Before reading any part of this article, understand that Knowledge is not given, itisearned. Whether by prudent reasoning, intelligent experimentation or school of hard knocks is irrelevant, the Knowledge gained isearned. This article deals with the known historical physiology of Race and the known and provable Spiritual aspects. The two cannot be separated as man is also a living soul. Knowledge that is not mentally digested into wisdom is all but useless. Wisdom is knowledge with understanding.
Let's take a look at what "racism" really means. Where did it originate? What does it actually designate? What is the real Truth behind it? Immediately below we expose and explain the scam portions. Is there more to the story than the ravings of stupid socialists and those equally stupid enough to follow and support them?
"Racism" is reputedly a dirty word. But is it? Certainly the best way to be termed a "racist" is to be winning an argument with a Liberal. Works everytime. That the fact such socialistidiocy is out of context, and a knowingly, open, damned lie is beside the point. Socialists have no qualms about lying though their teeth about anything and everything, even if most are too stupid to know it, the reputed denigration of "racism" being a prime piece of propaganda for their global enslavement agenda. Just as Republican (Right-Wing Fascists posing as "conservatives") politicians have to keep their supporters rich to remain in power, Democrats (Left-Wing Communists posing as "liberals") have to keep the poor people in poverty to present an agenda of "social justice" for them to remain in power, thus the Black and Hispanic "Race" shields they hide behind. And only damned fools and perpetual government-tit suckers fall for it. So "racism" remains, and will continue as sure as death and taxes.
In order to have "racism" there is the need for "Race." Shock of shocks, there are several Races, although humanoid, each are genetically different as night and day, Black, White, Red, Yellow and Brown, with shades of Olive and Tan, usually set in five Major Races that remain:
Black: Ethiopian of mid to south Africa;
White: Caucasian of northern Persia to Europe;
Red: Native American (aborigine) Esquimaux of North America;
Yellow: Mongolian of Asia Major via Mongolia, China and Japan; and
Brown: Malay(Polynesian) of Madagascar, Malay Peninsula and Pacific Islands, and includes the Magyars of Hungary. Lots of confusion there, especially when including the subraces within each Race, such as Olive-skinned Aborigines from India compared to the Black-skinned Aborigines of Australia, that in turn are a distinct Race from the Yellow- and Tan-skinned Polynesians. So the first thing we know for a fact is that skin color may be an indicator of Race; it certainly isn't a welded-in-steel confirmation. The second thing is that each color will also have shades of itself as a natural point and not necessarily the result of mixing. And third, each began as Living Souls, the irrevocable element.
If we are to believe the scientific community, Egyptian hieroglyphics are mostly concerned with the exploits and divinity of their Pharaohs, death and the afterlife, although some business records and personal letters do exist. The other earliest written records we have are the cuneiform tablets of Mesopotamia which also predate the Holy Bible, Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads by millennia. From those cuneiform tablets we get the Epic of Gilgamesh discussing a Great Deluge, translated as being about ten thousand years prior to his own time. Instead of the Biblical Noah, we get the name of Utnapishtim, and no reference as to why a Great Deluge to destroy mankind. The now-Hebrew version, obviously taken from the earlier Great Deluge of Utnapishtim, handed down by word-of-mouth until Moses wrote the code of Holy Law we know as the Torah, insists that Noah was chosen to survive for three reasons: Genesis6:9…(1)Noahwasajustmanand(2)perfectinhisgenerations, and(3)NoahwalkedwithGod.
Above all, HONESTY; second, ofpurelineage; and third, obedience to The Most High. But it's the second element that interests us here. Genesis6:4: Thereweregiants(Nefilim)intheearthinthosedays;andalsoafterthat,whenthesonsofGodcameinuntothedaughtersofmen,andtheyborechildrentothem,thesamebecamemightymenwhichwereofold,menofrenown. Thus we know that afterthe Great Deluge some Watchers were still breeding with the daughters of men and having children, Gilgamesh for one. Understand this, in short form: Anu was the King of the Nefilim who sent the Anunaki down to Earth to mine gold to preserve the breathing atmosphere of their home planet Nibiru. The Nefilim made mankind via genetic manipulation for slave labor, Anusazi – servant of Anu. The Most High is The Great Creator of all things, including the Nefilim. But there was a glitch. The Most High gave the Nefilim-created Anusazi souls upon their achieving the ability to think and reason as Spiritual Beings, as opposed to mental blundering like beasts of the field. Too bad we haven't totally bred ourselves out of that original syndrome!
Genesis2:7 gives the details of Anusazi being made of the local materials of Earth, being breathed the breath of life into and becoming a Living Soul. Now we know that something called a "soul" of some Spiritual nature has entered the picture, making the physical body of Earthly materials, water, carbon, et cetera, intoa dwelling place of the "soul" as the end result. No change in Rank or Station, Anusazi is still a servant and the Nefilim are still the "lords." It wasn't until Abraham that the order came to be "perfect" in Spirit as well as body, Genesis17:1, and the rewards for that perfection. This came direct from The Most High, Himself, and it was a matter of Race!
To understand any of those ancient writings, we must also understand that all Nefilim (Anunaki) were termed "god" or "lord" due to their rank and firepower. As much as it agonizes and infuriates hallelujah halfwits, "Jehovah" is not and never was "god" except in the sense of his Rank and Station among the Nefilim. He was aSenior Commander, whose Flagis the cigar-shaped ship documented in Exodus13:21: AndtheLordwentbeforethembydayinapillarofacloud,toleadthemtheway;andbynightinapillaroffire,togivethemlight;togobydayandnight: (22)Hetooknotawaythepillarofthecloudbyday,northepillaroffirebynight,frombeforethepeople.
That same ship, manned by the same crew, was shown to Supreme Lord of Supreme Lords El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH while a teenager living at Four States, West Virginia, as confirmed by The Most High, Himself. It appeared as a silver-colored cigar shape with equally tapered nose and aft sections, a white plume extending out the rear as long as the ship itself, floating almost motionless in the sky. Nefilim technology can easily stand such a ship on end (pillar) and cover it with mist during the day and lighting the entire exterior by night. FYI, this was the same ship that provided manna (what is it?) and escorted Israel for forty years during the traveling in the Sinai until the old and perverse generation died off.
But what has all this got to do with "racism" and our interest in it? Surviving historical documentation via the earliest records and the consequences where "racism" played any part!
According to the record, Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, was two-thirds god and one-third man. How he got an odd number when even numbers are the norm might be considered evidence that he was part god (Nefilim), as only they could create such a situation. Even so, Lord Immanuel, the First Horseman of the Book of Revelation whom christians call "Jesus," said beginning in Matthew24:37: ButasthedaysofNoahwere,soshallalsotheComingoftheSonofManbe. (38)Forasinthedaysthatwerebeforethefloodtheywereeatinganddrinking,marryingandgivinginmarriage,untilthedaythatNoahenteredintotheark,(39)andknewnotuntilthefloodcame,andtookthemallaway;soshallalsotheComingoftheSonofManbe. Obviously, mixing between the Nefilim ("Watchers") and man continued despite the Great Deluge to rid the planet of both the mixed breeds and the breeders. It is from these god-man offspring that comes the 'divine right to rule by lineage' as practiced yet today in the Royal Houses of Europe, and devastated Egypt due to inbreeding.
The point for Racial Purity is made clear in the choice of Noah (Utnapishtim) to survive because he was perfectinhisgenerations, in addition to being honest and obedient to The Most High, established the absolute standard. His instructions to Abraham also required a PURE body to house that PURE soul as evidenced by Abraham's obedience in Genesis24:2: AndAbrahamsaiduntohiseldestservantofhishouse,thatruledoverallthathehad,Put,Ipraythee,thyhand undermythigh: (3)AndIwillmaketheeswearbytheLord,theGodofHeaven,andtheGodoftheEarth,thatthoushaltnottakeawifeuntomysonofthedaughtersoftheCanaanites,amongwhomIdwell: (4)Butthoushaltgountomycountry,andtomykindred,andtakeawifeuntomysonIsaac. (5)Andtheservantsaiduntohim,Peradventurethewomanwillnotbewillingtofollowmeuntothisland: mustIneedsbringthysonagainuntothelandfromwhencethoucamest? (6)AndAbrahamsaiduntohim,Bewarethouthatthoubringnotmysonthitheragain. (7)TheLordGodofHeaven,whichtookmefrommyfather'shouse,andfromthelandofmykindred,andwhichspokeuntome,andthatsworeuntome,saying,"UntothyseedwillIgivethisland;"HeshallsendHisAngelbeforethee,andthoushalttakeawifeuntomysonfromthence. A point so vital The Most High sent His Own Angel to ensure success! And, again, it was a matter of Race!
If The Most High chose Noah for those three reasons, and all evidence including His Own Testimony clearly shows He did, and instructed Abraham to ensure his generations after him were perfect too, then a PURE Race is a vital factor! And THAT puts a big feather of Truth and Righteousness in the Racial Purists' cap regardless of their own Race, while it devastates all religions who accept or tolerate racemixing in any form and all the socialist stupidities of "racism" leveled at everybody who doesn't buy into their murderous idiocies.
But why the necessity of a PURE race? BECAUSEAMIXEDRACECHILDISBORNWITHOUTASOUL! The Most High set it up that way ages before the Earth came into being and only The Most High can give a soulless half-breed a soul – and only then under certain and very strenuous conditions. And just as whole Races can be Cursed into oblivion, like the ultimate fate of Canaan, Zechariah14:21: Yea,everypotinJerusalemandinJudahshallbeHolinessuntotheLordofHosts: andalltheythatsacrificeshallcomeandtakeofthem,andseethetherein: andinThatDaythereshallbenomoretheCanaaniteintheHouseoftheLordofHosts. And no amount of hallelujah halfwit 'theology' or socialist "racist" ranting is going to change that.
The Nefilim made Earthly man in some eight original Races: (1) Lilith, being one of the more renowned failures as all they could do was copulate, too weak for extended labor, too mentally bereft to absorb technology, and now totally extinct; (2) Melungeons, the Blue People still found in Appalachia, mixed with their cousins,the remnants of Scotland and Wales tribes who remembered and commemorated their ancestry by painting themselves blue in ceremony and for battle; and (3) the Lemurians, Nefilim island dwellers to keep mankind from access to their advanced technology. Lemurians were an assigned unit of Nefilim and had nothing to do with the mythical land of Mu, as that's exactly what Mu is, a myth. Lemurians made the Egyptians from semitic stock of Mesopotamia by genetic manipulation as they did the aforementioned Races, adapting each to the environment where they were intended to work. Adaptation to environment not only considered the general weather, but water and biological factors, producing immunities as needed.
We really don't have much information about the Races prior to the Deluge, but each of the Races after were all the result of genetic manipulation by the Nefilim. Survivors in the Americas give scant clues, but it's a fact the Incas are named after Enki, and his feathered serpent emblems are found in abundance in both Africa and the Americas. There's very little in existing records anywhere, only a few clues, but the Akashic Records are still there! And the Akashic Records confirm what those few remaining clues reveal.
Enki moved his gold-extraction efforts to the American continent along with the then-perfected genetic process to make Anusazi. There was no need to start from zero in America when the Egyptian modification from Africa was a matter of transported test tubes and a few breeding females. Thus all the falderal about ancient fishermen lost at sea, surviving long enough to eventually land on a distant shore and becoming a totally new people – but traceable via DNA to their original homeland. Poppycock! Such 'voyagers' would have had to bring along their women, who would not have left their small children, and scads of supplies in a very small boat that was expected to still have room for the fish and whatever preservation method was available for the catch. When a prudent mind puts those facts together, none of the reputed 'theories' are worth a damn. The idiot element will claim the men mixed with the women already at the landing sites, and we have to ask: THEN WHERE IN THE HELL DID THOSEWOMENCOME FROM? Repeat – Poppycock!
The Nefilim simply brought a few choice breeding slaves, as the surrogate Anunaki females were no longer required, and produced the Americanized slaves with the desired traits. The original Anusazi were imported Negroes, as depicted in the Olmechead carvings found in the South Central Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco. Note the helmets, indicating some higher degree of technical skill. These were descendants of Cush who had migrated to Africa from Persia hoping to escape the Great Curse, but to no avail.
As the requirement by Nibiru for more gold raised the stakes, the then-African Negro Anusazi were replaced by a modified Egyptian version; and those too were modified to meet the labor environmental needs of the Anunaki eventually producing Incas, Aztecs, and Mayans and their virtually uncountable subtribes. There were uncounted adaptations, making a few for this job and a few for that, until the Nefilim's great abandonment when they left the mining pits, processing facilities they couldn't remove, houses, temples, observatories, Anusazi and all to fend for themselves. A few remained where they could survive for a while, leaving echoes of their desire for the Nefilim to return such as Mesa Verde, Colorado, and Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Similar ruins are found all over Mexico, South America, Africa, Middle East, Asia and even a few in Europe and England.
One of the Anusazi requirements of being able to reproduce themselves EXACTLY to keep and maintain their original job-purpose became the first importance. Just as all purebred breeders, regardless of the livestock, know for a fact: inbreeding can be a real issue and mixed breeding is a disaster! Not only from the produced offspring, but from the effects of telegany as well. The Nefilim knew this, in spite of their own interbreeding with human women, and a few Anunaki females with human men, and The Most High forbids such mixing as an absolute. A PURE soul cannot be produced via an IMPURE body! That's one hell of a tragedy when you look at it with any degree of common sense. And THAT is the reason for the separation of Races as much as the need to adapt them to the environment and specific labor duties. That all humans can survive just about anywhere on the planet does not infer they can be as effective as a Race anywhere on the planet. Especially when they must be in an unsupported survival mode.
The Akashic Records reveal a horrendous episode concerning the African Negro Olmecs. They were capable of heavy equipment operations, and carved the colossal heads and moved them during training. When it was discovered they really couldn't take the environment of that day nor provide for themselves agriculturally and had to live off the land, they were isolated to prevent mixing with the other Anusazi and abandoned by the Anunaki. Between a harsh land to live off of, weather better suited to beasts of the field and micro-biological diseases, their doom was sealed. They were left to die, as they soon did in no more than three or four generations. Some of the original Olmecs saw their children and grandchildren die and couldn't do anything about it, themselves being among the last to perish.
IsolationoftheRaceswas the method-of-choice to prevent racemixing, ensuring the given adapted Anusazi remained capable as designed with a minimum of support and maintenance. The Most High had, and still applies, a big hammer upon all responsible for disobedience to His Holy Law, starting with the Nefilim. The Nefilim were required to consider RACIAL PURITY in any and all their endeavors with respect to the Anusazi, and those that failed were the first to be removed, leaving their Anusazi and their cities, temples, et cetera behind. It is appropriate to point out here that virtually all the original "temples" were either mansions or workplaces of the Nefilim, with some being astrological observatories, explaining the "gods" of given peoples and cities. Once the Nefilim were removed, the Anusazi still practiced the disciplines for generations afterward, including the prohibition of mixing with any other people, especially nomads who had strange or unknown "gods." Keeping themselves PURE was a vital commodity, even if it required incest to do it. And since all cultures and nations rot from the top down – as did Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon, Israel and Rome – history has shown the advantage of keeping ourselves PURE without incest and the ultimate disaster of not keeping ourselves PURE regardless.