West Kansas District

Megan Hagaman—Salina South

Russ Tidwell—Garden City

David Williams—Newton

Larissa Carter—Buhler

Curtis Shephard--Maize


As most of you are aware the district qualifying tournament approaching. Please review the following information carefully to ensure a smooth and successful tournament. Remember, the total number of entries afforded each school is based on the total number of degrees and memberships your chapter has attained. You may also view this information in a handy chart on the NSDA website. Log into www.speechanddebate.org , go to your account profile, and click the district information tab. At the bottom is a chart that shows how many entries you may have.

1 - 15 members and degrees 3 entry 16 - 20 members and degrees 5 entries

21 - 30 members and degrees 8 entries 31 - 40 members and degrees 10 entries

41 - 50 members and degrees 12 entries 51 - 60 members and degrees 13 entries

61 - 70 members and degrees 15 entries 71 - 80 members and degrees 17 entries

81 - 90 members and degrees 19 entries 91 - 100 members and degrees 20 entries

101-120 members and degrees 22 entries 121-140 members and degrees 24 entries

141-160 members and degrees 26 entries 161-180 members and degrees 27 entries

181-200 members and degrees 28 entries 201-230 members and degrees 29 entries

231-260 members and degrees 30 entries 261-300 members and degrees 31 entries

301-350 members and degrees 32 entries 351-400 members and degrees 33 entries

401-500 members and degrees 34 entries 501-600 members and degrees 35 entries

Each school is limited to no more than 4 teams and each team will count as 1 entry against your overall total. Each entry will be $20.00, or $10.00 for each student.

Reminder:Students may only enter one partnership debate event (Policy Debate or Public Forum). Students may enter in one partnership debate event as partners and in Duo Interpretation as the same partnership. A student may not enter a partnership debate event and a Duo Interpretation with different partners unless the two events are held on different weekends.

If the partner debate event and the duo event do not occur on the same weekend, the school may forfeit its alternate position that resulted from the first competition, allowing new partnerships to be created. If the school wishes for the alternate status to be retained from the first competition, the same partnership has to be used when entering the next competition. If the first competition resulted in a qualification for nationals, those students are ineligible to enter a team event with different partners.


December 8th and 9th at Newton High School, 900 W 12th St, Newton, KS 67114.

Friday (Dec. 8) Registration (Auditorium) 2:00 P.M.

Coaches Meeting (Auditorium) 2:30 P.M.

General Assembly (Auditorium) 3:00 P.M.

Round 1 3:30 P.M.

Round 2 5:30 P.M.

Round 3 7:30 P.M.

Saturday (Dec. 9) Round 4 9:00 A.M.

Round 5 11:00 A.M.

Round 6 1:00 P.M.

Round 7 3:00 P.M.

Round 8 5:00 P.M.

Remember, your teams are guaranteed a minimum of TWO rounds. Once a team has two losses, they are eliminated from further competition. Debate will continue until the number of teams left with less than two losses equals the number of teams we are able to send to nationals. We need 30 teams entered in order to qualify three teams for the national tournament.

GREEN SHEETS (Speech and Debate Entry Form)

Green Sheets are no longer required to be collected by the NSDA, there will be no need to turn in green sheets this year.


Student membership must be verified via the NFL online point system. If a student is not on the NFL system, they will not be eligible to compete. They have to have 25 points as well as have their email address registered online. (This does not count for the students in the novice tournament.)


We will be using tabroom.com to complete all registration for our District Tournaments this year. We will be using the system to tabulate results, assign judges, and complete ballots. Please make certain that you have created a tabroom account for yourself, and linked your NSDA members to your account. Tabroom will also generate an invoice for you to complete.


Please read this information very carefully. Having enough judges will be one of the most important parts of a successful tournament.

1) For each team you must provide ONE judge (school) plus the coach. School judges and coaches must be available to judge every round. School judges must be available to judge one round beyond their team’s elimination from the tournament.

2) College Freshman and Sophomores ARE NOT eligible to judge the qualifier unless they did not compete at a Kansas school.

3) All debate rounds will have 3 judges. Tabroom will determine the judges.

4) Be sure to submit a paradigm sheet for each school judge that you are bringing. Each coach should also complete a paradigm sheet for themselves. Please complete all information on the forms as best you can. Be sure to designate the rounds which the judges will be available. The judges are expected to carry a paradigm sheet with them and we will also post the paradigm sheets in a designated location at the tournament. These should be completed on tabroom by each judge and coach.

5) Be sure your judges are available at least one round past your teams rounds of competition. Without your required number of judges, your teams CANNOT compete.

6) Please have all paradigm sheets completed on tabroom.com by December 6th.


Tentative entries due by November 21st