Key Conditions of Pilot of element of Phase 1 of Service Wide Mobility Scheme – Mobility within a Location
Notwithstanding the following conditions, management reserve the right to move staff, including to another Department, to meet urgent business needs in line with the exigencies of the service. Mobility opportunities are subject to a business need to fill a vacancy.
1.There will be a single mobility list for the general service grade of SO for each organisation within the location.
2.Priority will be based on date of application. For the purpose of the Pilot applications received between the date of 1 February and 14 February will be treated as Day 1. Applications thereafter will be treated on a daily basis. If two or more applications are received on the same day, length of reckonable service in the current grade will determine priority.
3.Preferences to be expressed for any or all organisations within the location.There will be no order of merit.
4.Applicants will be fully responsible for their own application(s). It is essential that both home and work e-mail and postal addresses are complete and correct on the Personal Information Home page. If the contact information is not up to date/not recorded he or she may not receive notifications regarding the Scheme.
5.PeoplePoint will be provided with access to input applications received from staff members, and edit mobility applications, if requested, for remote workers and/or staff members absent from work on various forms of leave. The applicant will be notified of any changes to his or her application through the contact details provided.
6.Designated HR Officers will have viewing access for mobility lists to and from their organisation.
7.Designated HR Officers will have editing access to select the first eligible applicant where a vacancy falls to be filled from the Scheme.
8.Applicants with unsatisfactory performance, sick leave and/or an open disciplinary issue may not be considered for mobility opportunities and will be deemed ineligible on the portal. A notification will issue to ineligible applicants when placed with a priority in the top 20 ofan organisation in order to provide an opportunity to discuss any ineligibilities with line managers and/or HR Officials.
9.The Redeployment Panel will continue to have precedence over other arrangements for filling posts.
10. Departments will fill vacant posts at SO level in accordance with the following sequence:
e. Mobility
This pattern of sequencing applies for the period of the Pilot only.
11. In order to be eligible for mobility staff members will be required to have successfully completed a probation period.
12. In order to be eligible for mobility staff members will generally spend at least 2 years in their organisation and/or location and/or grade.
13. Investment made by the organisation through a formal education programme or significant specialised training may be taken into consideration when determining the timing of a move under the Scheme.
14.Worksharing staff members who avail of mobility may be required to vary their arrangements, including resumption to full-time work, subject to the business needs of the receiving Department.
15. Staff members who avail of mobility will not retain an automatic right to flexible working arrangements (flexitime). Flexitime is only possible as long as it supports and enhances the efficient operation of the business needs of the receiving Department.
16.An applicant, upon being offered a mobility move, will be asked to contact his or her Disability Liaison Officer (DLO), if required, to assist in providing the DLO in the receiving organisation with details of any reasonable accommodation requirements.
17. Applicants are required to accept or decline an offer of mobility within a period of 2 weeks. If an applicant does not indicate his or her acceptance of or declines an offer of a mobility move, his or her name will be withdrawn from the mobility lists for the location. He or she may re-apply for the same location but will move to the bottom of the list.
18.A staff member should be released by an organisation within a period of 4 weeks from the date of formal acceptance of offer by the staff member.
19. If a staff member accepts mobility he or she gives an undertaking to carry out the duties of the new role, including participation in the Learning and Development process with a view to becoming proficient in the new role, on the same basis as existing staff members.
20. Staff members moving through mobility to a new organisation under this Scheme will not retain their service for seniority purposes.
21. If a staff member accepts mobility to a new organisation under this Scheme he or she will no longer benefit from allowances or emoluments payable by the previous organisation. Agreed retention elements of allowances will remain unaffected.
22.If an applicant is promoted, his or her name will be automatically withdrawn from all mobility lists at the previous grade and he or she may apply for any existing mobility opportunities at the new grade.
23.Applicants will be required to respond to an automatic e-mail when placed in the top 20 on a list to confirm continued interest in the department in the chosen location. Where interest is not confirmed in a 2 week period the application will be withdrawn for that organisation only.
24.Where anorganisational office has made a significant percentage of moves through mobility in the previous 12 month period, and where a further move would have a negative effect on the business, a request for a move may be deferred.