600 Rutherford Road, Harrisburg, PA 17109
Telephone: (717) 545-4703
Fax: (717) 214-5460
Central Dauphin School District-Online Academy (CDSD-ONLINE ACADEMY)
Overview; The Central Dauphin School District strives to provide premier educational opportunities for all students. In addition to traditional course offerings, the Central Dauphin School District is proud to offer online learning to our elementary, middle, and high school students. Students and families will have an opportunity to discuss optimal online learning options and explore these opportunities both within and outside of the ‘typical’ school day.
Key Objectives
· Address additional needs of students by increasing available options for learning content.
· Increase available options to meet various learning modalities.
· Enhance relevance by connecting learning to real-world applications.
Student Eligibility
· Types of students who are likely to benefit from online courses.
o Self motivated students skilled in time management
o College-bound students in need of advanced or specialized coursework
o Gifted or advanced students who want expanded educational offerings
o Students who may not otherwise have a particular course offering available
o Students with scheduling conflicts
o Credit deficient students needing specific courses in order to graduate
o Students wanting to improve their skills in specific subject areas
Student Readiness
Students choosing to participate in online courses should first examine their personal skills and aptitudes for taking a class online. The following attributes will greatly contribute to a student's success:
· Self-motivation - Students who can direct their own learning environment, fulfill course requirements, and achieve individual academic success.
· Independent learner - The online environment enables students to learn at their own pace -- traditional, extended, or accelerated. While students will be completing work at their own pace, each course is designed to be completed within a semester/marking period and each student is expected to complete their coursework within that defined time frame.
· Computer literate - Although it is not necessary to have advanced computer skills, students should possess a working knowledge of email, the Internet, and basic keyboarding skills, and Microsoft Office suite.
· Time management - The key to learning is to commit the time to learn.
· Effective written communication skills - Students must use electronic email to communicate with their peers as well as the instructors. The ability to write clearly in order to communicate ideas and assignments is very important to student success as well as a means to inform instructors of any concerns or problems.
· Personal commitment - Students must have a strong desire to learn and achieve knowledge and skills via online courses. Making a commitment to learn in this manner is a very personal decision and requires a strong commitment to participate in order to achieve academic success.
I. Student Responsibilities
a. Fill out the “Am I a Good Candidate for an Online Learning Course” questionnaire and meet with your school counselor.
b. Register for the course.
c. Find out who the Mentor is and how to contact him or her.
d. Log in and take any diagnostic test.
e. Log in and complete the lessons at least as often as stated in my pacing agreement.
f. Contact my Mentor with any questions or problems while taking the course.
g. Contact my Mentor when ready for proctored exam(s), if required by district policy.
II. Parent Responsibilities: Parents of students using online learning have a unique opportunity and responsibility to participate in the education of their children. Parents are expected to:
a. Directly supervise my child’s education at home
b. Provide a physical environment conducive to my child’s educational needs
c. Talk with my student about taking an online course and help him or her fill out the “Am I a Good Candidate for an Online Learning Course” questionnaire.
d. Get the information needed to log in to monitor my student’s progress.
e. Find out the name and contact information for my student’s Mentor.
f. Log in at least weekly to monitor my student’s progress.
g. Assist my student in complying with all rules, policies, and procedures of the school
h. Assist my student in the submission of all forms, applications, and documents to the school in a timely manner.
i. Instruct my student on the correct procedure for logging in to record daily attendance.
j. Monitor my student’s computer use to assure that computer equipment and software are used for educational purposes and in accordance with school policy
k. Work with my student and his/her Mentor to ensure successful completion of the curriculum within the allowable timeframe
l. Assure that all work submitted by my student was completed solely by that student
III. Academic Support
a. Each online course contains content and assignments that are aligned with Pennsylvania’s content standards or other nationally accepted content standards. They are written by highly qualified teachers and have been through a rigorous multi-step review process.
b. Each lesson of each online course contains multiple methods for students to learn the material that accommodate different learning styles. Additionally, each online course has an online textbook that was written specifically to accomplish the lesson objectives. Furthermore, each lesson has an assessment in order to gauge the student’s understanding of the lesson objectives. Note, however, that Advanced Placement courses may not have all of these features as these courses are being acquired from a third party vendor.
c. Each student will have an online teacher that will monitor the student’s progress and, if necessary, create interventions to help the student master the lesson objectives.
d. Each student will be able to seek assistance from an online, on-demand tutor. This tutor, available from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays, is a highly qualified teacher who can provide additional assistance to aid the student’s learning
e. Each student will have a Mentor appointed by the local school district to help monitor the student’s progress, and help coordinate assistance, if necessary.
f. System Maintenance
i. All system maintenance will be conducted weekly on Friday’s beginning at 9:00 PM EST. All support issues surrounding hardware, software and internet will follow the following guidelines:
ii. Students will report all issues to their Mentor, and if directed to their district’s tech department. In the body of the email please provide enough details to address the issue, and attach any screen shot you feel necessary.
IV. Acceptable Use Policy (CDSD Policy 815 – See attached)
a. Each student will have an online teacher that will monitor the student’s progress and, if necessary, create interventions to help the student master the lesson objectives.
b. The school's information technology resources, including email and Internet access, are provided for educational purposes. Adherence to the Central Dauphin School District’s Acceptable Use policy is required both in a traditional setting within the school day and when completing any online coursework outside of the school day. Certain highlights from that policy are:
i. Respect and protect the privacy of others.
ii. Use only assigned accounts.
iii. Not view, use, or copy passwords, data, or networks to which they are not authorized.
iv. Not distribute private information about others or themselves.
v. Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources.
vi. Observe all network security practices, as posted.
vii. Report security risks or violations to a Mentor, teacher or network administrator.
viii. Not destroy or damage data, networks, or other resources that do not belong to them, without clear permission of the owner.
ix. Respect and protect the intellectual property of others.
x. Not infringe on copyrights (no making illegal copies of music, games, or movies).
xi. Communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful.
xii. Report threatening or discomforting materials to a teacher or Mentor.
xiii. Not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that violates the school's code of conduct (such as messages that are pornographic, threatening, rude, discriminatory, or meant to harass).
xiv. Not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that is illegal (such as obscenity, stolen materials, or illegal copies of copyrighted works).
xv. Not use the resources to further other acts that are criminal or violate the school's code of conduct.
xvi. Not send spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.
xvii. Not buy, sell, advertise, or otherwise conduct business unless approved as a school project.
xviii. Not plagiarize.
c. Consequences for Violation
i. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including the loss of a student's privileges to use the school's information technology resources.
ii. Violators may be ineligible to receive credit for online courses and may be prohibited from taking online courses in the future.
d. Supervision and Monitoring
i. School and network administrators and their authorized employees monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that uses are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school's information networks, which includes personal computers, in order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and will furnish evidence of inappropriate activity to law enforcement.
ii. Parents must monitor their student’s compliance with these standards. Students who violate these standards may face disciplinary measures, and/or legal action.
Central Dauphin School District-Online Academy (CDSD-ONLINE ACADEMY)
FAQ – CDSD Online Academy
**Read, Sign, and Return with Application
· How was creation of the CDSD Online Academy initiated? – The CDSD partnered with the Capital Area Intermediate Unit’s CAOLA (Capitol Area Online Learning Association) since 2010 to develop an online education option for students who want or need something different from traditional high schools but desire to sustain their affiliation with the Central Dauphin School District.
· Which grade levels are involved with the CDSD Online Academy? – We are offering online courses to students in grades K-12.
· If a student is involved with the CDSD Online Academy can s/he participate in extracurricular activities? – YES. A student must contact the brick and mortar school guidance counselor and/or school principal (i.e. CD High School) for additional information/scheduling/opportunities. The brick and mortar school personnel/officials are the ones to make this decision/scheduling opportunities.
· Will students enrolled in the CDSD Online Academy receive a Central Dauphin School District diploma upon completion of graduation requirements? – YES. Students who successfully complete all graduation requirements in accordance to the Central Dauphin School District will receive a CDSD diploma. What a student needs to graduate with must be communicated to the student/parent from the brick and mortar guidance counselor/principal.
· How does a student get started with the CDSD Online Academy? – A student must be registered with CDSD and submitted a completed application to the online principal. A newly enrolling student can receive an application at the time of registration or on the district website (www.cdschools.org). An existing CDSD student can go to his/her guidance counselor for an application. A student who is homeschooled may enroll in the CDSD Online Academy; maintaining the flexibility of homeschooling with the support of CDSD resources. A student who is currently enrolled at one of the high schools can take select courses with the CDSD Online Academy, enrolling through the traditional course selection process. A completed application must be turned in to the CDSD Online Academy Principal no later than 3 weeks after the start of any given marking period. Any application received after 3 weeks from the start of a marking period, if accepted into the CDSD Online Academy will wait to begin working in the online program until the start of the subsequent marking period. As the student waits, s/he must remain at his/her current educational placement.
· Who will participate in the CDSD Online Academy? – The CDSD Online Academy is open to general education, alternative education, expelled, special education, homebound, and homeschooled students that meet the criteria for admission as stated in this application. Students must be registered with the Central Dauphin School District. If your child is not registered with the district, please call to schedule an appointment at 545-4703 x 222 or x 257.
· What about a computer and equipment? - To be successful in the CDSD Online Academy, you must have a computer with high speed internet access and a printer. If you do not have these items, you may be able to borrow them from the school district. In order to be eligible for a borrowed computer and equipment, you must have a required amount of courses per your brick and mortar guidance counselor. Those families borrowing a computer from the CDSD are completely responsible (including financially) for the computer and equipment. The items must be returned in the condition when they were received.
· Will students be provided with the equipment needed to participate in the CDSD Online Academy? – When CDSD Online Academy students have the potential to borrow a laptop with required software, router, flashdrive, mouse, headset, and an all-in-one printer and receive a maximum of $40 per month a house hold for internet reimbursement through the CAIU (not $40 per student if multiple students in the same residence). A bill from the parent/guardian must be submitted as proof of legitimacy and price paid by the house hold. When accepted into the CDSD Online Academy, you will be asked what items you already have and need to borrow. For example, if you have a printer at your home and you do not need to borrow one, please let us know so we do not obtain one for you. Technical support will be provided for the CAIU equipment only. Any parent/guardian who accepts the equipment will be financially responsible if anything were to break due to mishandling/mistreatment of the equipment. Upon request by CDSD, the parent/guardian must return the items within five (5) business days. Following three attempts to retrieve loaned items; the police will be notified and charges of theft will be filed against the parent/guardian. In addition, if items are not returned or replacement/repairs are not paid for an obligation will be placed on the student’s record. This obligation will remain there until the items are returned or the monetary amount is paid in full. When an obligation is placed on a student’s file student records will not be released (i.e. transcripts).