HUD’s Southwest Office of Native American Programs Information Bulletin for the week of Sept. 18, 2017
In this Issue:
- What’s New! Federal News Briefs & Important Due Dates
HUD [TRIBAL] NOTICES & GUIDANCES: ONAP Program Guidances:View onlinePIH Notices: View online - Upcoming Trainings/Conferences/Events (Click on ONAP’s Regional Calendar of Events)
- Funding Announcements for Tribes and tribal organizations
- Helpful Resources
- Bits and Pieces
- Contact Us Visit our website at .
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1.What’s New! Federal News Briefs & Important Due Dates:
DAVID SOUTHERLAND NAMED SWONAP ADMINISTRATOR: David Southerlandhas been selected as the Administrator for the Southwest Office of Native American Programs (SWONAP). David has served as the Deputy Administrator for SWONAP for almost 5 years. Before coming to HUD, David worked for the Housing Authority of the Cherokee Nation for 20 years, serving as the Executive Director for 12 years. While with the Housing Authority, he served on the Board of the Southern Plains Indian Housing Association and on the Board of Amerind in different capacities.
Codetalk Homepage:
CENSUS CHALLENGE WAIVER FORM ISSUED(Sept. 15, 2017) - In Accordance with 1000.336(d), tribes must submit Census challenges to HUD by March 30, 2017 for consideration for the FY 2018 IHBG Formula allocation. This year, tribes/TDHEs may be notified of their Needs data by June 1, 2017 or later. As such, a Census Challenge Waiver has been issued, extending the submission deadline to March 30, 2018. Contact the IHBG Formula Customer Service Center 1-800-410-8808 with questions.FY 2017 INDIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AWARDS- $55 Million for Housing Community Development Project in 77 Native Communities (Sept. 14, 2017) - The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $55.2 million to 77 Native American tribes throughout the country to improve housing conditions and to stimulate economic development in their communities. HUD's Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program is a competitive program that supports a wide range of community development and affordable housing activities, from new housing for individual families to community amenities like rec centers or water lines. Press Release at
FY 2018 INDIAN HOUSING BLOCK GRANT FORMULA ESTIMATES (Sept. 13, 2017) - More info. about the following at
- Impact of Single/Multi-Race Provision on the FY 2018 IHBG Estimate Allocations: Narrative, Tribes' Formula Components, and Needs Variables (MS-Excel)
- FY 2018 Estimate Summary – CAS ● FY 2018 Estimate Summary - Formula Area
- FY 2018 Estimate Summary - Needs and Allocation ● FY 2018 Estimate Summary - Section 8
- FY 2018 Estimate Summaries (MS-Excel) ● Phase Down Schedule (MS-Excel)
- The American Community Survey Implementation Analysis (MS-Excel)
- FY 2018 Estimate Cover Letter ● FY 2018 Estimate Correction Letter
- FY 2018 Estimate Appendices ● FY 2018 Estimate Corrections/Challenge Log
- FY 2018 Estimate Calendar of Critical Deadlines and Frequently Asked Questions
September 21: Network with DOE at the 2017 AISES National ConferenceThis week, the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy will participate inthe American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) 2017 National Conference in Denver, CO, September 21–23.Build new relationships, enjoy refreshments, and make connections while learning more about what DOE offers for conference participants.Register and learn moreabout the conference.
September 27: Tribal Energy Webinar –Fundamentals of Organized Energy Markets for Tribes
This free webinar called “Fundamentals of Organized Energy Markets for Tribes" is part of the 2017 Expanding Tribal Energy Development Through Partnerships webinar series sponsored by the Office of Indian Energy and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). Since the deregulation of the electricity industry in the late 1990s, major changes have occurred with the advent of independent system operators, regional transmission organizations, and organized energy markets. In this webinar, attendees will learn about power marketing administrations and organized energy markets, and how the possible expansion of establishments such as the Southwest Power Pool, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market may create more opportunities for those looking to expand their energy resource options or buy and sell energy resources, especially those on tribal lands.There is no cost to attend the webinar, but advance registration is required. Register for the webinar.
November 13–17: 2017 Office of Indian Energy Program Review
Hosted by the Office of Indian Energy, the annual Program Review is a tremendous opportunity for Indian tribes to meet, learn from other Indian tribes that are pursuing energy self-sufficiency, and share in each other's successes.The 2017 Program Review will feature project status updates from tribes across the nation who are leveraging Office of Indian Energy grant funding to deploy energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, those initiating the first steps to energy development, and tribal entities developing an inter-tribal technical assistance energy network. For more information, see the draft agenda.Upcoming webinars offered by the Environmental Law Institute.
● *NEW*Emerging Environmental Issues in Native Communities (Part 1)
September 19 – Webinar only
● *NEW*Emerging Environmental Issues in Native Communities (Part 2)
● Webinar: Environmental Law in Indian Country 101
Housing Help: Resources for Native Americans - Contact the following offices for assistance:
- To live on public lands, contact the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH).
- To live on a reservation, contact a local Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE).
- Locate yourstate housing counseling agencyor call 1-800-569-4287 to locate the agency nearest you.
- Indian Housing's Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) - administers housing community development programs to ensure that safe, decent, affordable housing is available to Native American families.
- Indian Housing Grant Programs-provide financial assistancefor Indian tribesto develop affordable housing and toprovide housing activities on a reservation or Indian area. Guidebooks available.
- Housing Improvement Program (HIP) – provideshome repair, renovation, replacement, new housing grants.
- Native Housing Resources/Tribal Court Clearinghouse (a project of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute):
- Healthier Tribal Housing: Combining the Best of Old and New:
TRAININGS, CONFERENCES AND EVENTS: Also visit HUD’sCalendar of Events.
Training/Conference/Event / Date/Location / DescriptionTribal Housing Admissions & Occupancy / Sept. 19-20
Billings, MT / HUD’s Office of Native American Programs FREE training. For more info., and to register, visit
Low Income Housing Tax Credits (NAIHC) / Sept. 19-21
Chicago, IL / For more info, agenda, and to register, visit
2017 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit / Sept. 19-21
San Diego, CA / The La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians, Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals, University of San Diego’s Climate Education Partners (CEP), and the Climate Science Alliance are collaborating on this Summit.Location: University of San Diego. Website:
National Tribal Transportation Conference / Sept. 25-29
Tucson, AZ / More information about the National Tribal Transportation Conference is available at
Basic Finance & Record Keeping (HUD/ONAP) / Sept. 27-28
Phoenix, AZ / This FREE course covers the basic administrative requirements that pertain to the use of Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds distributed to tribes and tribal housing programs in accordance with the Native American Housing Assistance Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA). Attendees will learn financial planning strategies for a tribal housing program, the basics of developing an operational budget for a tribal housing program, and how to budget for various projects under NAHASDA. Students will discuss the skills required to perform the responsibilities related to sound financial management and the methods for complying with 2 CFR 200. Incl. skill building exercises and case studies.Register at
NAFOA Fall Finance & Tribal Economies Conference / Oct. 2-3
Tulsa, OK / The agenda forNAFOA's 2017 Fall Finance & Tribal Economies Conferencefeatures two full days of breakout sessions, and two general sessions focused solely on discussing important issues facing Indian Country.
Food Sovereignty Summit / Oct. 2-5
Green Bay, WI / This 3- day Summit will feature innovative tribal and community-based programs aimed at increasing local food system control; experiential learning field sessions focused on aquaponics, environmental restoration, grazing and apply harvesting and distribution. Register now by visiting
Oct. 4
Tucson, AZ
Environmental Review Training for Tribes/TDHEs / Oct. 10-12
Reno, NV / FREE Environmental Review Training for Tribes/TDHEs - Grant recipients under the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) program are responsible for meeting the requirements of NAHASDA and its implementing regulations, including compliance with HUD’s environmental regulations 24 CFR Part 50 and Part 58. This free 3-day training offers IHBG Grantees the skills to successfully carry out an environmental review. Training includes detailed instructions on meeting the legislative and regulatory requirements of environmental review, assistance in devising standard procedures for conducting and documenting an environmental review, specific instruction for carrying out environmental review responsibilities, levels of environmental review, and key steps in the environmental review process. A special segment providing an overview of the Lead-Based Paint requirements (24 CFR Part 35) that apply to IHBG funded activities will be presented on the afternoon of Day 3. To Register, visit:
Fall 2017 Tribal Environmental Health Forum /
Oct. 19-20
Chandler, AZ / The Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center hosts “Indigenous Environmental Stewards: Bridging Tribal Communities to Healthy Futures,” an open forum for tribal community members, tribal leaders, university professionals, students interested in environmental health, educators, and tribal environmental and health professionals to explore and create action plans for the important environmental issues that impact the health of tribal communities. Register at:
Native Languages Summit: Preserving the Heart of Our Cultures / Oct. 23-24
Albuquerque, NM / Hosted by Administration for Native Americans.This language summit supports Native American communities seeking to retain and revitalize indigenous languages. Through a mix of plenary talks and workshops, we will discuss everything from data and evaluation, to creating fluent teachers, to family and community engagement and more. Language programs with similar approaches (e.g., language immersion, master-apprentice, or online learning) can work together to share solutions and strategies. This conference will be interactive as well as educational.For more info.: Registration:
● Federal Indian Law
● Grant Writing for Tribal Programs / Nov. 29-Dec. 1
New Orleans, LA / The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) conducts two separate training sessions. Find training session announcements and registration forms at
- Federal Indian Law ● Grant Writing for Tribal Programs
NAIHC Legal Symposium / Dec. 3-5
Las Vegas, NV / Join your colleagues at NAIHC’s premier housing and legal symposium for professionals from across the country working to address the availability and access to affordable housing for Native American families. More info. at
Training/Conference/Event / Date/Location / Description
2017 National Brownfields Training Conference / Dec. 5-7
Pittsburg, PA / The 2017 National Brownfields Training Conference is the premier brownfields and land revitalization event. Attendees will enjoy opportunities to participate in training events, observe success stories first hand during mobile workshops, listen to experts regarding best practices for meeting brownfields challenges, and network with thousands of other stakeholders. For more info., visit . Register Here. Review the conference programming here.
● Tribal Constitutions, Tribal Codes & Federal Limitations
● Sacred Sites, NAGPRA & Project Monitoring / Dec. 13-15
Las Vegas, NV / The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) conducts two separate training sessions. Registration forms at Visit call (707) 579-5507.
- Tribal Constitutions, Tribal Codes & Federal Limitations
- Sacred Sites, NAGPRA and Project Monitoring
Agency/Source / Submission Deadline / Additional InformationCreating Maintaining Healthier Environments for Children in U.S. Communities along the U.S.-Mexico Border / Sept. 22 / EPA funding for projects that address children's environmental health risks in southern CA, AZ, NM or TX communities located within 100 kilometers or 62 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border with an emphasis on reducing environmental health disparities for minority, low-income, tribal, or indigenous populations. Proposals will be accepted from States or state agencies and local governments, territories, the District of Columbia, American Indian Tribes (federally recognized), possessions of the U.S. It is also available to public and private universities and colleges, hospitals, laboratories, other public or private nonprofit institutions, and 501(c)(3) organizations.More at:
Grants to Assess, Evaluate & Promote Development of Tribal Energy & Mineral Resources / Sept. 25 / U.S. Dept. of the Interior program designed to help tribes expand tribal knowledge of their energy and mineral resources; provide tribes with guidance on how their resources can be developed in an environmentally acceptable manner; and bring tribal energy mineral projects to the point where economic benefits can be realized from their resources. More info. at:
FWS Coastal Program / Sept. 30 / The Fish Wildlife Service (FWS) funding provides direct technical assistance and financial assistance to coastal communities and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. Projects should specify benefits for species and habitats considering the expected effects of climate change. FWS will favor conservation activities projects that incorporate ecosystem adaptation and help coastal ecosystems communities adapt to the effects of sea level rise greenhouse gases. More info. here.
USDA Broadband Loans and Loan Guarantees / Sept. 30 / USDA Rural Development’s Rural Utility Service FY2017 Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee program. The NOSA can be accessed at .
Additional information is available at (see page 4 for Community Connect Grants)
Build Tribal Energy Development Capacity / Oct. 9 / This U.S. Department of the Interior program seeks proposals for the development of tribal energy development and management capacity. The energy project can be existing or planned, tribally owned or privately owned. Link to RFP:
HUD Research Grant / Oct. 15 / $950,000 available in FY 2017 for research funding.The following projects are eligible:
Project 1 - Understanding Child Trajectories in HUD-Assisted Housing. HUD may award one or more cooperative agreements with a total of all awards not to exceed $450,000.Proposed projects should focus on secondary data analysis using administrative data, survey data, or linked data products (government or other sources) to assess long-term child outcomes among children who reside or resided in HUD-assisted housing. While HUD is interested in how poverty affects childhood trajectories, proposals must explicitly and exclusively target children connected to HUD-assisted housing.
Project 2 - The Social and Economic Impacts of the Community Development Block Grant Program. HUD may award one or more cooperative agreements with a total of all awards not to exceed $500,000. Project objective is to develop a better understanding of the effects of specific Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) eligible activities. Through this project, HUD seeks to identify objective, quantifiable outcome measures that can be attributed to specific CDBG activities to inform policymakers.
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants / Nov. 14 / Two competitive Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs. Eligible applicants including territories, federally-recognized tribes, states and local governments may apply for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grants at . FMA grants are available to implement measures to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to structures insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Agency/Source / Submission Deadline / Additional Information
Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples Funding Opportunity /
Dec. 1 / Grants to fund Native community-based projects in the areas of: health and well-being; leadership development; art and creativity; peace, equity, and justice; sustainable communities and economies; and the rights of Mother Earth. Grant awards range from $250 to $10,000. Native American/Indigenous peoples’ initiatives or projects that work within the community, and have a majority Indigenous/Native American staff, a board of directors and leadership that is at least 80 percent Indigenous peoples, and an annual operating budget of less than $200,000 are eligible to apply. View the program website application instructionshere.
AmeriCorps State and National Grants / Jan. 17, 2018
/ FUNDING USES: The mission of the Corporation for National and Community Service is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic participation through service and volunteering. Programs should focus on disaster services, education, environmental awareness, healthy futures, economic opportunity, or veterans and military families. ELIGIBILITY: Indian Tribes; institutions of higher education; local governments; nonprofit organizations; states LINK TO RFP: .
Financial Literacy Funding / Open / - Discover Foundation. Applications accepted year-round.
Indian Loan Guaranty, Insurance, and Interest Subsidy Program (DOI) / Open / This program assists in obtaining financing from private sources to promote business development initiatives that contribute to the economy of the reservation or service area. Qualifications for this program:
- An individually enrolled member of a Federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native group
- Corporation with no less than 51% ownership by Federally recognized American Indians or Alaska Natives
- A Federally recognized American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native group.
Rural Broadband Loans & Loan Guarantees (USDA) / Open / Broadband Program furnishes loans and loan guarantees to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide service at the broadband lending speed in eligible rural areas. For more info. on other programs administered by Rural Utility Service (RUS) Telecommunications visit:
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants (USDA-RD) / Open / Program helps eligible rural communities recover from or prepare for emergencies that result in a decline in capacity to provide safe, reliable drinking water for households & businesses. Federally recognized Tribal lands and Colonias are eligible; Privately owned wells are not eligible. • Up to $150K for repairs to breaks/leaks in existing water distribution lines, & related maintenance. • Up to $500K for construction of a new water source, intake &/or treatment facility or waterline extensions.