Permaculture Design Coaching Questionnaire
Your Name:
What are you hoping to achieve through a design coaching process?
_____ I want to learn tools that I'll be able to use on my own later.
_____ I want to take better care of the land. I don't know much about permaculture, though it sounds like a helpful a approach.
_____ I've been learning about permaculture on my own and would like help taking the next steps.
_____ I took an online PDC. I'd like to have someone with more experience walk on my land and guide me in my next steps.
_____ I took a PDC in-person. I'm very comfortable with permaculture and would simply enjoy having another person's perspective.
_____ My time and energy are limited, so I want someone to design and implement it for me.
_____ I want my land-based business to be more sustainable and viable.
_____ Other – please describe:
In what areas are you most wanting assistance? Please indicate below.
_____ overall design for a piece of land
_____ design for an edible forest garden
_____ design for a large-scale water harvesting system (eg. swales, keyline, pond)
_____ design for a commercial farm
_____ placement of specific elements (eg. house, orchard, veggie garden) – please describe:
_____ starting a garden
_____ how do I get started?
_____ what are the next steps?
_____ help with focus, planning and/or taking action
_____ other – please describe:
What are you hoping to create or achieve on your land? What is your goal?
What are your biggest questions and/or challenges with your land or the project you have in mind?
What is the size of the piece of land (approximately)?
Roughly how many hours of coaching are you considering?
_____ 1 to 2 hours – a site walk and/or discussion, to help me get started
_____ I'm not sure; I'd like to decide as we go along
_____ 10 hours – the minimum recommended for a full design coaching process
_____ 20 to 30 hours – for an in-depth design coaching process
How did you hear about or find us?
Do you have other questions for Bonita at this time?
Phone number:
Skype name:
To schedule a free 30-min phone or Skype session with Bonita to explore possibilities, please indicate your availability for the next three weeks. (Please note that Bonita generally does not book these calls for the weekend.)
_____ weekdays during the day
_____ weekdays in the evening
_____ these specific dates and times:
Bonita Ford