International Civil Aviation Organization
23 January 2013



Montréal, Canada, 23-25 January 2013

Agenda Item 3: / ATN/OSI Document 9880 Update Status

Registration in support of AMHS use of FTBP

(Presented by Jean-Marc Vacher, France, on behalf of ICAO EUR AFSG/PG)

At the WG-M/19 meeting, WP11 was presented to report to ACP WG-M about a work performed by ICAO AFSG in Europe regarding the conveyance of emerging data types by means of the ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) making use of the File Transfer Body Parts (FTBP). For the purpose of such conveyance, a proposal is made for allocation and registration of Object Identifiers (OIDs) in order to indicate the different application data types. It had been identified by AFSG/PG that this proposal required coordination with ACP WG-M.
This paper aims at informing WG-M about the progress of the task in AFSG/PG. The related change proposal to the EUR AMHS Manual is attached to this IP. Due to the presentation to PG of another work with a potential impact on this topic (presented in parallel to WG-M as a WP named “AMHS – Clarification of FTBP usage”), the EUR AMHS CP has been postponing the final processing of the CP.
It was agreed in the AFSG/PG49 meeting (held in Madrid, December 2012) that the progress of this task should be presented to WG-M.
The working group is invited to note the information provided.



Title:Allocation, registrationand use of OID values for identification of AeronauticalData in the File Transfer Body Part (FTBP)


Originator reference:Draft CP-AMHSM-12-00x AMD Appx B.doc

Submission date:01/03/2012

Submitting State/Organization:Germany/

COMSOFT, DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Author:Hans-Jörg Merkle, COMSOFT

(in coordination with Kolja Wabra, DFS)

Contact Information:e-mail:

Tel.: +49 72194972510


Tel.: +49 6103 707 2435

Experts involved:



Document reference:EUR AMHS Manual, Appendix B, v7.0

Description of defect:The ATS Message Handling Service (ATSMHS) already provides appropriate means for conveyance of new data types, like data and information making use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML). However, a refinement of the specification would improve the support for emerging ATM applications.

The proposed refinement is also suitable for conveyance of otherdata types, e.g. such as commonly used in MET: binary data formats in meteorology like Gridded Binary 2ndEdition (GRIB2) and the Binary Universal Form (BUFR) standardised by the WMO.

With regard to the EUR AMHS Manual it is proposed to amend paragraph A. of Appendix B in order to reflect the use of registered OID values and to introduce paragraphs forthe element user-visible-string and for registration of OID values.

The proposed refinement is backward compatible to existing systems.

The allocation of new OID values in the sub-arc “application” to the ICAO AMHS arc icao-atn-amhs requires coordination with ICAO. Registration shall be included in the EUR AMHS Manual.

Assigned expert(s):PG Members

Task history:

01/03/2012The Planning Group discussed at the 46th meeting the WP/21 titled “Use of the File Transfer Body Part for Conveyance of Aeronautical Data in the AMHS” and concluded to present the subject at AFSG/16. Additionally a draft of a CP should be developed concerning the Amendment of Appendix B and attached to the respective WP.

27/03/2012The draft CP was finalised for the presentation at AFSG/16.

27/04/2012AFSG/16 stated: “The evaluation of the impact on existing systems and documentation, has determined the need for allocation and registration of new OID values in the sub-arc application to the ICAO AMHS arc icao-atn-amhs. Therefore, it was agreed that the Secretary would coordinate this proposal with ICAO HQ asap and report to the Group. Also, France would communicate the above proposal on behalf of the Group to the next ACP WG-M.”

27/06/2012At its 47th meeting the Planning Group was informed about the outcome of ACP WG/M by France and concluded to set the CP to status ‘accepted’. The PG members were invited to review the CP and to provide comments till PG M48.

28/08/2012Comments received from Greece were incorporated in the CP.

28/08/2012Redistribution of the updated CP to PG.

19/09/2012At its 48th meeting the Planning Group discussed the incorporated comments and invited the Planning Group for a final review of the text of the CP to the next meeting.

13/12/2012At its 49th meeting the Planning Group discussed a WP provided by France influencing the wording of the CP potentially. The PG concluded to postpone the final processing of the CP and invited the PG members to provide input and comments for the final wording.

Proposed solution:The following modifications to the EUR AMHS Manual, Appendix B are proposed (new/modified text is in blue):

  1. Add following row to the table insection A.2.4.2:
  1. Amend paragraph A. as follows:

A. element registered-identifier in the application-reference element of the environment parameter shall:

a) be optionally generated by the originator; and

b) when present, takeeither by default the OID value registered by the Electronic Messaging Association (EMA) to represent the abstract-value “unknown-attachment”, which is the OID value {2.16.840.1.113694.} or one oftheregisteredOID values listed in A.

  1. Insert new paragraphsas follows:

A. element user-visible-string of the environment parameter shall be present in cases where the element registered-identifier is present and set to an OID value other than the default one (see A. b). In these cases, the OID value of the element registered-identifier and the corresponding value of the element user-visible-string shall be assigned according to the following Table of registered sets of values:

A. OID values and application programs may be allocated on request using the Change Control Procedure of the EUR AMHS Manual (see Attachment A of theEUR AMHS Manual).