Livestock Schedule
Livestock Secretary
Mrs Maggie Marsh
9 Gravenhurst Road
SG17 5NY
Telephone: 01462 814894 or 07989082743
CPH: 43/010/8000
Final date for entries 31st July 2015
General Regulations
1. All animals must arrive on the Showground between 8am and 9am and not leave the Showground before 4pm.
2. All exhibitors must be aware of all the current regulations being enforced by DEFRA.
3. All cattle must be shown in natural condition with no artificial aids.
4. Unless otherwise stated Heifers must not show more than six broad teeth on the Show Day.
5. All vehicles must be in clean condition on entering the Showground.
6. Mucking out of vehicles is strictly prohibited on the Showground on Show Day.
7. All bio security restrictions must be adhered to.
8. The Stewards reserve the right to refuse entry to the Show Ground or Show Ring.
9. Certificate of status for sheep classes must be available for inspection by the steward prior to unloading of vehicles.
10. The Society reserves the right to refuse entry to any exhibitor who does not comply with any of the regulations laid out.
11. All cattle and sheep must be led by halter unless otherwise stated.
12. Entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate entry fee.
13. In all classes 1st Prize may be awarded according to the merits of the exhibits at the discretion of the Judge.
14. An exhibitor who enters two or more animals in a class (with exception of pigs) may only claim two prizes in that class.
15. All exhibits are shown at the owners risk and the Society accepts no responsibility for any damage or injury caused to owner, exhibitor, handler, steward, animal or member of the public and their property.
16. All dogs must be kept on a short lead in the vicinity of any livestock and are to be kept out of the sheep lines.
17. If there are insufficient entries, classes may be amalgamated.
Closing date for entries is 31th July.
All exhibitors must have appropriate Public Liability Insurance.
Judging commences at 10.00am
Judge: Mr R Windridge
Chief cattle steward: Mr Peter Fletcher
If there is only one entry in a class the stewards reserve the right to transfer the entry to an alternative class of their choice.
Classes 105 & 106 are judged after all other judging is completed.
The H Callwood Cup will be awarded to the exhibitor with most points in the cattle classes.
The Cormack Challenge Cup will be awarded to the exhibitor of the best cow in all classes.
The Webb Trophy will be presented to the overall best calf in classes 103 & 104.
The Bericote Challenge Cup will be awarded to the best Jersey cow/heifer in the Show.
The Seymour Smith Challenge Cup will be awarded to the best Friesian in the Show.
The Bull and Butcher Challenge Cup will be awarded to the exhibitor of the champion beef animal.
The Eva Elizabeth Cluley Trophy will be awarded to the best Continental Bull.
The Vera and Beth Woodward Cup will be awarded to the exhibitor of the Champion Hereford.
The Lobel Cup will be awarded to the exhibitor of the best Dexter, Native and Minority Breed cow or heifer.
The Overall Champion sponsored by Robert Butler & Associates will be awarded £30 and Champion Sash.
The Reserve Champion will be awarded £20 and a Reserve Champion rosette.
Please note – an exhibitor is required to provide two leaders over 16 years of age for each Bull over 9 months old.
Cattle Classes 89 to 104
Entry fee: £5
Prize: 1st £25 2nd £15 3rd £10
Beef Cattle
89 Pure/Crossbred steer or heifer
90 ‘Best pair of Cattle’ owned by the same exhibitor
Continental Interbreed
92 Cow in calf or at foot
93 Heifer – up to 3 years old
94 Bull – any age
Hereford Cattle
95 Cow in calf or with calf at foot
96 Heifer- up to 3 years old
97 Bull – any age
Dexter, Native and Minority Breed of Cattle
100 Cow or heifer in milk or calf
101 Maiden heifer
102 Bull – any age
Calf Class
103 Any calf born after 10.08.2014
104 Any calf born after 10.08.2014 reared by a person under 18 years of age on the show day.
Showmanship Classes
To be judged after all other cattle judging is completed
The Skinner Challenge Cup will be awarded to the winner of class 105.
The Russell Challenge Cup will be awarded to the winner of class 106.
A rosette will be given to every entrant.
105 Junior – for a young person under 16 years of age
106 Senior- for a young person aged between 16 and 26 years of age on Show Day
Judging commences at 9.30am with class 131
Judges: Mr P Ibbotson & Mr J Bagley
Chief Steward: Mrs Helen Elson
The Society reserves the right to cancel or amalgamate any classes should there be insufficient entries.
Please note that all entries to be shown in halter except for classes 131-133 and classes 165-166. Sheep in classes 131 – 133 cannot be shown in any other classes or eligible for any Cup or Award.
Separate facilities will be provided for accredited and non-accredited status maedi visna animals.
Certificate of status must be available for inspection BEFORE UNLOADING. No current certificate means no unloading in MV accredited area. Please state on entry form which facility is required.
The Greens Trophy will be awarded to the Champion pen in classes 131-133.
The Old School Shield will be awarded to the Champion in classes 135-138.
The Kelsey Trophy will be awarded to the Champion in classes 145-148.
The Wavenham Cup will be awarded to the Champion Jacob.
The Lapworth Trophy will be awarded to the Champion Suffolk.
The first prize winners from classes 149-160 will be eligible to compete for
The Min Cup for Champion Rare Breed.
The Hanson Trophy will be awarded to the winner of class 165
Butchers Lambs.
The John Davies Memorial Shield will be awarded to the winner of class 166.
The Woodfield Memorial Cup will be awarded to the Overall Champion.
The Overall Champion is sponsored by Howkins and Harrison and will be awarded £30 and a Champion Sash.
The Reserve Champion is sponsored by Berkswell Cheese
and will be awarded £20 and a Reserve Champion rosette.
Sheep Classes 131 to 160
Entry fee: £3
Prize: 1st £15 2nd £10 3rd £5
Class 165
Entry fee: £5
Prize: 1st £50 2nd 15 3rd £10
Class 166
Entry fee: £1
Prize: 1st £10
Class 167 & 168
No entry fee
Class 169 (entries can be made on the day for this class)
Entry fee: £1
Prize: 1st £4 2nd £3 3rd £2
Judged in the Pen Classes
MV or non MV Accredited Flocks
Class 133 sponsored by Berkswell Cheese
131 Three Ram Lambs – born after 01.11.2014
132 Three Ewe Lambs – born after 01.11.2014
133 Three – Any pure bred ewes or ewe lambs
Any Continental Breed
MV or non MV Accredited Flocks
135 Ram Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
136 Ewe Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
137 Ram – over 12 months of age
138 Ewe or Theave
Any other breed or crossbreed not shown in classes
135-138. MV or non MV Accredited Flocks
145 Ram Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
146 Ewe Lamb - born after 01.11.2014
147 Ram – over 12 months of age
148 Ewe or Theave
Rare and Minority & Native Breed
Breeds specified by RBST list January 2015 category 1-5.
Except for the Primitive section which can also include Boreray, Castlemilk Moorit, Hebridean, Manx Loaghtan, North Ronaldsay, Shetland and Soay.
Any pure bred sheep, divided into three sections
149 Ram Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
150 Ewe Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
151 Ram
152 Ewe
153 Ram Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
154 Ewe Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
155 Ram
156 Ewe
Primitive Breed
157 Ram Lamb – born after 01.11.2014
158 Ewe Lamb - born after 01.11.2014
159 Ram
160 Ewe
Judging of Supreme Champion and Reserve Champion from all section winners including the winner of the Rare Breed Champion, will take place after completion of judging of the above classes.
A Trio of Butchers’ Lambs
MV or non MV Accredited Flocks
First Prize sponsored by Berkswell Cheese.
165 A trio of Butchers’ lambs
The Society is very aware of the need to produce superior quality prime lamb to meet the high demands of today’s market. To encourage and recognise this a special 1st prize of £50 is awarded in the Butchers lamb class, which is judged in the pens.
166 A Trio of Butchers’ lambs, Young stock handler Class
This class is open to young stock handlers under the age of 21 years. The lambs do not need to belong to the exhibitor, but the exhibitor must have selected the lambs from the flock. The lambs will be judged in the pen and the exhibitor will be asked questions on their choice of lambs.
Showmanship Classes
Sponsored by Mr Gerald Hayes
Rosettes will be given to all entrants in both classes.
The Mr & Mrs Webster Cup will be awarded to the winner of class 167.
The Rumbush Cup will be awarded to the winner of class 168.
167 Junior – for a young person under 12 years of age, showing a sheep of any age or sex.
168 Senior – for a young person over 12 and under 16 years of age, showing a sheep of any age or sex.
Wool on the Hoof
169 Wool on the Hoof – open to any breed, any sex, any age. Entries will be judged on the quality of the fleece only
Judging commences at 10am
Judge: Mrs Emma Edgar
Chief Pig Steward: Mr Barry Putman
Entry Fee: £3
Prizes: 1st £18 2nd £13 3rd £8 4th £6
(4th paid only if 6 or more entries in the class)
The 1st and 2nd prize winners of classes 180-184 will be eligible to compete for The Stoneymoor Shield for the Champion Rare Breed Pig.
The M Hicks Shield will be presented to the Reserve Champion Rare Breed Pig.
The Thomas Webb Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the winners of class 185
The Champion Pig sponsored by Gibbs Brothers will be awarded £40 and a Champion sash.
The Reserve Champion will receive a prize of £30
180 Sow born before 01.07.2014
181 Gilt born on or after 01.07.2014
182 Gilt born on or after 01.09.2014
183 Gilt born on or after 01.01.2015
184 Boar born on or after 01.01.2015
185 A pair of pigs
If three or more of any one breed come forward on Show Day they will be judged separately.
Best Young Handler
This will take place at 1.30pm – prizes will be awarded
Prizes: 1st £2, subsequent placing £1.
Rene Oram Trophy will be awarded to Best Young Handler class 187
F.A.S Trophy will be awarded to Best Young Handler class 188
All entrants will receive a rosette
187 Aged 8 – 12 years of age
188 Aged 13 – 16 years of age
This will be followed by Pig Agility and suitable prizes will be awarded
Poultry Show
Poultry Secretary
Mrs Mandy Davies
Daffodil House
Brick Hill Lane
Harvest Hill
07870 266941
Email -
Poultry Committee - Mr Edward Cotterrell, Mrs Mandy Davies, Mr Ian Farrar, Ms Juliette Little, Mr Rupert Stephenson,
Poultry Tent Stewards
Mrs Gill Armitage, Ms Pam Cain, Mrs Jane Edwards
Poultry – Mr Huw Evans
Eggs – Mr Peter Hunt
General Regulations
The Poultry Show will be held in accordance with the rules of the Poultry Club of Great Britain.
All exhibitors must cleanse and disinfect their show boxes, crates or baskets before the event and be advised to do the same on return to the home premises.
Only birds entered in the show or sale will be allowed in the poultry tent.
Whilst every care is taken, the Society cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to birds, eggs or equipment during the show.
The Society reserves the right to alter times stated if deemed necessary.
Birds whose condition causes concern to judges or stewards will be removed and isolated.
No exhibitor may approach the judges prior to or during judging.
The decision of the Committee and of the judges is final.
Poultry: A completed entry form with full payment must be sent to the Poultry Secretary (details above) to arrive no later than 4th August.
Eggs: Entries can be
- pre-entered (using the egg entry form), or
- entered on Saturday 8th August between 4-7pm in the Poultry Tent, or
- on Show Day Sunday 9th August between 7.15am and 9am.
No entries will be accepted after 9am.
Egg entries left overnight in the show tent are at the owners’ risk.