General Meeting 2006
Hotel Calzavecchio
Casalecchio - Italy
17th December 2005
The Meeting starts officially at 22h. with the greeting speech by the IDF President Mr. Furio Bologni, who recalls shortly the Federation recent developments and thanks all Member countries for their excellent and professional activity.
The word is then passed to the Secretary General who welcomes all attending Federations as listed below:
-ARMENIAMr. Stepan Andreasyan
-HUNGARYMr. Attila Barna - Coord. of Int. Relat.
-ITALYMr. Roberto Stella
-MOLDOVAMrs. Victoria Basiul
-POLANDMrs. UrszulaDziekciarek - Coord. of Tech. Comm.
-ROUMENIAMrs. Alina Cocosila
-SAN MARINOMr. MircoCatalano
-SPAINMrs. Alicia Lopez
-UKRAINEMr. Oleksandr Gladysh - Coord.of East.Eur.
The Member Federations not attending the Meeting were the following:
The candidate Federation attending the Meeting is BELARUS.
The Secretary General invites the present to express their vote and Belarus is unanimously co-opted into the IDF.
The next subject is the detailed schedule of the 2006 World Championships which will be staged in Bellaria, Rimini, Italy on 26th-27th and 28th May 2006. Starting from this World Championship, it is decided that the final's results will not be published anymore before the prize awards ceremony.
The calendar of the 2005-2006 International Ranking Competitions is then illustrated, with two competitions already staged in Spain and in Hungary and two more scheduled in Italy on 11th Feb. 2006 and in Ukraine on 17th-18th and 19th March 2006.
For the 2006-2007 season the Federation has already received 4 applications, i.e. Italy, France, Poland (Nov. 2006) and Hungary (Oct. 2006).
This means there are still two open applications, since the max. scheduled number of these competitions is six. The Secretary General reminds that the application deadline for these remaining competition is 31st March 2006 for the sports season Oct. 2006 – March 2007 and informs that now a specific form for requesting a Ranking List competition is available.
The Secretary General gives the word now to the President, who illustrates the project of art festivals named “European Cities’ Dance Festival”: the Federation of Serbia&Montenegro states they willingness to stage an event of this kind on 8th April 2006 in Kanjiza, followed by the Italian Federation with a festival to take place in San Remo, Imperia, on 12th May 2006.
The President goes on by saying that all Federations should make an effort to develop this activity, in the meantime we are studying the organization of possible stages for trainers in order to harmonize their work; to this purpose, it is necessary that all interested people read and follow the prescribed directives and make use of the proper nomination forms that are distributed to the presents. Folk and Ethnical dances will be included in the program already this year. The Polish representative asks whether Tip-Tap is also included and the Ukrainian delegate asks the same about Funky and Hip Hop. The President underlines that since such disciplines may also be considered as expression of ethnical groups, they can be danced in such art festivals. Mr. Skyba (Ukraine) asksthenifitislogicalthatthesedisciplines are includedboth in Dance Sports and in Art Festivals. This is a good question and the only reason is that for the time being they should also be comprised in Art Festivals in order to increase as much as possible the number of participants, at a later stage this situation could be possibly modified.
Mr. Attila Barna from Hungary presents to the President and the Secretary General an award and the compliments for willingness to stage the last two World Championships in that host Country and also offers his personal contribution to the organization of the next two World Championships which will take place in Italy.
The Secretary General begins to illustrate the organization of the 2006 World Championship scheduled at the end of May and explains the following week a contract with a travel agency will be signed in Rimini. It is very important that all competitors book their accommodations through this agency, which is the sole authorized travel agency, so that the nominations can be accepted; by the end of this year the accommodation offers and the relevant rates will be available and early 2006 they will be sent to all Member federations.
The President reminds that we are working on a deal which offers a wide range of hotel rates, and although the price level cannot be the same as in other Countries we will try to get as much as possible a similar price level as the last Championship organized in Hungary.
The Belarus representative asks whether it is necessary to make all hotel bookings through the authorized agency and the reply is definitively yes.
Both the President and the Secretary General inform the participants that they are planning a meeting at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Rome to organize a quick and collective visa issuing by the various Embassies and, upon a request by the Hungarian delegate, undertake to provide in due time a transport facility for the dancers and team mates from the Bologna airport to Bellaria and return.
The discussion is then focused on the delays of nominations and hotel bookings and again it is repeated that this fact is not acceptable. The Secretary General underlines that all nominations received after the scheduled deadlines will be rejected and, in this connection, the Ukraine delegate Mr. Oleksandr Gladysh asks which is the latest nomination deadline of the 2006 Championships; the reply is that the date has not yet been decided, but it will definitively specified on the official announcement to be issued to everybody during January 2006. The Armenian delegate asks whether it will be possible to get photos of the selected hotels, obviously most of them are present on the web and in any case they can be provided by the appointed travel agency.
Mr. Olexander Skyba asks the latest date for sending in hotel bookings and the reply is that they should be sent at least 45 days before the beginning of the event.
Belarus suggests to postpone the date of the World Championship, because this period coincides with the school examinations in that Country, but the President remarks that it is too late now for such changement. Somebody else suggests to change the date of the World Championships of the following years and at this points almost all delegates start to propose a date which is more convenient for the respective Country.
The President remarks that it is not possible to raise this question about the date at every yearly meeting and invites the Secretary General to read the resolutions of the last General Meeting, then outlines a possible schedule on the blackboard and finally it is decided that the World Championship will take place the 4th week of May 2006, the 3rd week of May 2007 and the 3rd (preferably) or 4th week of May 2008 (of course depending also on the possibilities of the O.C.).
The subject is then taken about the procedures for introduction of the New Disciplines (see enclosure No. 1). The Polish delegates asks if the max. number of new disciplines is two, and it is decided that there will be no limitations to the number of possible new entries.
The Secretary General gives now the word to the Coordinator of the Technical Committee Mrs. Urszula Dziekciarek who illustrates the proposals of the technical meeting held in the afternoon (see enclosures 2 and 2/bis).
After a detailed report about the working procedures of the Technical Committee and of the adopted proposals, the assembly is asked to vote the amendment proposals of some technical rules and these are passed by the assembly with 10 votes for and 1 abstention (Italy).
The Secretary General gives then the word to the Coordinator of the Judge Committee Mr. Bartolo Dell’Aiera who illustrates the work of the judge meeting held in the afternoon.
The main subjects of this Committee have been the behaviour and professional codes of any IDF Judge. Some delegates raise the point of suitable clothing, especially in case of disciplines like Hip-Hop and Funky. The Coordinator reads to the assembly the adopted directions to be followed by all official IDF Judges (see enclosures 3, 3/bis and 3/ter).
The Ukrainian delegates asks at this point to take a decision about increasing the composition of Jury Boards to 7 members, but the President remarks that for the time being it is not possible to adopt such resolution since the number of official Judges is not sufficient in certain cases and Mr. Dell’Aiera adds that taking into account the need of spare judges and turnover when a competition takes place on two stages, this solution would be practically impossible. This Jury Board enlargement will be discussed again in a near future, when the number of official Judges will be higher. In this connection, Moldavia suggests that all member Federations should make all Judge nominations compulsory, but the Secretary General remarks that are the appointed Judges who should feel obliged to take part to as many competitions as possible. Mr. Bartolo Dell’Aiera states that Jury Boards consisting of 5 members are anyway totally reliable and the passed resolution says that no Federation is obliged to appoint a preset number of Judges and that Jury Boards will always consist of at least 5 Judges and, whenever possible, even 7 Judges.
The Meeting ends at 24.00 h with the final speech by the IDF President who underlines the great job made by all participants and aimed at improving the Judge and Technical staff professional level, reminds that there will be no carry-over the next morning because all items on the agenda have been discussed and thanks all delegates for their attendance. All delegates are invited to the next General Meeting which is now scheduled for the beginning of 2007.