First name:
Last name:
Application number:
Template document – Application for Interaction Design, master’s programme, 60/120 credits
For your application to be accepted you need to use this template when uploading your supporting document. It needs to be uploaded as one pdf document, comprising all three parts.
- Letter of Motivation(max 800 words)
A Letter of Motivation where you describe the purpose and your objectives behind applying to the programme. Describe your expectations and ambitions relating to the courses offered in the programme.
Please also describe your experiences relating to the field of Interaction Design that, in your opinion, prepare you for studies in the programme. These experiences may be acquired from working life, from non-profit work, from education or otherwise. You should describe how these experiences have made you aware of needing or wanting to pursue further studies in the field of Interaction Design.
Place your description here…- Two examples of works samples of previous relevant work (max 10 pages)
- Response to design assignment (max 2 pages, after removing the existing text below)
The challenge in this assignment is to identify and describe a potential designcaseand propose a design process that works with this case. You can choose a case relating to either Internet of Things and interaction design or Social innovation & interaction design. Both alternatives are described below.
The assignment consists of four parts:
- First, describe the problematic situation that the design addresses along with the design opportunity.
- Second, describe who will be the target audience using the design as well as potential stakeholders.
- Third, describe what the design does (functionality) and the value thereof for users.
- Finally, give a proposal for how you want to develop the service: design process, methods and time frame.
Allfourpartsshouldbesubmittedas2-3 pages of the supporting document/pdf. You are welcome to use different media to support your project description, like for example photos, illustrations, sketches, online links to videos etc.
Case A: Internet of Things & interaction design
The field of Internet of Things, taking starting points in connected devices, sensor data and machine learning, has for several years raised expectations of new dimensions in “smart” technologies. The project proposal for interaction design should address the way in which said technologies can improve ways of living, working or acting for either people in their everyday life or for organizations in their professional practice. Examples can range from development safety systems, energy monitoring, home control, office/multimedia practices or other.
The design should address on of the following themes;
- Smart home
- Smart health
- Smart office
Case B: Social innovation & interaction design
Through social media and other shared media services it is possible for people to organise themselves in online local and global communities. Typically, these are interest organisations and grassroots movements that have the aim to change the scene for how for example corporate businesses and popular media communicate and affect people.
Please identify a design opportunity for a project where you think that interaction design will make a difference: how can a shared media service aid people in changing something at the scale of a local community or at the scale of a an international community? The project proposal for interaction design should address the way in which a community of members can organise themselves around a theme or a topic.
One example could be the service AirBnB that offers a whole new way of travelling. Another example is treehugger. The topic should be related to how a group of people want to change something - a situation or a condition. The project should address one or more of the topics mentioned below:
- green living
- alternative economies
- loneliness
- housing
- sharing
- giving voice to minorities
- activist and grassroots movements
Instructions how to submit
Submit this supporting document as one pdf, at your account at simultaneously with applying to the Master’s programme.
Assessment criteria
The supporting document will be assessed by a team of lecturers from the programme with regard to its potential contribution to the programme.