Record of Board Proceedings


The Metcalfe County Board of Education met at 109 Sartin Drive on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 6:00 PM for a regular meeting. The following members were present:

1) Joey Shive 2) Tim Brown 3) Donnie Perry 4) John Caffee 5) Robin McMurtrey

Present - Superintendent

Absent - Board Attorney

1) 1) Call to Order/Invocation

Chairman Shive called the regular February meeting to order. Donnie Perry gave the Invocation.

2) Recognition


KayLeigh Pugh - MCES Student of the Month


Cindy McCoy - MCES Classified Staff of the Month

Paula VanMeter - MCES Certified Staff of the Month

3) Superintendent Report

Dr. Lile

·  We received a letter and certificate from the Kentucky Board of Education and Kentucky Department of Education identifying Metcalfe County as a High Progress District under the

2014-15 Unbridled Learning Assessment and Accountability System. This means that all of our schools have been doing really good things. We are proud of this accomplishment.

·  We anticipated the District of Innovation Application would be heard at the February state board meeting. The commissioner asked for a delay to have more time to review. We have been assured that nothing wrong and we should go forward, and expect approval in April.

·  We have now completed eight Non-Traditional Instructional Days (NTID). Principals have done a good job in preparing and their work began last May. Staff members began working on lessons in June and July and made preparations to have a plan in place. Students and parents have been good to with during this process. Feedback was sought and over twenty responses were received. All parents were extremely professional and courteous, about half responded it was great, others said they liked the program but wanted to make a suggestion. A group of juniors and seniors were met with at the high school. They shared what was working and was not working and gave some ideas to be considered. Based on suggestions, we regrouped and made a number of changes, most were minor. One of the bigger concerns is there was too much homework assigned and that has been modified. There will be a meeting with the same students after these changes are made to see what their thoughts are. The past two days

seems to have run smoother and the amount of homework seems to be about right. Overall, we are very pleased with this process.

·  Other agenda items tonight are as follows: 5B - Construction Change orders will be addressed by Chris Huffman; 5C - Creation of a MS Assistant Volleyball Coach - we just received word that the 6th grade has won their first match, there are 29 middle school students playing volleyball; 5D - FY/YSC Continuation Plans by Patty Bunch and Judy Thompson;

·  Kentucky School Board Association - Notification was made to the press, Dr. Lile and Metcalfe County Board of Education members will be attending the annual conference in Louisville, KY on February 26-28.

·  Senate Bill 1 (SB1) if approved, will include several changes to me made regarding education.

You will probably hear a lot about this at the KSBA Conference and updates will be made as information is available.

Patty Bunch & Judy Thompson FR/YSC

They shared regarding the services provided to students and families of Metcalfe County Schools. Family Resource (FR) & Youth Service Center(YSC) assist with many events, such as setting up at the Back to School Bashes and Literacy Night; the also assist with Breakfast with Parents; Backpack Program and Camp Invention. We have a shoe program, with an anonymous donor that has provided 142 pairs of shoes this year. Christmas assistance was given to several families. Vouchers are available to the Salvation Army as well as the local farmers market. Local churches, the HOSS Foundation and retired teaches make contributions to FR & YSC. At the high school level, much emphasis is put on College & Career Ready programs and assistance is provided with completing college application and applying for financial aid. Twenty students have the opportunity to attend the Salvation Army Camp during the summer. Students who attend the Metcalfe County Enrichment Center are also served by this program. These programs have not received their budget for 2015-16, cuts are expected and everyone was asked to contact legislators and ask them to support funding for these programs.

Herby Bunch

There is a shortage of bus drivers and substitute bus drivers in Metcalfe County as well as across the state. Please be aware It may be necessary to run some double routes in the afternoon and some students may be late getting home in the afternoons. It takes about four or five weeks for drivers to complete training.

Jamie Moss

The Migrant staff is getting ready for an audit (monitoring visit). Special Education is getting ready for the End of Year Report.

Bennie Stephens

Nothing on the agenda for tonight. Upcoming, we will have to revise the Certified Evaluation Plan to include a new section for district directors.

Jamie Howard

She thanked Patty and Judy for the excellent job they do running their programs. Dr. Lile added, during their presentation, he counted approximately 2000 students that were touched. There were multiple encounters with some students.

Dwight Ross

·  The monthly reports are routine.

·  Also on the agenda is the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) Offer of Assistance in the amount of $30,263 annual debt service on bonds to be sold for proposed construction or major renovation of facilities outlined in your most current approved facility plan. This will generate approximately $400,000.00 bonding capacity.

Chris Huffman

·  Construction change orders is item 5B on the agenda. This changes generates a credit $21,942.38. We have a good relationship with construction worker and contractors and have been able to make changes to benefit us. We will be matching the other firewall which will make the building look better as well as saving money. There were also some changes with some of the windows.

·  The 2106-17 calendar is on the agenda for approval tonight. Board members were given three options and decided to go with the calendar that has students beginning on August 24, a full week for fall and spring break and the last day of school for students will me May 24.

·  An attendance report was shared for the first six months of school. The high school was at 95.6% and that is the best is has been this year. They have stated making personal phone calls and addressing attendance in some meeting they are having with students. Chairman Shive asked about the number of home school students in the district which is 68. Dr. Lile asked Chris to get numbers of home school students from other districts and do a comparison.

4) Consent Items




Jr. Beta State Convention 02/17-19/2016

STLP State Convention 04/21-22/2016



Baseball Team Coke Sales 2/22-29/2016



Camille Distefano MCMS Volleyball Coach 12/21/2105


Diane Martin From: Bus Monitor 01/06/2016

To: Bus Driver


Brian Garrett MCHS Baseball Coach 12/11/2015

Adam Howard MCHS Paraeducator 01/08/2016

Donnie Perry moved to approve February Consent items as presented, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5) Action Items

5A. Consider Payment Application for Elementary Construction Project

Robin Mcmurtrey moved to approve Payment Application for Elementary Construction

Project, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5B. Consider Change Orders for Elementary Construction Project

John Caffee moved to approve Change Orders for Elementary Construction Project,

seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5C. Consider Creating Middle School Assistant Volleyball Coach Position

We will be using the same pay scale we are using for other sports.

Tim Brown moved to approve Creating Middle School Assistant Volleyball Coach Position,

seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5D. Consider Approval of Family Resource & Youth Service Centers Continuation Plans

Tim Brown moved to Approve Family Resource & Youth Service Centers Continuation Plans,

seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5E Consider 2016-17 School Calendar

Robin McMurtrey moved to approve 2016-17 School Calendar, with school beginning

August 24, a full week for fall and spring break each, with the last scheduled day for students

May 24, seconded by John Caffee with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5F. Consider SFCC Offer of Assistance

John Caffee moved to approve the SFCC Offer of Assistance in the amount of $30,263.00,

seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:

Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey - yes

5G. Consider February Financial Reports

Warrant # 16021A

Check Date 02/05/2016

Advice # 63763-64024 $ 234,488.25

Check # 7153688 $ 13.02

Warrant # 1602X1

Check Date 02/05/2016

Check # 7153689-7153713 $ 152,009.55

Warrant # 16021B

Check Date 02/20/2016

Advice # 64025-64292 $ 237,213.19

Check # 7153715-7153717 $ 104.21

Warrant # 1602X2

Check Date 02/20/2016

Check # 7153718-7153743 $154,063.55

Check # / Name / Amount / Check Date
656856 / A-1 AUTO PARTS / 356.23 / 01/11/2016 / TRANSPORTATION
656857 / AMERICAN BUS & ACCESSORIES / 1,174.72 / 01/11/2016 / TRANSPORTATION
656858 / AWARDS, INC. / 56.94 / 01/11/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656859 / BEST WESTERN / 94.34 / 01/11/2016 / LODGING/COMMUNITY EDUCATION
656860 / HOSS BROADCASTING / 350.00 / 01/11/2016 / ADVERTISING/GF
656861 / KAHPERD / 260.00 / 01/11/2016 / REGISTRATION/MCES PD
656862 / KEY OIL , INC. / 9,784.58 / 01/11/2016 / TRANSPORTATION
656863 / KONICA MINOLTA / 9,379.90 / 01/11/2016 / COPIERS/GF
656864 / MAIL FINANCE / 509.28 / 01/11/2016 / POSTAGE LEASE/SUPT OFFICE
656865 / MEDIACOM / 109.95 / 01/11/2016 / CHINESE TEACHER APT
656867 / PARENT-TEACHER STORE / 107.88 / 01/11/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM
656868 / PIXTON.COM / 170.00 / 01/11/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM
656869 / RALPHIES / 69.00 / 01/11/2016 / BOWLING/SPECIAL OLYMPICS
656870 / SCRTC / 862.50 / 01/11/2016 / UTILITIES
656872 / TEACHER SYNERGY / 83.60 / 01/11/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM
656873 / TRI-STATE INTERNATIONAL / 851.21 / 01/11/2016 / TRANSPORTATION
656874 / AIRGAS / 90.50 / 01/12/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656875 / ARAMARK / 432.79 / 01/12/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656876 / CLASSROOM DIRECT / 50.76 / 01/12/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM
656877 / DELL, INC / 4,048.08 / 01/12/2016 / KETS
656878 / DOLLAR GENERAL / 40.20 / 01/12/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656879 / EDMONTON-METCALFE CO CHAM OF COMM / 35.00 / 01/12/2016 / 2016 MEMBERSHIP/GF
656880 / FARMERS RECC / 301.10 / 01/12/2016 / UTILITIES
656881 / GREEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION / 156.20 / 01/12/2016 / VI SERVICES/GF
656882 / GREEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION / 3,388.93 / 01/12/2016 / MIGRANT
656883 / K&M ATHLETICS / 21,910.00 / 01/12/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656884 / KELLY CRAWHORN / 115.30 / 01/12/2016 / TRAVEL
656885 / MARY ANN FORBES / 54.00 / 01/12/2016 / TRAVEL
656887 / SAX SCHOOL SPECIALTY / 494.17 / 01/12/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656888 / SIGN WAREHOUSE / 93.72 / 01/12/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM
656889 / SOUTHERN BELLE DAIRY / 4,167.35 / 01/12/2016 / FOOD SERVICE
656890 / TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY / 859.25 / 01/12/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM
656891 / TRI-COUNTY EMC / 183.19 / 01/12/2016 / UTILITIES
656892 / ARAMARK / 566.70 / 01/15/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656893 / ART OF EDUCATION / 125.00 / 01/15/2016 / REGISTRATION/MCES PD
656894 / AWARDS, INC. / 55.99 / 01/15/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656895 / BARN LOT THEATRE / 200.00 / 01/15/2016 / SPONSOR/GF & MCES SBDM
656896 / BOOST PROMOTIONS / 199.81 / 01/15/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM
656897 / EDMONTON IGA / 10.08 / 01/15/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656899 / EL MAZATLAN / 287.33 / 01/15/2016 / CHRISTMAS MEAL/MCMS SBDM
656900 / ENGLISH, LUCAS, PRIEST & OWSLEY / 451.00 / 01/15/2016 / LEGAL FEES
656902 / GALLAGHER'S / 120.00 / 01/15/2016 / CARWASHES/MCMS SBDM
656906 / KENWAY DISTRIBUTORS / 277.33 / 01/15/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656907 / OGLES EXTERMINATING / 300.00 / 01/15/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656908 / REALLY GOOD STUFF / 64.93 / 01/15/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM
656909 / SAM'S WHOLESALE / 45.00 / 01/15/2016 / MEMBERSHIP/GF
656910 / SARA LEE EARTHGRAINS / 630.24 / 01/15/2016 / FOOD SERVICE
656911 / TRI-COUNTY EMC / 25.00 / 01/15/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656912 / AIRGAS / 26.48 / 01/19/2016 / MAINTENANCE
656913 / AMAZON / 1,021.48 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF & MCES TITLE I
656914 / AMAZON / 529.20 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/SIG
656915 / AWARDS, INC. / 377.82 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656916 / BARREN CO. BUSINESS / 268.89 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/SUPT OFFICE & MCHS SBDM
656917 / CDW-G / 5.83 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/NETWORK SERVICES
656918 / FLOCABULARY / 96.00 / 01/19/2016 / SUSCRIPTION/MCMS SBDM
656919 / MAIN STREET CUSTOM APPAREL / 172.75 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/GF
656920 / ORIENTAL TRADING / 8.99 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCES SBDM
656921 / TEACHER SYNERGY, INC. / 38.00 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCMS SBDM
656922 / TRI-COUNTY EMC / 22,883.99 / 01/19/2016 / UTILITIES
656923 / VARITRONIC SYSTEMS / 274.69 / 01/19/2016 / SUPPLIES/MCHS SBDM