Total Last author
Total number of current PhD students
Total number of completed PhD Students
Details of co- applicant
CV details
Recommended reviewers/ excluded reviewers
Budget headings / Y1 / Y2 / Y3PhD Stipend
Tuition fees
Materials and consumables
Minor equipment
Animal costs
Conference cost
Research Proposal (2500 w) (Can be attached separately)
1)Aims and purpose of proposed investigation
2) Background to the project
3) Plan of investigation and methodology
4) Potential risks/challenges
5) Timescale
6) Outline the expected value to the secondary breast cancer community
(Wordcount does not include references or figure legends)
Additional details:
IP body
Give details of your host institutions
IP body
Patentable results: Outline the results of this research are likely to have a commercial partners. State whether there is previously been any patent filed or commercial interest expressed in the research related to this application
Experiments using animals:
Justification and animal numbers
Animal licence number
Stem cells
Outline the training environment
Please provide details of the training offered
Data sharing plans
Research category: Common scientific outline
I understand that submission of an application indicates full acceptance of the terms and conditions of award as detailed in the grant conditions.
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