Ref: YVU/RUSA/LIBRARY/JOURNALS/WEB/2017 Dt.: 01-02-2018.

Subject: Inviting quotation for Indian Journals to be purchased for Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam Central Library, YVU, Kadapa.

Ref: 1. Lr.No. YVU/KDP/Library/RUSA/Journals/2017, dated 21-12-2017 of Library Assistant,

YVU, Kadapa.

2. Vice-Chancellor’s orders dated 31-01-2018



The Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa invites sealed Quotation from reputed Journal subscription agencies in India for the supply of Indian Journals (Print copy) at Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam Central Library, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa. The list of Indian Journals (Annexure II) along with terms & conditions of the supply is enclosed for your ready reference. Quotations has to be addressed to the Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Vemana Puram, Kadapa 516003., in a sealed Cover, super scribing “Quotation for Indian Journals for Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam Central Library” and should reach the YVU on or before 21st February , 2018 at 4 p.m. The supply of Journals should be from the date of purchase order of the period mentioned in the Annexure-II. Incomplete Quotations and the Quotations received after the due date and time will not be accepted. The Quotation sent by Post/Speed post/Ordinary Post/Courier/Drop box, received after due date & time will also not be accepted. The quotation indicating Journals rates and percentage (%) of discount and the time period for delivery may also be mentioned clearly. The Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa reserves the right to accept/ reject/cancel any or all Quotations without assigning any reason thereof.


Enclosed: 1. Terms & Conditions

2. List of Indian Journals.


Terms & Conditions

1. Prices: Please confirm that you will be charging the Publisher prices applicable for India any other special reduced prices, applicable for developing countries.

2. Delivery commencement: The supplier should inform the time required for commencement of delivery of journals from the date of order.

3. Delivery Mode: All the journals must be hand delivered/couriered by the Supplier at the Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa- 516003.

4. Agreement: The Supplier must be willing to sign Agreement with the Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa against the Subscription order.

5. Refund against missing issues of Journals: The Supplier must provide pro-rata refund against the missing issues of journals as per the agreement.

6. Supplementary Bills along with Price Proof: All Supplementary Bills must be raised within 90 days from the date of order. All supplementary Bills should be submitted along with Publisher Price Proof applicable for the Year.

7. Existing Customer List: The Supplier should enclose List of colleges, Universities, Govt. Institutions served by the Supplier for Journal Subscription Services or other customers of National repute.

8. Discount Offered: The Supplier should inform Discount offered on complete order. Discount on individual /selected Journals will not be entertained.

9. Service charges: The Supplier should inform whether any service charges are applicable on journal Subscription services

10. Publisher Price Proof for the Year 2018: The Supplier must submit 2018 Publisher Price Proof along with the Invoice.

11. Refund for late Publication/Ceased Publication: In case if the Supplier is not in a position to place the order for any journal ordered by Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa or in case of Journal not being published for the Year 2018, the advance collected by the Supplier must be refunded within 60 days from the date of receiving advance payment to The Registrar, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa- 516003.



List of Indian Journals for the year 2018

S.No / Name of the Journal / Subscription
Period / Frequency / Subscription Cost in Rs.
/ Indian Journal of Mathematics / One year
/ Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography – (Print & Online) / One year
/ Bio-Science Research Bulletin – ( Print & Online) / One year
/ Indian journal of Medical Biochemistry (IJMB) / One year
/ Phytomorphology / One year
/ Rheedea Indian Journal of Angiosperm Taxonomy / One year
/ Asian Journal of Chemistry – ( Print & Online) / One year
/ Indian Journal of Commerce / Two years
/ Geophysical Physical Union / One year
/ Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics / Life membership
/ Indian Journal of Labour Economics / One years
/ Asian Economic Review / Three years
/ Vision : journal of the Jayaprakash Narayan Institute of Economic & Social Studies. / One Year
/ South Asian Journal of Management Research (SAJMR)
ISSN No.0974-763X. / One year
/ Journal of English Language Teaching / Three years
/ Journal of Indian Writing in English / One year
/ Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences / Life membership
/ Art & Deal / Two years
/ Art India / Two years


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/ Journal of indian phytopathology
ISSN 0367-973X / Life membership
/ International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering / One year
/ Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels / One year
/ Indian Ocean Archaeology / One year
/ Journal of creative communication
– ( Print & Online) / One year
/ Journal of Media Watch / Two year
/ Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Science / Three years
/ The National medical journal of India, / Five years
/ IIMB Management review, / Three years
/ Journal of Polymer Materials
– ( Print & Online) / One year
/ Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis / One year
/ International Journal of Computer Engineering & Software technology / One year
/ International Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering . / One year
/ Indian Journal of Materials Physics / One year
/ Indian Journal of Political Science / Three years
/ Journal of Indian academy of applied psychology / Three years
/ Streevada patrika bhumika / One year
/ Vaangmayi / One year
/ Urdu Duniya / One year
/ Fikr-O-Tehqeeq / One year
/ Journal of Advanced Zoology / Life membership
/ Indian Journal of Animal Sciences / One year
/ Indian Journal of Medical Research / One year
/ Indian Journal of Pharmacology
– ( Print & Online) / One year